Perbincangan pengguna:Algazel/Arkib Jun 2012-13
Assalamualaikum, Salam sejahtera & Salam Wikipedia, Algazel/Arkib Jun 2012-13, Selamat datang ke Wikipedia bahasa Melayu! | ||||||||
Lihat juga tutorial Wikipedia dan Meja bantuan. Untuk menandatangani pesanan anda pada laman perbualan, seperti laman ini, letakkan ~~~~ (empat kali tanda gelombang) atau klik butang
, سلامت داتڠ ک ويکيڤيديا بهاس ملايو Algazel/Arkib Jun 2012-13, ! السلامعليکم, سلام سجهترا دان سلام ويکيڤيديا | ||||||||
ليهت جوݢأ توتوريال ويکيڤيديا دان ميجا بنتوان. اونتوق مننداتاڠني ڤسنن اندا ڤد لامن ڤربوالن, سڤرتي لامن اين, لتککن ~~~~ (امڤت کالي تندا ݢلومبڠ) اتاو کليک بوتڠ
Yosri (bincang) 02:32, 24 Jun 2012 (UTC)
suntingAnda boleh melihat semua sumbangan anda di bahagian atas kanan Sumbangan Saya tanpa perlu mencatat secara insani. Yosri (bincang)
Terima kasih
suntingTerima kasih di atas sumbangan anda. Rencana anda amat menarik perhatian saya. :) Yosri (bincang) 10:00, 23 Julai 2012 (UTC)
- Sama-sama Yosri. Terima kasih di atas bantuan anda! Saya berharap ada yang sudi membaca rencana...ramai orang Islam terutamanya orang muda tidak menyedari kekayaan khazanah tamadun Islam silam. Ramai mengenali Galileo atau Newton tapi tidak mengenali Ibn Al-Haitham, 'enabler' mereka..... 10:19, 23 Julai 2012 (UTC)
Butterworth airport
suntingLihat Yosri (bincang) 03:32, 25 Ogos 2012 (UTC)
- Terima kasih. Saya sedang mencari dan menyemak rujukan. Kebanyakan rujukan hanya menyebut Alor Setar dan Sg Petani tetapi Percival ada menyebut P.Pinang (Butterworth). Sebenarnya banyak lagi aerodrom di Taiping, Ipoh, Kuantan, Rahang, KL yang hanya disebut sepintas lalu dalam rujukan mungkin kerana RAF sudah hampir musnah dan diundurkan ke Singapura. Penyuntingan bersesuaian akan dibuat pada rencana. Algazel (bincang) 00:47, 26 Ogos 2012 (UTC)
suntingWassalam. Terima kasih banyak2 atas pesanan anda. Kalau begitu, jika anda beranggapan saya menggangu kelancaran rencana, terutama rencana anda, saya tidak akan lagi mencelah kepada rencana anda, maafkan saya banyak2 jika ada tersalah atau tersilap, saya cuma hendak membantu. - Filiosus's Saga (bincang) 15:16, 7 September 2012 (UTC)
suntingMaklumat itu kurang tepat dan juga saya rasa agak kontrovesi. Yosri (bincang) 04:55, 8 September 2012 (UTC)
suntingTerima kasih di atas sumbangan saudara. Anda boleh melihat statistik Wikipedia bahasa Melayu berbanding bahasa lain di Yosri (bincang) 13:07, 19 September 2012 (UTC)
- Terima kasih di atas pautan. Boleh tahan juga Wiki BM. Kurang bahasa Indonesia, WBM memiliki bilangan rencana antara yang terbanyak di kalangan bahasa Asean di belakang.......Vietnam!. Tak pasti sama ada orang Brunei turut menyumbang atau mungkinkah WBM terlalu "Malaysia-centric"? Nanti InsyaAllah saya cuba tambah satu dua rencana tentang Brunei. Mungkin dapat masuk "gambar pilihan" dan diketengahkan pencapaian Brunei ;) . Salut Algazel (bincang) 00:18, 20 September 2012 (UTC)
suntingSebenarnya ada dua dasar Wikipedia yang anda perlu ketahui, iaitu:-
Kita perlu memberi peluang pada mereka kerana mereka mungkin benar benar ikhlas menulis menurut pemahaman mereka. Jadi sabarlah sahaja dengan telatah mereka. Saya sendiri belum berpeluang membuat penyelidikan mengenai subjek tersebut, cuma saya tahu adanya syarikat dagang Islam jadi itu sebabnya saya tidak begitu tegas. Kerana bukan semua yang saya tidak tahu itu tidak benar. Yosri (bincang) 11:49, 27 September 2012 (UTC)
Cuti penyuntingan
suntingDah habis
suntingSalam. Berkenaan tulisan Jawi, saya gunakan laman eJawi dan bagi saya ia bagus jugalah. Harap kamu boleh cuba. Kadangkala saya tulis sendiri gunakan yang ada pada laman penyuntingan Wikipedia sendiri. - 26 Ramadan (Bincang) 10:56, 23 Oktober 2012 (UTC)
Peratus kredibiliti Wikipedia BM
suntingWaalaikumsalam. Berdasarkan beberapa survey yang saya lakukan, tidak berapa ramai rakan saya yang berminat menulis di Wikipedia BM. Alasan utama kerana tidak berikan duit. Mereka juga lebih menggemari rujuk Wikipedia BI berbanding BM walhal kemudiannya mereka salin dan tempel maklumat di Wikipedia BI ke Google Translate pula. Pelik tetapi benar. Cuma yang pasti, saya lihat kredibiliti rencana WBM boleh meningkat jika penyumbang menyertakan sekali rujukan seperti mana Wikipedia BI banyak lakukan. Memang dikatakan rakyat Malaysia kurang membaca, tetapi yang penting kita jadikan yang rajin membaca menyumbang di WBM (semestinya saya seorang rajin membaca). Ada yang ingin menyumbang tetapi maklumat tutorial kaedah sumbangan banyak dalam bahasa Inggeris. Sekarang saya cuba memikirkan bagaimana nak buatkan tutorial ringkas agar budak umur 12 tahun pun boleh menyumbang (semestinya dengan sumber rujukan juga). -- i wong (bincang) 04:52, 29 November 2012 (UTC)
- Sebenarnya saya kurang mengerti maksud saudara tentang survey itu. Saya hanyalah melakukan tembakan rawak kepada beberapa orang rakan saya. Tidaklah ia satu penyelidikan saintifik. -- i wong (bincang) 08:42, 29 November 2012 (UTC)
- Mungkin anda berdua boleh senaraikan 100 rencana penting yang kita patut ada dan letakkan di permohonan rencana. Kemudian, kita sama-sama cipta rencana tersebut sehingga selesai. Selepas itu boleh diganti dengan 100 rencana bagus yang lain pula. Yosri (bincang) 09:19, 29 November 2012 (UTC)
- Ini senarai 1,000 rencana penting. ...Aurora... (b) 14:59, 29 November 2012 (UTC)
- Mungkin anda berdua boleh senaraikan 100 rencana penting yang kita patut ada dan letakkan di permohonan rencana. Kemudian, kita sama-sama cipta rencana tersebut sehingga selesai. Selepas itu boleh diganti dengan 100 rencana bagus yang lain pula. Yosri (bincang) 09:19, 29 November 2012 (UTC)
Assalamualaikum Saudara Algazel, saya ingin adukan masalah saya dan pelajar-pelajar saya kepada saudara Algazel tentang beberapa tindakan Saudara Irfan Shaharuddin menyekat akaun dan juga IP Universiti Malaysia Perlis dari menyumbang dan menyunting artikel. Saya mohon saudara boleh membantu. Berikut adalah perbualan antara kami berdua, harap saudara Algazel boleh campurtangan. Selain saya adukan perkara ini kepada saudara Algazel, saya turut adukan juga kepada Saudara Yosri dan Izham Wong. Minta maaf, harap tindakan saya ini tidak dianggap sebagai spam.
