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...Aurora... (b) 16:22, 26 Januari 2010 (UTC)Balas

Sucos of Timor Leste


Thanks for inform about that.--파한 Aplikasi 13:27, 26 April 2013 (UTC)Balas

You are welcome! --J. Patrick Fischer (bincang) 13:30, 26 April 2013 (UTC)Balas

Thanks for help me to create some articles about Timor-Leste. After this I want to create some articles about Indonesia.--파한 Aplikasi 14:08, 26 April 2013 (UTC)Balas

There were some changes in Dili District. I do not have many informations about Indonesia, there is a list from 2010, but there has been some changes since this time. I think Indonesian Wikipedia has a complete list. --J. Patrick Fischer (bincang) 14:14, 26 April 2013 (UTC)Balas
I'm already refer it from Indonesian Wiipedia as I have create about Sumatera Barat in Minang Wikipedia.--파한 Aplikasi 14:18, 26 April 2013 (UTC)Balas
I am working on the Southern Moluccas in the moment. By the way: I tried to expand Dare (suco), but I was unsuccesfull to add the area. --J. Patrick Fischer (bincang) 16:40, 26 April 2013 (UTC)Balas
Hi, meet again, anyway thanks for help to change a sucos name into a new name.--파한 Aplikasi 13:21, 27 April 2013 (UTC)Balas
I will complete the list. The expansion has to be done by someone, who speaks the language. ;-) Think about changing the other articles to new spelling. --J. Patrick Fischer (bincang) 13:23, 27 April 2013 (UTC)Balas
 Nice--파한 Aplikasi 13:27, 27 April 2013 (UTC)Balas
Thanks for your nice work and collaborations to connected this wikis into another wikis.--파한 Aplikasi 14:57, 27 April 2013 (UTC)Balas


  Bintang Penghargaan Tunas
Special to you because you have help me to create and improve the articles about sucor of Timor Leste and expand about sucos templates. Good work.  파한 Aplikasi 13:42, 27 April 2013 (UTC)Balas

Terima kasih! --J. Patrick Fischer (bincang) 13:43, 27 April 2013 (UTC)Balas

Sama-sama. I see you can speak Malay.--파한 Aplikasi 13:45, 27 April 2013 (UTC)Balas
Thanks to Google translator. ;-) --J. Patrick Fischer (bincang) 13:53, 27 April 2013 (UTC)Balas

Jemputan 2


Anda dijemput untuk mengundi saudara @SNN95: sebagai penyelia Wikipedia bahasa Melayu. Untuk mengundi sila ke laman ini. Terima kasih.Apli kasi 12:09, 30 November 2013 (UTC)Balas

Rencana Pilihan bulan Ogos


Saya telah mencalonkan artikel KIL (filem) sebagai artikel pilihan bulan Ogos. Saya mengharapkan anda dapat memberi ulasan dan mengundi untuk artikel tersebut (sekiranya layak di dalam pemerhatian anda). Terima Kasih - Mrpresidentfaris (bincang) 03:53, 7 Ogos 2015 (UTC)Balas

Rencana Pilihan bulan September


Saya telah mencalonkan artikel Upin & Ipin sebagai artikel pilihan bulan September. Saya mengharapkan anda dapat memberi ulasan dan mengundi untuk artikel tersebut (sekiranya layak di dalam pemerhatian anda). Terima Kasih - Mrpresidentfaris (bincang) 03:53, 7 Ogos 2015 (UTC)Balas