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ArrazzazBot 22:01, 29 Mei 2008 (UTC)Balas

Pengubahan parser (Infobox Aircraft)

Saudara, kelakuan anda dengan mengubah parser di atas mengikut adalah tidak patut. Saya tahu, niat anda mungkin baik, akan tetapi mengubah sesuatu parser tanpa memikirkan kesannya amat tidak dialu-alukan. Sekiranya anda ingin lakukan juga, pastikan ia bahagian yang berkenaan juga dialih bahasa. Jangan sekadar "copy-and-paste". Buat pengetahuan anda, hampir kesemua rencana berkaitan pesawat yang terlibat merupakan hasil usaha saya. Dan untuk menyuntingnya semula memerlukan masa yang lama. Terima kasih. Zamwan (bincang) 15:24, 17 Disember 2008 (UTC)Balas

New infobox


Dear Fritz @ Metzelder Siow, TQVM for your message. Very much appreciate if you can rename the existing template i.e. Infobox Aircraft Type to its original name i.e. Infobox Aircraft, as to make change on articles itself is time consuming job. As for articles related to Airbus and Boeing, you may create a new template for it or the easiest way is by rolling it back/undo to the time where its were in good format. My apology if my messages had caused hard feeling to you and/or your friend. Zamwan (bincang) 09:00, 18 Disember 2008 (UTC)Balas

Fritz, yes I am fully agreed with your suggestion. Let existing articles use "Infobox Aircraft" or "Info Pesawat" whereby new article shall be used "Infobox Aircraft Type". BTW, I did prepared several new articles (via offline) and it used "Infobox Aircraft" template. I am going to upload its' into by today, and I hope you don't mind. As for existing articles which have redirect infobox, I had rectified its' last night, and it took almost 2 hours to fix it. BTW, thanks a lot for your help for the past 2 days. TQ Zamwan (bincang) 02:41, 19 Disember 2008 (UTC)Balas