Assalamualaikum Irfan dan Yosri Saya, Dr Nashrul Fazli Mohd Nasir, pensyarah Universiti Malaysia Perlis, Pusat Pengajian Kejuruteraan Mekatronik untuk kursus subjek Organ Buatan ENT 318. Saya minta agar Sdr Irfan agar tidak terlalu tegas dalam memantau wikipedia dengan memblok pelajar-pelajar saya yang ingin menyumbangkan artikel kepada wikipedia. Mereka telah cuba menulis artikel yang berkaitan dengan organ buatan, tetapi Irfan telah bertindak memblok dan menuduh mereka atas tuduhan vandalisme dan membuka laman yang "karut". Saya sebelum ini turut menyumbang beberapa artikel dan tidak menghadapi masalah ini. Saya meminta agar sdr Irfan tidak memblok pelajar-pelajar saya kerana ini adalah sebahagian tugasan mereka. Tujuan saya memberikan tugasan ini atas niat untuk memperkasakan bahasa Melayu yang kurang artikel berunsurkan sains dan teknologi. Nashrul (bincang) 10:43, 26 Mac 2013
Assalamualaikum Sdr Irfan, Tugasan yang saya berikan kepada pelajar saya bukanlah untuk main-main atau bereksperimentasi dengan wikipedia. Salah satu akaun yang saudara blok adalah BEE AO dan malang sekali, saudara bukan saja memblok akaun tersebut tetapi semua pengguna yang menggunakan IP yang sama. IP tersebut adalah IP kepada semua pengguna internet di Universiti Malaysia Perlis. Oleh itu, saya sendiri hanya boleh dan terpaksa membalas isu ini di rumah. Menurut pelajar saya, dia hanya menyuntingnya 2-3 kali saja dan terus didakwa melakukan vandalisme. Untuk pengetahuan saudara Irfan, kumpulan pelajar luar negara yakni dari Indonesia dan negara Arab, telah saya tugaskan untuk menghasilkan artikel wikipedia dalam bahasa Indonesia dan bahasa Arab dan mereka tidak menghadapi sebarang masalah seperti yang dihadapi oleh pelajar tempatan.
Saudara Irfan, anda tidak boleh mengharapkan semua orang mampu menghasilkan artikel wikipedia sekali sunting saja. Harus diingat bahawa artikel yang saya tugaskan adalah artikel yang mengkhusus melibatkan organ-organ palsu dan aplikasi kejuruteraan bioperubatan.Yang rugi dalam jangka masa pendek ini adalah pelajar saya, tetapi jangkasa masa panjang adalah negara kita dan bangsa kita sendiri. Siapa lagi yang hendak menyumbang artikel dalam Bahasa Melayu seperti ini jika bukan orang akademik yang ada kesedaram seperti saya dan juga pelajar-pelajar di peringkat pengajian tinggi? Ini adalah inisiatif saya untuk mendaulatkan Bahasa Melayu. Saya ada rancangan untuk mengajak rakan-rakan saya untuk menterjemah dan menyumbang artikel, tapi melihat perkembangan ini, saya rasa saya perlu tangguhkan dulu. wassalam, Dr Nashrul
Nashrul (bincang)
titik merah
suntingBantuan anda dihargai. Yosri (bincang) 11:34, 7 Disember 2012 (UTC)
Menyekat Pengguna Yang Melaku Musnah
suntingSaya mencadangkan pengguna yang bernama David "Section" Mason disekat akaunnya kerana banyak melaku musnah. Berikut merupakan senarai laman yang dilaku musnah olehnya: Irfanshaharuddin (bincang) 13:50, 25 Disember 2012 (UTC)
WBM 160,000
suntingAlhamdulilah, mari sama-sama kita capai target 200,000 menjelang Mac 2013 ini. Harap semua pengguna yang aktif di WBM ini dapat membantu. TAk kisahlah rencana panjang atau pendek.--Aplikasi (bincang) 06:34, 2 Januari 2013 (UTC)
RE:Paparan Jawi
suntingW'salam. Saya masih belum mempunyai laman tersebut dan hanya ingin mencuba paparan Jawi kerana ia suatu perkara yang menarik. Apapun terima kasih untuk maklumat itu. :) - 26 Ramadan (Bincang) 12:09, 7 Januari 2013 (UTC)
suntingSalam, saya ingin mencadangkan anda untuk menjadi penyelia. Sudikah anda untuk menerima jawatan tersebut? kerana saya rasa anda sudah layak untuk bergelar seorang penyelia.--Aplikasi (bincang) 08:58, 11 Januari 2013 (UTC)
- Setuju -- i wong (bincang) 11:06, 11 Januari 2013 (UTC)
- Baiklah, saya akan mengemukakannya.--Aplikasi (bincang) 11:52, 11 Januari 2013 (UTC)
- Pengundian anda sebagai penyelia telah dibuka.--Aplikasi (bincang) 12:46, 11 Januari 2013 (UTC)
- OK, terima kasih. Algazel (bincang) 12:57, 11 Januari 2013 (UTC)
- Aktifkan fungsi emel juga sebagai syarat-syaratnya yg telah ditetapkan.--Aplikasi (Bincang) 21:58, 11 Januari 2013 (UTC)
- Sudah dilakukan Algazel (bincang) 01:12, 12 Januari 2013 (UTC)
- Sama-sama, anda memang layak menerimanya kerana anda begitu aktif dan peka terhadap projek WBM ini.--Aplikasi (Bincang) 12:16, 13 Januari 2013 (UTC)
Sama-sama. Wikipedia Bahasa Melayu (WBM) memang amat memerlukan lagi ramai penyumbang seperti anda. Diharapkan anda terus seronok menyumbang di WBM ini. Terima kasih. --Jufert (bincang) 07:02, 15 Januari 2013 (UTC)
Balas: Jawi
suntingSebenarnya saya kurang faham apa yang boleh saya sumbangkan. Hanya salin dan tempel sahaja atau perlu koding? -- i wong (bincang) 11:21, 11 Januari 2013 (UTC)
- Saya rasa tulisan jawi kena besar lagi saiz font. Kecil sangat untuk dibaca. Tiga titik cha tak dapat nak lihat jelas. -- i wong (bincang) 21:25, 11 Januari 2013 (UTC)
RE:Review rencana "Haji"
suntingSalam. Terima kasih kerana meletakkannya di di laman berkenaan. :) - 26 Ramadan (Bincang) 12:19, 13 Januari 2013 (UTC)
Ucapan terima kasih
suntingTerima kasih kerana mengundi saya sebagai penyelia. Mari, sama-sama kita mengembangkan bahasa Melayu melalui Wikipedia. -- i wong (bincang) 01:03, 14 Januari 2013 (UTC)
suntingBaguslah kalau macam itu. Bolehlah saya pergi dengan aman. --Kurnia [ bual ] 10:53, 15 Januari 2013 (UTC)
- Pergi kerja. --Kurnia [ bual ] 11:46, 15 Januari 2013 (UTC)
suntingSama-sama, semoga anda berjaya. Salam, Naval Scene (bincang) 05:16, 21 Januari 2013 (UTC)
Tak mengapa.. :)
suntingTidak mengapa, saya juga memahami keadaan anda dan ahli Wikipedia lain yang juga sibuk dengan tugasan harian bukan sahaja di Wikipedia, tetapi pada kehidupan sebenar juga. Terima kasih juga kerana sudi membantu. Harap anda boleh memeriksa dan membaiki sebarang kesalahan ejaan atau tatabahasa yang terdapat pada artikel tersebut. — иz нίpнόp 06:55, 17 Januari 2013 (UTC)
Berasa hairan
suntingSaya berasa hairan dengan kebanyakan fail imej di WBM, contohnya seperti ini. Ianya sudah lama berada di Wikipedia dan telah di tag untuk dihapuskan, namun fail ini masih wujud sehingga ke hari ini. — пz scόυт ʙᴀɴᴛᴜᴀɴ? 14:18, 18 Januari 2013 (UTC)
- Oh, baguslah kalau macam tu. Saya ingat semua imej-imej tanpa lesen sah itu kekal di sini tanpa sebarang tindakan. :) — пz scόυт ʙᴀɴᴛᴜᴀɴ? 14:38, 18 Januari 2013 (UTC)
suntingAnda diberii kebenaran untuk rollback. Clik on beza and pilih undurkan. Bagi memblok vandal, hubungi mana mana penyelia aktif. Yosri (bincang) 23:20, 19 Januari 2013 (UTC)
- OK terima kasih Algazel (bincang) 03:45, 20 Januari 2013 (UTC)
suntingSaya mempunyai akaun TUSC
suntingOleh kerana saya telah beri amaran, saya akan sekat sekiranya dia mengulang. Yosri (bincang) 00:13, 22 Januari 2013 (UTC)
Gambar Commons
suntingSekiranya anda menterjemah gambar Commons, saya cadangkan anda muat naik di sana sahaja. Sekurang2nya boleh guna di wiki lain, macam gambar ini. ...Aurora... (b) 07:55, 22 Januari 2013 (UTC)
Penyelia baru WBM
suntingTahniah, anda telah dilantik menjadi penyelia WBM yang baru.----Aplikasi (Bincang) 17:22, 25 Januari 2013 (UTC)
