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Semoga anda menikmati kunjungan di Wikipedia bahasa Melayu. Selamat menyumbang!

Do not understand Malay? Visit our embassy now.
Ikhlas daripada saya, Alistaire

Penulis (bincang) 03:58, 18 Januari 2009 (UTC)Balas

Welcome to the Malay Wikipedia!
Hello El Mexicano! Thanks for contributing to Malay Wikipedia!
The following are relevant wiki links for users based here mainly for InterWiki/Wikidata purposes.

See also our list of local administrators. Should you require any assistance here, you may contact me or any one of our ambassadors listed at our embassy. You may also leave a message there for the attention of the whole Malay Wikipedia community. Should the assistance you require be technical in nature, please leave a note with one of our administrators.

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A|istairé₁₉⁸⁵ (bincang) 16:34, 31 Januari 2009 (UTC)Balas

Austronesian languages


To answer your question, there is mutual intelligibility between Malay and Indonesian (although their accent and words (as well as choice of words) do tend to sound weird at times. There is no intelligibility between Malay and Tagalog any more then there would be between Malay and Maori, for example, because these languages have drifted apart further enough. Tagalog does however have a few words for meanings that Malay has, for example Aku (Malay) Ako (Tagalog) still means I and Anak in both Malay and Tagalog still means child. The fact that Portuguese and Spanish are related also makes some words the same in Malay and Tagalog as well, since while Tagalog is influenced by Spanish, Malay was influenced by Portuguese. For example, the word mesa or table in Spanish and Portuguese entered into Tagalog as Mesa and into Malay as Meja. Note that not all are the same, since the word Window is Jenela in Portuguese and Ventana in Spanish, it entered Malay as Jendela and Tagalog as Bintana instead. — A|istairé₁₉⁸⁵ (bincang) 16:34, 31 Januari 2009 (UTC)Balas