Selamat datang, Bwood! Welcome to ms.wikipedia. I think with you, Dekolie and Mersault2004 joining the project, the number of Malay speakers finally outnumber the non Malay speakers. How did you find out about the Wiki project? Are you on the other wikis? -- Kowey 09:56, 27 Feb 2004 (UTC)

  • Thanks for the welcoming message. I was just toying around with it. I knew about it sometime ago, then it was posted on slashdot recently. Thought I had a look. I see there are some contributors for Malay section as well. Cool!

I'm still learning though. Maybe I'll contribute more in future. For the time being, I'm just correcting bits and pieces. :)

Thank you for your message concerning the use of language in Indonesian Wikipedia! At first I also felt the correct sentence should be "Bahasa pemprograman" instead of [Bahasa_pemrograman] because program is a foreign loanword and loanwords with initial voiceless consonant retain their forms, even after prenasalisation, e.g.: "penterjemahan", "pengkuburan" etc., whereas native Austronesian forms assimilate into the nasal. For example: "penabungan" (from "tabung"), "pemukulan" (from "pukul") etc. But there is an exception; the /c/ retains its form, e.g. "cuci"-> "pencucian" and not "penyucian", because the later is a derivative of "suci".

So anyway back to "pemrograman"; I checked the dictionary (Kamus Besar Bahasa Indonesia, 1997) and indeed, "pemrograman" is the correct form, as is "pemrosesan". At first I thought this is as consequence of the cluster "pr-". But then again we can also look at the following forms: "palsu" -> "pemalsuan", "parkir" (to park, from Dutch, parkeren) -> "pemarkiran".

On the other hand, the active verb forms out of these words are:

program -> memprogram
parkir -> memarkir


Well I hope, this would be sufficient, thank you and happy Wikipediing!

Meursault2004 08:54, 18 Mac 2004 (UTC)Balas

Wow, thanks for that informations! In Malaysian standard Bahasa Melayu, words such as program, praktikal, (loan words) is usual retain in their original form when used as noun, or verb. Eg, memproses, mengepos. But in case of program, (in computer sense), the term aturcara is used to replace it.
note however that I am not a linguist or an expert in this field, so I maybe incorrect. But as far as computer term, I'm quite familiar with most of them.
Thanks for sharing the knowledge! A new knowledge gained in my part. :) -- Bwood 01:08, 19 Mac 2004 (UTC)Balas
This is really interesting. Have you taken a phonetics course recently? Are you a linguist at all, or just interested in languages? -- Kowey 07:56, 19 Mac 2004 (UTC)Balas

--- Sudah!!!!!

Programming is Pengaturcaraan in bahasa Melayu. Programming language is bahasa pengaturcaraan. :) Kurniasan 14:28, 5 April 2007 (UTC)Balas

Bahasa Inggeris


Jangan gunakan Bahasa Inggeris di perbincangan rencana, seperti yang dibuat di Perbincangan:Astro ria, gunakan Bahasa Melayu. Terima kasih. Bryan See 10:15, 16 Oktober 2007 (UTC)Balas

--- Terima Kasih atas nasihat anda Encik Bryan See. Sila beri perhatian yang perbincangan yang anda rujukan di atas dibuat pada 2004. Ironiknya saya membalas anda pada 2010. Sebagai konteks, perbincangan tersebut adalah cross-post (maaf saya gunakan bahasa inggeris di sini sebab saya kurang maklum perkataan yang sesuai dalam bahasa melayu) antara saya dengan seorang wikipedian dari bahasa indonesia berkenaan penggunaan perkataaan yang sesuai untuk pengaturcaraan, yang bahasa inggerisnya adalah 'program' (oops, terguna bahasa inggeris lagi, maaf bos).

Sesungguhnya perbincangan di alam maya mudah disalahtafsir. Saya mencadangkan Encik Bryan See, kalau boleh gunakan kata-kata yang lebih bertatasusilah. Contohnya, 'Jangan' membawa maksud terlarang atau tidak digalakkan. Namun penggunaannya di sini menyampaikan nada yang tegas, dan bersifat arahan. Untuk melembutkan lagi nada, gunakan perkataan 'Sila' sebelum kata-kerja tersebut. Maksud adalah sama tapi cara penyampaian lebih lembut dan menggalakkan. --Bwood (bincang) 10:37, 23 Januari 2010 (UTC)Balas

Akaun anda akan dinamakan semula


03:51, 18 Mac 2015 (UTC)

Dinamakan semula


09:47, 19 April 2015 (UTC)