Terima kasih
suntingTerima kasih atas sokongan dan kerjasama. Harap dapat terus menyumbang bersama untuk Wikipedia Bahasa Melayu dan Wikipedia secara am :) NurulNadiahMohdAzib (bincang) 08:17, 26 Januari 2013 (UTC)
suntingTampaknya saudara sudah menjadi penyelia di sini. Tahniah! SpartacksCompatriot (bincang) 12:50, 26 Januari 2013 (UTC)
suntingSebagai penyelia baru, anda mungkin ingin membiasakan diri dengan [statistik] WBM. Yosri (bincang) 15:52, 27 Januari 2013 (UTC)
- Sebagai penyelia, anda sememangnya diperlukan menjalankan tanggungjawab anda. Cuma berlembutlah dengan mereka yang tidak mengetahui. Isi statistik saya rasa tidak perlu disalin kerana laman tersebut adalah dinamik dan terkini. Pautkan sahaja terus kelaman tersebut bagi mengetahui maklumat terkini. Cuma penyelia perlu lebih peka terhadap prestasi WBM berbanding bahasa-bahasa lain. Jangan sampai jauh ketinggalan. Yosri (bincang) 00:57, 28 Januari 2013 (UTC)
Komun di Romania
suntingBaiklah, saya akan melakukan. Terima kasih atas bantuan itu. Salut!----Aplikasi (Bincang) 05:26, 30 Januari 2013 (UTC)
suntingDi sini ada tak rencana berkenaan Kempen Borneo 1945? Alternate Ranking 3 (bincang) 12:51, 3 Februari 2013 (UTC)
- Maksud anda? Saya 'search' tak jumpa pun. Alternate Ranking 3 (bincang) 12:56, 3 Februari 2013 (UTC)
- Oh, terima kasih. Baiklah saya akan berusaha sedaya upaya bagi menghilangkan pautan merah tersebut. :) Alternate Ranking 3 (bincang) 13:04, 3 Februari 2013 (UTC)
- Baiklah, terima kasih kerana membantu. :) Alternate Ranking 3 (bincang) 13:32, 3 Februari 2013 (UTC)
- Ok. :) Alternate Ranking 3 (bincang) 04:25, 4 Februari 2013 (UTC)
- Terima kasih juga kerana membuat rencana Kota Kinabalu Wetlands. Oh ya, baru saya perasan, di WBM mengapa tidak terdapat laman rencana bagus seperti yang terdapat di WBI ? Alternate Ranking 3 (bincang) 05:47, 4 Februari 2013 (UTC)
- Oh, patutlah. saya dah balas di laman perbincangan Kota Kinabalu. Alternate Ranking 3 (bincang) 06:03, 4 Februari 2013 (UTC)
- Terima kasih juga kerana membuat rencana Kota Kinabalu Wetlands. Oh ya, baru saya perasan, di WBM mengapa tidak terdapat laman rencana bagus seperti yang terdapat di WBI ? Alternate Ranking 3 (bincang) 05:47, 4 Februari 2013 (UTC)
- Ok. :) Alternate Ranking 3 (bincang) 04:25, 4 Februari 2013 (UTC)
- Baiklah, terima kasih kerana membantu. :) Alternate Ranking 3 (bincang) 13:32, 3 Februari 2013 (UTC)
- Oh, terima kasih. Baiklah saya akan berusaha sedaya upaya bagi menghilangkan pautan merah tersebut. :) Alternate Ranking 3 (bincang) 13:04, 3 Februari 2013 (UTC)
Kanada British
suntingAlgazel, awak boleh tak tolong saya bersama-sama mengembangkan laman Kanada British? – komentar tanpa tandatangan ini diberikan oleh oleh Muhd Aiman65 (b • s).
- Ok, saya buat sekarang - Muhd Aiman65 02:33, 24 Julai 2013 (UTC)
suntingMaaf, saya bukan penyelia di Wikibooks. Sila hubungi Aurora kerana dia seorang sahaja penyelia disana.----Aplikasi (Bincang) 02:23, 5 Februari 2013 (UTC)
- Sama-sama----Aplikasi (Bincang) 02:34, 5 Februari 2013 (UTC)
- Selamat. Anda sudah diangkat menjadi penyelia di ms.wikibooks. Bennylin (bincang) 15:54, 5 Februari 2013 (UTC)
Akaun utama..
suntingPada akaun utama saya Ranking Update. :) Alternate Ranking 4 (bincang) 04:42, 6 Februari 2013 (UTC)
Kalau mengenai Bajau Kudat, ianya memang sahih kerana mereka merupakan salah satu suku kaum yang tinggal di Sabah. Saya rasa suntingannya yang dibuat oleh IP itu memang benar kerana kebanyakan orang Tausug sampai di Sabah ketika berlakunya pemberontakan di selatan Filipina. Alternate Ranking 3 (bincang) 09:17, 6 Februari 2013 (UTC)
- Saya rasa rencana tersebut perlu dikemaskini mengikut rencana di WBI. Di sini terdapat senarai kelompok suku kaum Bajau. Alternate Ranking 3 (bincang) 09:25, 6 Februari 2013 (UTC)
- Sama-sama. :) Alternate Ranking 3 (bincang) 09:33, 6 Februari 2013 (UTC)
Boleh anda tolong baiki templat ni? Cuba anda tengok pada templat ini pada rencana Kota Kinabalu di bahagian Kawasan dan Kepadatan. Ia masih menunjukkan City, bukannya Bandar. Alternate Ranking 3 (bincang) 11:36, 6 Februari 2013 (UTC)
- Terima kasih. :) Alternate Ranking 3 (bincang) 12:01, 6 Februari 2013 (UTC)
- Terima kasih banyak-banyak Algazel! :D Alternate Ranking 3 (bincang) 13:58, 6 Februari 2013 (UTC)
- Saya lihat bilangan pautan merah hanya tinggal separuh lagi, saya rasa tak lama lagi semuanya akan menjadi biru. :) Alternate Ranking 3 (bincang) 14:13, 6 Februari 2013 (UTC)
- Saya juga turut gembira kerana anda semua turut membantu saya mengembangkan rencana Kota Kinabalu. InsyaAllah, selagi saya mempunyai masa terluang saya pun akan turut membantunya. :) Alternate Ranking 3 (bincang) 14:55, 6 Februari 2013 (UTC)
- Saya lihat bilangan pautan merah hanya tinggal separuh lagi, saya rasa tak lama lagi semuanya akan menjadi biru. :) Alternate Ranking 3 (bincang) 14:13, 6 Februari 2013 (UTC)
- Terima kasih banyak-banyak Algazel! :D Alternate Ranking 3 (bincang) 13:58, 6 Februari 2013 (UTC)
John A. Macdonald
suntingAssalamualaikum Algazel, boleh tidak kamu semak saya punya laman yang baru saya cipta iaitu John A. Macdonald. :) Muhd Aiman 65 (bincang) 17:52, 1 Ogos 2013 (UTC)
- Hi Algazel, boleh tidak kamu tolong semak semua laman saya iaitu John A. Macdonald dan Alexander Mackenzie iaitu seorang Perdana Menteri Kanada. :D Muhd Aiman 65 (bincang) 18:45, 2 Ogos 2013 (UTC)
- Kenapa saya punya laman tidak mempunyai bahasa-bahasa lain? (y) Muhd Aiman 65 (bincang) 8:49, 3 Ogos 2013 (UTC)
- Ok, terima kasih Algazel. :D Muhd Aiman 65 (bincang) 9:48, 3 Ogos 2013 (UTC)
- Kenapa saya punya laman tidak mempunyai bahasa-bahasa lain? (y) Muhd Aiman 65 (bincang) 8:49, 3 Ogos 2013 (UTC)
Pendapat anda? :)
suntingHehe, apa pendapat saudara terhadap rencana ni sejak pengembangannya? :) — пz scόυт ʙᴀɴᴛᴜᴀɴ? 14:35, 7 Februari 2013 (UTC)
- Tidak mengapa, sekarang ni hanya tinggal 4 pautan merah saja lagi. Saya harap ada yang sudi membantu membirukannya. :) — пz scόυт ʙᴀɴᴛᴜᴀɴ? 19:25, 7 Februari 2013 (UTC)
Bintang Penghargaan untuk anda!
suntingBintang Penghargaan Kerjasama | ||
Sebagai penghargaan kerana membantu membirukan beberapa pautan yang terdapat pada rencana Kota Kinabalu. Terima kasih atas bantuan anda selama ini. :) Juga, tahniah kerana menjadi seorang penyelia baru. :D — пz scόυт ʙᴀɴᴛᴜᴀɴ? 12:15, 8 Februari 2013 (UTC) |
Anda boleh membuang notis ini pada bila-bila masa dengan membuang templat {{Talkback}}.
suntingBoleh anda tolong kemaskini Templat:Selamat datang dengan memasukkan kandungan ni? :) — пz scόυт ʙᴀɴᴛᴜᴀɴ? 08:38, 9 Februari 2013 (UTC)
- Trimas ! :) — пz scόυт ʙᴀɴᴛᴜᴀɴ? 09:15, 9 Februari 2013 (UTC)
- Dan ini juga, maaf saya terlupa. :P — пz scόυт ʙᴀɴᴛᴜᴀɴ? 09:23, 9 Februari 2013 (UTC)
- Tidak mengapa, saya pun kadang-kadang lambat balas mesej sebab tengok tv. — пz scόυт ʙᴀɴᴛᴜᴀɴ? 09:53, 9 Februari 2013 (UTC)
suntingSepertinya.. ada masalah dengan templat, tiada butang sorok. Mungkin ada pengguna IP yang telah mengubahnya. — пz scόυт ʙᴀɴᴛᴜᴀɴ? 13:52, 9 Februari 2013 (UTC)
- Contohnya templat macam ni..
Selalunya ada butang sorok di bahagian sebelah kanan. Btw, bukan hanya templat ni saja, templat lain pun sama. Hari-hari yang lepas saya tengok masih ada lagi butang sorok tu, sekarang ni entah ke mana. — пz scόυт ʙᴀɴᴛᴜᴀɴ? 05:44, 10 Februari 2013 (UTC)
- Oh, patutlah. Terima kasih. Btw, templat tu saya tengok bercampur-campur bahasanya. — пz scόυт ʙᴀɴᴛᴜᴀɴ? 06:31, 10 Februari 2013 (UTC)
- Nanti kalau ada masa, boleh juga bantu terjemah sikit-sikit. "Bak kata orang: Sikit-sikit lama-lama jadi bukit" :) — пz scόυт ʙᴀɴᴛᴜᴀɴ? 07:38, 10 Februari 2013 (UTC)
- Yup, yang penting ia berfungsi dengan baik, tentang terjemahan tu sesiapa pun boleh menerjemahkannya jika mempunyai masa terluang. :) Mengenai rencana KK, saya rasa tidak kerana
hanya tinggal dua pautan merah lagi yang tinggal. Rencana ini sudahhampirsiap, cuma tinggal menunggu proses pencalonan semula rencana pilihan nanti. Rencana Ular sememangnya harus dipilih sebagai rencana pilihan bulan ini. :) — пz scόυт ʙᴀɴᴛᴜᴀɴ? 09:18, 10 Februari 2013 (UTC)- Pautan merah pada rencana KK semuanya telah dibirukan. — пz scόυт ʙᴀɴᴛᴜᴀɴ? 22:45, 10 Februari 2013 (UTC)
- Saya memang dah jangka ada hantu raya dalam mesin tersebut, hehe. mm, Baiklah, saya akan calonkannya semula, harap mendapat sokongan tinggi dari pengguna lain. — пz scόυт ʙᴀɴᴛᴜᴀɴ? 23:53, 10 Februari 2013 (UTC)
- Pautan merah pada rencana KK semuanya telah dibirukan. — пz scόυт ʙᴀɴᴛᴜᴀɴ? 22:45, 10 Februari 2013 (UTC)
- Yup, yang penting ia berfungsi dengan baik, tentang terjemahan tu sesiapa pun boleh menerjemahkannya jika mempunyai masa terluang. :) Mengenai rencana KK, saya rasa tidak kerana
- Nanti kalau ada masa, boleh juga bantu terjemah sikit-sikit. "Bak kata orang: Sikit-sikit lama-lama jadi bukit" :) — пz scόυт ʙᴀɴᴛᴜᴀɴ? 07:38, 10 Februari 2013 (UTC)
- Oh, patutlah. Terima kasih. Btw, templat tu saya tengok bercampur-campur bahasanya. — пz scόυт ʙᴀɴᴛᴜᴀɴ? 06:31, 10 Februari 2013 (UTC)
suntingTolong padam laman ini, saya tersilap menjadikannya wiki projek, sepatutnya wp: sahaja. :(
— пz scόυт ʙᴀɴᴛᴜᴀɴ? 06:24, 12 Februari 2013 (UTC)
- Tak mengapalah, mengenai kod tersebut, berkemungkinan juga kerana saya pun belum pernah mencubanya. Saya hanya mengaktifkan gajet ini melalui laman "Keutamaan". Jika anda hendak mengubahnya, dialu-alukan. Kerana saya pun risau juga kalau kod tu tak berfungsi dengan baik pada pengguna lain. Nanti salah pula tutorial ni, hehe. — пz scόυт ʙᴀɴᴛᴜᴀɴ? 08:13, 12 Februari 2013 (UTC)
suntingBagaimana untuk meletakkan tugas pada BOT? Anda tahu tak? Saya teringin juga nak mempunyai BOT bagi memudahkan kerja-kerja di WBM ni. — пz scόυт ʙᴀɴᴛᴜᴀɴ? 13:20, 12 Februari 2013 (UTC)
- Tidak mengapalah kalau anda berdua tidak dapat membantu. Btw, boleh anda cuba hantar ni
{{subst:Gong Xi Fa Cai}}
pada laman perbincangan saya? Saya nak uji butang kat bawahnya tu sama ada berkesan atau tidak. Saya perlu pengguna lain untuk mencubanya. — пz scόυт ʙᴀɴᴛᴜᴀɴ? 15:15, 12 Februari 2013 (UTC)- Terima kasih, tutorial tu saya berguna bagi saya. Walau bagaimanapun, saya tidak jadi untuk membangunkan BOT. Arr, akhirnya berfungsi juga templat Gong Xi saya.. Tak sia-sia saya meluangkan masa yang lama untuk mencari penyelesaian templat itu. — пz scόυт ʙᴀɴᴛᴜᴀɴ? 16:59, 12 Februari 2013 (UTC)
suntingTolong sekat pengguna ni, nama yang digunakannya boleh mengakibatkan permusuhan. — пz scόυт ʙᴀɴᴛᴜᴀɴ? 03:53, 13 Februari 2013 (UTC)
Terima kasih kerana mengundi! 
Ranking Update telah memberikan anda secawan teh. Saya harap ini dapat mengembirakan hari anda.
Sebarkan WikiLove dengan memberikan seseorang teh, terutamanya jika anda mempunyai perselisihan faham pada masa lalu. Semoga ceria dengan hari anda!
Sebarkan keharuman teh dengan meletakkan {{subst:WikiLoveTeh}}
pada laman perbincangan mereka.
suntingTidak, saya tidak memberikan sebarang barnstar kepadanya pun. Cuba lihat sejarah suntingannya, memang dia sendiri yang meletakkannya.----Aplikasi (Bincang) 13:17, 16 Februari 2013 (UTC)
- Terima kasih atas anugerah pingat tersebut.----Aplikasi (Bincang) 06:14, 17 Februari 2013 (UTC)
Terima kasih! 
Anda boleh membuang notis ini pada bila-bila masa dengan membuang templat {{Talkback}}.
Sunting kopi?
suntingSunting kopi tu apa maksudnya? — пz scόυт ʙᴀɴᴛᴜᴀɴ? 05:59, 21 Februari 2013 (UTC)
- Oh, ahahaha. — пz scόυт ʙᴀɴᴛᴜᴀɴ? 06:31, 21 Februari 2013 (UTC)
- Haha, tak pernah tahu istilah ini ada dalam PRPM. ...Aurora... (b) 08:40, 21 Februari 2013 (UTC)
Bls: T Infobox perisian
suntingSaya pun lihat suntingannya ok, tapi saya rasa ada ([1] [2]) dua suntingannya yang salah. Mulanya saya memang nak revert dua sahaja, tapi t'revert semua. — пz scόυт ʙᴀɴᴛᴜᴀɴ? 12:18, 23 Februari 2013 (UTC)
- Hehe, ok. — пz scόυт ʙᴀɴᴛᴜᴀɴ? 12:30, 23 Februari 2013 (UTC)
suntingSalam. Saya fikir sudah boleh buat satu laman khas untuk projek ini dengan nama Wikipedia:ProjekWiki Jawi. — i Wong (bincang) 00:35, 24 Februari 2013 (UTC)
Anda boleh membuang notis ini pada bila-bila masa dengan membuang templat {{Talkback}}.
suntingSaya sudah mencubanya semalam, tetapi kodnya ralat.----Aplikasi (Bincang) 23:07, 24 Februari 2013 (UTC)
Templat sd
suntingCantik tempat sd1 dan sd2 yang awak ciptakan itu.----Aplikasi (Bincang) 01:04, 27 Februari 2013 (UTC)
- Bagus juga cadangan awak tu. Baiklah saya sedia melakukannya.----Aplikasi (Bincang) 01:23, 27 Februari 2013 (UTC)
Re:Selamat datang
suntingTerima kasih Algazel, harap selalu tengok-tengok ke min-wiki. :) ‹› ™ 04:45, 1 Mac 2013 (UTC)
Kota Kinabalu
suntingBoleh anda tolong senaraikan 20 pautan yang mati tu. Masalahnya saya tak dapat nak buka laman W3C Link Checker di komputer saya. Nanti jika mempunyai masa saya nak gantikan pautan mati tersebut dengan pautan baru. — пz scόυт ʙᴀɴᴛᴜᴀɴ? 16:35, 1 Mac 2013 (UTC)
- Terima kasih, saya dah perbaharuinya. — пz scόυт ʙᴀɴᴛᴜᴀɴ? 17:33, 1 Mac 2013 (UTC)
RE:Sumbangan Wikipedia
suntingMaafkan saya Algazel, saya tak tahu mengapa sejak akhir-akhir ni begitu stress dibuatnya. Mungkin kurang cukup tidur ataupun bimbang dengan kejadian yang berlaku di Sabah. Allahualam. Saya harap konflik di Pantai Timur Sabah akan dapat menemui jalan penyelesaian. Kadangkala saya rasa rencana sebelum ini berkaitan komun itu saya mensia-siakannya sehingga menyebabkan kedalaman wikipedia ini jatuh mendadak.----Aplikasi (Bincang) 17:43, 2 Mac 2013 (UTC)
suntingAnda boleh membuang notis ini pada bila-bila masa dengan membuang templat {{Anda mendapat emel}} atau {{AME}}.
Anda boleh membuang notis ini pada bila-bila masa dengan membuang templat {{Anda mendapat emel}} atau {{AME}}.
Anda boleh membuang notis ini pada bila-bila masa dengan membuang templat {{Anda mendapat emel}} atau {{AME}}.
----Aplikasi (Bincang) 23:42, 5 Mac 2013 (UTC)
Ping.--Aplikasi (ʙᴀɴᴛᴜᴀɴ?) 14:18, 22 Mac 2013 (UTC)
- Ping.--Aplikasi (ʙᴀɴᴛᴜᴀɴ?) 14:24, 22 Mac 2013 (UTC)
- Emel.--Aplikasi (ʙᴀɴᴛᴜᴀɴ?) 14:36, 22 Mac 2013 (UTC)
suntingInsyaallah saya akan kesana. Tetapi semangat saya di Wikipedia ini semakin bertambah. Terima kasih kepada anda, Yosri, Izhamwong dan Ranking Update kerana telah menasihati saya bahawa Wikipedia ini begitu penting kepada masyarakat kita.----Aplikasi (Bincang) 00:37, 5 Mac 2013 (UTC)
- Aplikasi sukakan ini----Aplikasi (Bincang) 01:32, 5 Mac 2013 (UTC)
Laman Pengguna:Kucingbiru13
suntingMengapa anda menyorokkan laman peribadi beliau?, sebab saya ada juga lihat di wikipedia versi lain bahawa terdapat juga pengguna daripada wikipedia bahasa lain meletakkan maklumat peribadi mereka.----Aplikasi (Bincang) 02:55, 6 Mac 2013 (UTC)
suntingTerima kasih di atas ucapan terima kasih saudara. Irfanshaharuddin (bincang) 05:30, 6 Mac 2013 (UTC)
suntingMaafkan saya. Saya terlupa meletakkan tandatangan melalui gelombang ~~~~
. Saya hanya salin dan tampal (copy and paste) daripada laman lain tanpa meletakkan tandatangan tersebut dan hanya mengubah nama. Saya akan lebih berhati-hati selepas ini. Irfanshaharuddin (bincang) 11:28, 6 Mac 2013 (UTC)
- Baiklah. Irfanshaharuddin (bincang) 14:38, 6 Mac 2013 (UTC)
suntingTerima kasih di atas sokongan dan dorongan daripada anda. :) Irfanshaharuddin (bincang) 05:40, 7 Mac 2013 (UTC)
Wikipedia perbincangan:Wikidata
suntingIni ruang nama apa? Susah orang nak cari. ...Aurora... (b) 04:08, 8 Mac 2013 (UTC)
- Oops, sorry, terbalik. nanti saya betulkan. Algazel (bincang) 04:17, 8 Mac 2013 (UTC)
Bintang penghargaan
suntingBintang Penghargaan Penyelia | ||
Anda layak menerimanya kerana anda seorang penyelia yang banyak membantu Wikipedia dalam membawa kemajuan --Aplikasi (Bincang) 14:11, 8 Mac 2013 (UTC) |
- Hehe, terima kasih atas anugerah tersebut. Bertepatan dengan peribahasa orang memberi kita merasa orang berbudi kita berbahasa.----Aplikasi (Bincang) 00:51, 9 Mac 2013 (UTC)
Wikidata weekly summary #48
sunting- Development
- More work on widget to add language links on the Wikipedias directly without having to go to Wikidata
- Bug fixes for Wikipedias, including:
- don't show edit link when noexternallanglinks magic word suppresses Wikidata links (bugzilla:45037)
- use Q## links instead of linking to Special:ItemByTitle for “edit links” link (bugzilla:44536)
- preference for showing Wikidata edits by default in watchlist (bugzilla:44973)
- Catching up on writing tests for untested functionality
- More work on the Lua support for accessing data from the repository ( on the Wikipedias
- Updated Wikidata’s Vagrant development machine
- Created initial QueryStore interface
- Created initial setup code for the SQL QueryStore
- Discussed and created initial schema for the SQL QueryStore
- Simplified code for client settings, including which namespaces can have Wikidata links. The default is now all namespaces, without needing to explicitly specify them in the settings
- Improved code for sorting interwiki links in the clients, with step towards allowing the communities to specify custom sort orders per Wikipedia
- Improved handling of deleted properties
- Further work on replacement for current search box
- More work on improving error reporting and edit summaries in the API
- Tim and Aaron killed the mystery bug that caused corrupt login tokens (bugzilla:41586)
- Discussions/Press
- Hacker News noticed we exist
- RFC about opting out of global sysops or not (more RFCs d:Wikidata:Requests for comment)
- Asked the Italian, Hebrew and Hungarian Wikipedias if they want to be the first to use phase 2 (will ask a few more to join the first batch later today)
- Events
- WMF Metrics and Activities meeting (recording is linked there)
- office hour in German
- upcoming: Bibliothek & Information
- upcoming: Wikidata trifft Achäologie
- Other Noteworthy Stuff
- We’re now live on all Wikipedias with phase 1 \o/
- Deployed bugfixes and a new data type (string) to
- How will Wikidata impact Wikipedia?
- More useful database reports (more are being requested on the discussion page)
- Quite a few new properties that make use of the new string data type now and more are being proposed
- Lukas wants to work with us to improve usability
- New user scripts at d:Wikidata:Tools
- Did you know?
- Is a specific bug report really important to you? If you have an account on you can easily add yourself to the CC list of the bug and then receive updates about its status via email
- Wikidata is also on Twitter,, Facebook and Google+
- There is an IRC channel too: #wikimedia-wikidata on freenode
- Open Tasks for You
- Hack on one of these
- Continue being awesome
suntingMaaf, saya telah mengubahnya semula.--Aplikasi (Bincang) 01:18, 11 Mac 2013 (UTC)
The Signpost: 11 March 2013
sunting- From the editor: Signpost–Wikizine merger; new writers
- News and notes: Finance committee updates
- Featured content: Batman, three birds and a Mercedes
- WikiProject report: Setting a precedent
- Arbitration report: Doncram case closes; arbitrator resigns
- Technology report: Article Feedback reversal: watershed moment?; plus code review one year on
Re: Lencongan William Ramsay
suntingOh, sebab laman itu belum wujud lagi (setakat 17:20). Saya baru siap tulis rencana beliau. Ia ambil lebih banyak masa daripada yang saya sangka. Syahir√2 (b • s) 10:20, 15 Mac 2013 (UTC)
- Sama-sama. Dan terima kasih for your concern. Ya, kalau saya ada masalah, saya akan meminta bantuan saudara. Syahir√2 (b • s) 10:51, 15 Mac 2013 (UTC)
Wikidata weekly summary #49
sunting- Development
- Design improvements to the SetClaim API module
- More work on implementing the simple inclusion syntax that will be 1 way to access Wikidata data on Wikipedia
- More work on Lua (the second way to access Wikidata data on Wikipedia)
- Added parser page property to hold entity id in client. This fixes:
- bugzilla:45037 - don’t show edit link if noexternallanglinks has suppressed all Wikidata links
- bugzilla:44536 - have the edit link go directly to the Q### pages, instead of Special:ItemByTitle which shall make the link be more reliable and work for all namespaces
- Selenium tests for deleted-property-handling
- Selenium tests for multiline references
- Selenium tests for add-sitelinks-from-client
- Selenium tests for Entity-Selector-as-Searchbox
- Selenium tests for language-table
- Implemented in-process caching for entities
- Lua support to access the repo data and implement getEntity (so you can use stuff like entity = mw.wikibase.getEntity("Q1459") in Lua modules)
- rebuildTermSearchKey is now ready for production (this still needs to be run but once done it will make search case-insensitive)
- Improved error reports from the API
- Ground work for better edit summaries from the API
- Added a table of content to item pages
- Added debug functionality to be able to investigate why it takes longer than it should for Wikidata changes to show up on recent changes and watchlists on Wikipedia
- Finished implementation of References-UI
- Implemented GUID generator in JavaScript
- Worked on fixing a bug related to deleted properties where the UI would display wrong information
- Minor fixes/additions to the JS datamodel implementation
- Minor bugfixes in Statements-UI
- More work on RDF export
- Discussions/Press
- Events
- Bibliothek und Information
- 3rd Media Web Symposium
- upcoming: Wikidata trifft Archäologie
- upcoming: SMWCon
- Log of latest office hour on IRC (in German)
- We’ll be at the Amsterdam Hackathon
- Other Noteworthy Stuff
- New features/bugfixes on are planned for March 20
- Lua roll-out! You’ll be able to use it soon to access Wikidata data on Wikipedia. Here's two introductory blogposts: [3] [4]
- The new pope didn’t go unnoticed on Wikidata either
- Someone sent the dev team a cake! <3
- Want an easy way to add authority control data? Check this
- We crossed item ID 7000000
- We now have over 4000 active editors \o/
- Some more stats based on a database dump from end of February
- Reasonator got a few more goodies
- Did you know?
- If you add a Babel box to your user page Wikidata will show you items and descriptions in other languages you speak as well without you having to switch the language
- Want to know which items use a certain property? Try the “what links here” link on a property page
- Open Tasks for You
- Help translate m:Wikidata/Deployment Questions
- Hack on one of these
suntingSaya telah nyahsekat dan baiki suntingannya.--Aplikasi (ʙᴀɴᴛᴜᴀɴ?) 04:18, 19 Mac 2013 (UTC)
Help me
suntingTerima kasih atas sarannya, ya. ButtuHutagalung (bincang) 03:54, 20 Mac 2013 (UTC)
suntingAnda boleh membuang notis ini pada bila-bila masa dengan membuang templat {{Talkback}}.
Anda boleh membuang notis ini pada bila-bila masa dengan membuang templat {{Talkback}}.
The Signpost: 18 March 2013
sunting- News and notes: Resigning arbitrator slams Committee
- Interview: Meeting in the middle: Wikipedia and libraries
- Featured content: Wikipedia stays warm
- WikiProject report: Making music with WikiProject Composers
- Arbitration report: Another arbitrator resigns; Richard case closes
- Technology report: Visual Editor "on schedule" for July rollout
Wikidata weekly summary #50
sunting- Development
- Rolled out new code on The new stuff you probably care about is:
- Improved references. They can now have multiple lines. This should make references much more useful. You can now have one reference with for example values for each of the properties "book", "author", "page" to describe one source.
- Fixed the prev/next links in diff view (bugzilla:45821)
- d:Special:EntitiesWithoutLabel now lets you filter by language and entity type
- Widget to add language links on the Wikipedias directly: added setting to enable/disable it per wiki and made it available for logged-in users only
- Widget to add language links on the Wikipedias directly: improved layout / size
- Made it so that the “edit links” link on Wikipedia is also shown when the corresponding item only has a link to this one language and no other languages
- Submitted improved Apache config patch to make always redirect to, which is awaiting code review and deployment.
- Improved the script that is responsible for taking Wikidata changes to the Wikipedias
- Added a few ways to better debug the script responsible for taking Wikidata changes to the Wikipedias. This should help with investigating why some changes take way to long to show up on the Wikipedias.
- Started work on automatically adding edited items to the user’s watchlist (according to preferences)
- Finished script for rebuilding search keys, so we can finally get case insensitive matches in a lot of places
- Support for multi-line references in diff view
- Selenium tests for inclusion syntax
- Improved parser function (that will be used to access Wikidata data on the Wikipedias) to accept property ID or label
- Increased isolation of data model component to increase clarity and visibility of bad dependencies
- Worked on schema access in the SQLStore (of the query component)
- Rolled out new code on The new stuff you probably care about is:
- Discussions/Press
- Events
- 3rd Media Web Symposium 2013
- Wikidata trifft Archäologie
- SMWCon Spring NYC
- Other Noteworthy Stuff
- Join us for the Amsterdam and Wikimania hackathon and Wikimania
- Too many items with the same label and no description? Terminator helps you hunt them all down and clean them up. Also check out the top 1000
- Interested in the distribution of books by genre on Wikidata and similar things? WikidataStats can help
- d:Wikidata:Requests for permissions/Bot needs input from more people
- Detailed list of bots
- Collecting information about creating a bot
- We’ve crossed Q8000000
- Did you know?
- When you edit a statement there is a little wheel in front of the text field. This lets you choose between “custom value”, “unknown value” and “no value”. “No value” means that we know that the given property has no value, e.g. Elizabeth I of England had no spouse. “Unknown value” means that the property has a value, but it is unknown which one -- e.g. Pope Linus most certainly had a year of birth, but it is unknown to us.
- Open Tasks for You
- Hack on one of these
- Still looking for the right way to contribute for you? Have a look at d:Wikidata:Contribute
sunting--Aplikasi (ʙᴀɴᴛᴜᴀɴ?) 02:17, 23 Mac 2013 (UTC)
- Ada lagi.
Nasihat buat penyunting muda
suntingWikipedia:Nasihat buat penyunting muda adalah sekadar garis panduan. Ia bukanlah wajib dipatuhi. Ia adalah bagi melindungi pengguna bawah usia. Sekadar mengulas. Yosri (bincang) 16:39, 27 Mac 2013 (UTC)
Permohonan maaf
suntingSaya ingin memohon maaf di atas segala kesilapan yang telah saya lakukan selama ini termasuklah perkara yang melibatkan tugas kepenyeliaan, penyuntingan, pemadaman dan sekatan pengguna. Saya akan cuba untuk memperbaiki diri demi kebaikan Wikipedia Bahasa Melayu. Irfanshaharuddin (bincang) 04:09, 28 Mac 2013 (UTC)
The Signpost: 25 March 2013
sunting- News and notes: Sue Gardner to leave WMF; German Wikipedians spearhead another effort to close Wikinews
- Featured content: One and a half soursops
- WikiProject report: The 'Burgh: WikiProject Pittsburgh
- Arbitration report: Two open cases
- Technology report: The Visual Editor: Where are we now, and where are we headed?
- Recent research: "Ignore all rules" in deletions; anonymity and groupthink; how readers react when shown talk pages
Wikidata weekly summary #51
sunting- Development
- The first 11 Wikipedias can now include data from Wikidata in their articles (If you want to see it in action see the infobox at it:Torino)
- Worked on automatic summaries for statements
- Worked on making properties accessible from the client using their label so you can use {{#property:executive director}} instead of {{#property:p169}} for example
- Made qualifiers ready for the next deployment (Please test. See details further down.)
- Selenium tests for qualifiers
- Fixed some issues related to QUnit testing
- Worked on improved handling and code design of multiple snak lists in the UI (qualifiers, references)
- Discussions/Press
- Denny wrote down how we’re planning to support queries on Wikidata. Feedback welcome.
- Proposal for a vandalism policy
- Now that improvements for references have been deployed here’s a discussion on the best way to use them. (You can see an example of how it could be used in the source for “CAS registry number” on d:Q153)
- Should Wikidata have featured items?
- RFC about restricting the ability to create properties to some users
- reporting about deployment of phase 2 on the first 11 Wikipedias
- Report about a collaboration event between Wikipedians and archeologists
- Events
- Newline 2013
- Other Noteworthy Stuff
- We’re currently carefully monitoring performance after the deployment of phase 2 on the first 11 Wikipedias. There seem to be a few small issues. As soon as they are resolved we'll deploy on English Wikipedia. All other Wikipedias are planned to follow very soon after that.
- Bye and a big thank you to Anja, Silke, Jens and John who are leaving the development team at the end of the month and will work on other cool things. You’ll be missed!
- Ever had any doubt about the possibilities of Wikidata? Talk to Wiri!
- We worked on reducing the time it takes for Wikidata edits to show up in the Wikipedias and made some progress. Daniel posted an analysis
- We started running a script on the database in order to make search on Wikidata case-insensitive. This should be finished in a few days and then search should be more useful.
- In addition to the above we have rolled out a new search box that suggests items. This should also make finding things on Wikidata a lot easier for you.
- We’re making some progress with Internet Explorer 8 support but there are a lot of issues with it (some outside our control). It’s unclear at the moment how much we can improve it still without spending an unjustified amount of time on it. You can follow the progress at bugzilla:44228
- Edits are now auto-confirmed for users with more than 50 edits and account age 4 days: bugzilla:46461
- Do you need old-style interwiki links for a sister project for example? This is for you
- The Wikimedia Foundation applied as a mentoring organisation for Google Summer of Code again. We have proposed some Wikidata projects for students to take up if the Foundation is accepted again. At least 2 other organisations that applied also propose Wikidata ideas. More details on that once we know which organisations are accepted.
- Denny hacked together a tree of life based on data from Wikidata
- Wikidata was added to wikipulse
- A template to retrieve data from Wikidata if no local value is set
- Did you know?
- If you need to merge two items d:Help:Merge explains how
- Open Tasks for You
- See note at the end of this weekly summary
- Help test qualifiers (m:Wikidata/Notes/Data model primer#Qualifiers - see also example statements there) on the test wiki so we can roll it out with the next release
- Did you file a bug report for Wikidata or did someone else do it for you? Please take a minute to check if it is still valid. (Thanks for filing it btw!)
- Add some missing descriptions to those items with the same label?
- Hack on one of these
Could I have 2 mins of your time? As I’ll be working on some other projects for Wikimedia Germany as well from now on the time I can spend on Wikidata will be reduced. This means I’ll have to figure out what is useful to spend time on. If you’re reading this could you let me know for example on this discussion page? Also if you have ideas how to improve the weekly summaries please post them. --Lydia Pintscher (WMDE) (talk)
Re: Nama pengguna
suntingHi Algazel, I don't really get what you mean. The word "Hacker" already causes the username to be disruptive, since it most likely suggests that the account wasn't created for a good cause. Your opinions? Arctic Kangaroo 00:58, 31 Mac 2013 (UTC)
Baiki tandatangan
suntingSila baiki tandatangan anda ketika memberi ucapan selamat datang kepada pengguna baru dan juga memberi amaran kepada pengguna yang melaku musnah. Lihat perbezaan antara [[5]] dan ini sebagai rujukan.--法尔汉 Aplikasi 03:44, 31 Mac 2013 (UTC)
- Tidak mengapa, cuma selepas leta templat itu kena rapatkannya sekali dengan tandatangan. Jika menjarakkan tandatangan ia akan berlakunya masalah.--法尔汉 Aplikasi 04:11, 31 Mac 2013 (UTC)
- Yup, memang masalah kecil cuma ianya perlu untu kelihatan lebih kemas. --法尔汉 Aplikasi 04:16, 31 Mac 2013 (UTC)
The Signpost: 01 April 2013
sunting- Special report: Who reads which Wikipedia? The WMF's surprising stats
- News and notes: Funding for the Wikipedia Library and six other projects; April Fool's Day ructions
- Featured content: What the ?
- WikiProject report: Special: FAQs
- Arbitration report: Three open cases
- Technology report: Wikidata phase 2 deployment timetable in doubt
Balas:Pengguna:Time killer
suntingKalau anda rasa namanya baik seharusnya anda membantu untuk menarik balik sekatan ke atasnya. Tak payah nak hantar sebarang pesanan kepada saya untuk meminta menarik balik sekatan ke atasnya. Anda juga seorang penyelia yang mempunyai kuasa menarik balik sekatan keatas seseorang.파한 Aplikasi 02:26, 6 April 2013 (UTC)
Wikidata weekly summary #52
sunting- Development
- The first year is over. Thank you everyone for being amazing and helping to build Wikidata and making it more than we could possibly have hoped for already. <3
- Put a lot of work into improved support for Internet Explorer 8
- Worked on improving recent changes code in client
- Finished valueview refactoring. Created new extension “ValueView”
- Implemented string formatter
- Discussions/Press
- Events
- upcoming: GLAM-Wiki 2013
- Other Noteworthy Stuff
- Deployment of phase 2 on English Wikipedia is currently planned for April 8. The remaining Wikipedias are scheduled for April 10. As usual this might change if we run into problems along the way.
- There is now a page showing the current lag for changes propagating to the Wikipedias so they can show up in watchlists and recent changes for example. This should ideally be in the range of a few minutes. Right now it is higher because of some abnormally high bot activity but decreasing. Should be down to a few minutes soon.
- There’s now a badge you can add to Wikipedia articles to indicate there is data about it on Wikidata
- We hit Q10000000
- A Wikidata item in the wild ;-)
- Did you know?
- There are a number of task forces that take care of specific jobs or topics on Wikidata
- You can get database dumps to play with
- There are a lot of stats about Wikidata on
- Open Tasks for You
- Hit a random item and add a missing source?
- Hack on one of these
Based on feedback for last week’s call for comments we will continue this newsletter. However more community help will be needed. From now on they’ll be drafted at d:Wikidata:Status updates/Next and your help is very welcome.
The Signpost: 08 April 2013
sunting- Wikizine: Introducing Wikizine: WMF scales back feature after outcry
- News and notes: French intelligence agents threaten Wikimedia volunteer
- Featured content: Wikipedia loves poetry
- WikiProject report: Earthshattering WikiProject Earthquakes
- Arbitration report: Subject experts needed for Argentine History
- Technology report: Testing week for developers and their deployments
Saya melanggar peraturan?
suntingAdakah ia menjadi satu kesalahan bagi saya untuk mencipta kategori kosong? Kalau ya, minta maaf banyak2 :( --JerichoNation (bincang) 05:06, 11 April 2013 (UTC)
Wikidata weekly summary #53
sunting- Development
- Got some external professional review of our code and architecture and started working on their feedback
- Worked on reducing the dispatch lag (the time it takes for changes on Wikidata to be sent to the Wikipedias for display in watchlist, recent changes and to purge affected pages)
- Worked on using Redis for job queue to improve the lag situation even further
- Created new Wikibase Query extension for phase 3 functionality
- Autocomments & Autosummaries for SetClaim module
- Worked on the GeoCoordinate parser
- Events/Press
- right now: GLAM-WIKI 2013
- Discussions
- The RFC about bureaucrats was closed
- RfC about policy for translation admins
- We need feedback from contributors working on references addition or having tried to add references to statements. Please comment about your problems or your trials at d:Help:Sources
- Other Noteworthy Stuff
- Deployment of phase 2 on the remaining Wikipedias was delayed because of a high lag of changes being propagated to the Wikipedias. The lag has been reduced considerably now and is going down even more. The new date for deployment will not be next week because there are other large changes on Wikimedia infrastructure scheduled that we do not want to interfere with. It will hopefully happen very soon after that though.
- Next code update on is planned for Wednesday. This should include qualifiers and bugfixes.
- There will probably be a short outage/read-only for on Tuesday (database is being switched to MariaDB)
- If you're a student and interested in coding on Wikidata consider applying for Google Summer of Code.
- There is a new user right: property creators
- There is now a page to request deletion of a property
- We now have Bureaucrats
- Reasonator was improved and extended (1 2)
- Open Tasks for You
- Hack on one of these
- Help draft the next weekly summary
Based on feedback for last week’s call for comments we will continue this newsletter. However more community help will be needed. From now on they’ll be drafted at d:Wikidata:Status updates/Next and your help is very welcome.
The Signpost: 15 April 2013
sunting- Op-ed: How do we fix RfA inactivity?
- News and notes: Another admin reform attempt flops
- Featured content: The featured process swings into high gear
- WikiProject report: Unity in Diversity: WikiProject South Africa
Wikidata weekly summary #54
sunting- Development
- Dispatch lag is now down to 0 so changes should show up very quickly on the Wikipedias in watchlists and recent changes
- now always redirects to This should among other things solve the issue where people were not able to edit when on (bugzilla:45005)
- Fixed weird blocked-user/protected-page handling in UI (bugzilla:45140)
- Final meetings for the external professional review of our code and architecture. They were quite happy with the quality of the codebase and gave useful tips for improvements
- Worked on automatic summaries for editing claims
- Investigation of different JavaScript frameworks dealing with date and time
- Worked on using Redis and the job queue for change notifications to clients
- Work on the storage code for answering queries
- Events/Press
- GLAM-WIKI 2013
- upcoming: office hour on IRC about sources
- upcoming: Opensource Treffen
- upcoming: intro to Wikidata at the British Library
- Discussions
- Other Noteworthy Stuff
- Deployment of phase 2 (infoboxes) on English Wikipedia is planned for April 22. All remaining Wikipedias are planned for April 24.
- Qualifiers are available now. In the same update several bugs have been fixed mainly related to Internet Explorer 8. At the same time search has been made case-insensitive. More details here.
- d:Wikidata:Notability has been completely rewritten
- Cool task force page: d:Wikidata:Video games task force
- List of Wikipedia articles that still have language links in the wiki text
- Open Tasks for You
- Hack on one of these
The Signpost: 22 April 2013
sunting- News and notes: Milan conference a mixed bag
- In the media: Wikipedia inaccurate, says Florence; New Wikipedia app for breaking news
- Featured content: Batfish in the Red Sea
- WikiProject report: WikiProject Editor Retention
- Arbitration report: Sexology case nears closure after stalling over topic ban
- Technology report: A flurry of deployments
Wikidata weekly summary #55
sunting- Development
- Started working on support for the Time data type in the frontend (editing/displaying of time values)
- Fixed copyright tooltip’s issues where it was not possible to dismiss it
- Started work for making it possible to track where on the client a property is used
- Work on dispatching changes to Wikipedias via the redis job queue
- Introducing core hooks to allow us to avoid page re-rendering when language links are changed
- Implemented automatic comments for setClaim (adding/setting claim, adding/removing/changing qualifiers)
- Investigated issue where edit conflicts are detected in error
- Fixed wrong revision shown in history-view
- Events/Press
- A lot of articles about the deployment of phase 2 on all Wikipedias among them: Wikipedia-Datenfundus Wikidata geht in den Regelbetrieb, Wikidata goes live worldwide, Wikidata-revolutionen är här: Möjliggör strukturerade data på Wikipedia
- Wikimedia switching to MariaDB in c'T (German): Wikipedia wechselt von MySQL auf MariaDB
- Office hour about references (log)
- Introduction to Wikidata - talk at the British Library
- OpensourceTreffen in Munich
- Upcoming: Hypertext 2013
- Discussions
- RfC about vandalism
- RfP for oversighters
- RfC about interproject links interface
- RfC about inactive administrators
- RfC about permissions for rollbackers regarding vandalism
- RfC about Kinship
- Other Noteworthy Stuff
- Phase 2 has been deployed on English Wikipedia and all remaining ones
- Deployed a widget that makes it easier to add language links when there is only one language link on Wikidata so far
- Page to collect information about phase 2 on the Wikipedias
- Page edits have passed 31 million.
- d:Help:Shortcut lists shortcuts for frequently used pages
- Nice interaction of local data and data from Wikidata on English Wikipedias
- Did you know?
- Item Q12000000 is is the Czech Wiki entry about "Výškové horolezectví" or "high altitude climbing"
- Newest properties are: occupant, color (hex triplet), NOR, member of, color (item), opposite of, said to be the same as, IMO ship number, foundational text, Emporis ID, Structurae ID, industry, cohabitant, astronaut's missions, original network, launch site
- Newest qualifiers are: determination method, role
- Properties merged: sister and brother (discussion)
- Open Tasks for You
- Hack on one of these
- Translate the Table of properties into your language
- Review a proposal for a qualifier property
- Respond to a "Request for Comment"
- If fixing a particular bug is especially important for you then please consider voting for it in Bugzilla to help the development team prioritize. A list of all of the currently open ones is here.
The Signpost: 29 April 2013
sunting- News and notes: Chapter furore over FDC knockbacks; First DC GLAM boot-camp
- In the media: Wikipedia's sexism; Yuri Gadyukin hoax
- Traffic report: Most popular Wikipedia articles of the last week
- Featured content: Wiki loves video games
- WikiProject report: Japanese WikiProject Baseball
- Arbitration report: Sexology closed; two open cases
- Recent research: Sentiment monitoring, Wikipedians and academics favor the same papers, UNESCO and systemic bias, How ideas flow on Wikiversity
Wikidata weekly summary #56
sunting- Development
- Worked with students on their Google Summer of Code proposals
- Worked on time data type editing in the frontend
- Worked on improving the DataTypes system
- Working on better Continuous Integration strategy
- Moving Selenium tests to Cloudbees & Saucelabs
- Catching up with Selenium tests
- Events/Press
- Hypertext 2013
- upcoming: Treffen der Redaktion Chemie
- Discussions
- Other Noteworthy Stuff
- Bugfixes were deployed on The ones you probably care about are:
- when clicking "edit links" on a Wikipedia article the user is automatically taken to the language links part of the item. Hopefully it is now more obvious how to change the links.
- fixed a few cases where edit conflicts where detected in error
- added automatic edit summaries for adding qualifiers and claims
- fixed wrong revision being shown in div history
- Translators can now sign up to receive translation notifications at d:Special:TranslatorSignup
- Visual query interface for Wikidata
- 3 Wikimania submissions that could use your vote at the bottom: State of Wikidata, The Technology Behind Wikidata, Ask Us Anything About Wikidata
- Bugfixes were deployed on The ones you probably care about are:
- Did you know?
- Newest properties: Recorded at (studio), Supporting actor/actress, Palissy identifier, Filmaffinity number, input device, Volume (collections), Historic Places identifier, CELEX number, country calling code, local dialing code, eight banner register, lakes on river, dan/kyu rank, legislated by
- Newest task forces: Pokémon task force, Cultural heritage task force, Space task force
- Open Tasks for You
This Month in GLAM: April 2013
Wikidata weekly summary #57
sunting- Development
- Implemented basic editing of Time values
- Worked on advanced editing of Time values (having a preview, defining precision and calendar model while editing the value)
- Work on RDF mapping/export
- ~=[,,_,,]:3
- Solving issues with WMF Jenkins
- Migrating Selenium test from RSpec to Cucumber
- Events/Press
- Interview on
- PHP Unconference Europe 2013
- PHP Days 1013 Berlin
- Treffen der Redaktion Chemie
- Discussions
- Other Noteworthy Stuff
- Did you know?
- Newest properties: ISO 4217, CBDB ID, ORCID, country of origin, ICD-10, ICD-9, OMIM ID, orbit diagram, provisional designation (astronomy), currency symbol description, chairperson, Unicode character, MeSH ID, archives at, IMA Number
- Newest task forces: Baseball
- Open Tasks for You
The Signpost: 06 May 2013
sunting- News and notes: Candidates nominating for Foundation elections; Looking ahead to Wikimania 2014
- In the media: New Wikipedia for Schools edition; Anders Behring Breivik's Wikipedia contributions
- Featured content: WikiCup update: full speed ahead!
- WikiProject report: Earn $100 in cash... and a button!
- Technology report: Foundation successful in bid for larger Google subsidy
The Signpost: 13 May 2013
sunting- News and notes: WMF–community ruckus on Wikimedia mailing list
- In the media: PR firm accused of editing Wikipedia for government clients; can Wikipedia predict the stock market?
- Featured content: A mushroom, a motorway, a Munich gallery, and a map
- WikiProject report: Knock Out: WikiProject Mixed Martial Arts
- Arbitration report: Race and politics opened; three open cases
Wikidata weekly summary #58
sunting- Discussions
- What should be done with the property stable Version?
- Sex Ratios in Wikidata, Wikipedias, and VIAF
- The Ropebridges: Authority Control in Wikidata
- Events/Press
- A lot of Wikidata-related submissions have been accepted for Wikimania
- Treffen der Redaktion Chemie
- upcoming: MediaWiki hackathon in Amsterdam
- upcoming: Linked Data in Business
- Other Noteworthy Stuff
- d:Help:Lua is now the place for all things Lua on Wikidata
- Item d:Q13000000 is Devarakonda, a village in India.
- The geographic relation "exclave of" is the property with the ID 500.
- English Wikipedia discussion closes allowing for use of Wikidata
- Template to display a tree based in Wikidata data
- Deployed new bugfixes on including a fix for pages not being added to the watchlist automatically plus the first version of the RDF exort
- The ability to include data using the property label is planned to be deployed on English Wikipedia on Monday and all others on Wednesday (You can then for example use {{#property:logo image}} in addition to {{#property:P154}}.)
- Did you know?
- Newest properties: exclave of, enclave within, HURDAT identifier, ISO standard, home port, general manager, ISO 15924, Swedish county code, BNFC Thesaurus, cause of death, brother-in-law (sister's husband), honorific prefix, academic degree, birth name, interleaves with, state, phase, powerplant, interaction, part concerned, armament, scheduled service destination, type of orbit, temporal range start, temporal range end, Swedish municipality code, located on island, consists of
- {{Property|123}} can be used on Wikidata to get the label of the given property (P123) in the readers language. {{label|Q123}} does the same for items.
- Development
- Simplified the inclusion syntax (this is one way how you access data from Wikidata in a Wikipedia article - the other one is via Lua)
- Result of the external codebase review has been published
- Worked on implementation of editable time values in frontend
- Selenium tests for false edit-conflicts and old-revision-view
- Jenkins setup improvements
- Made many improvements to the unit test configuration and bootstrapping code in Ask, Diff, DataValues, WikibaseQueryEngine and WikibaseDatabase
- Automatic class loading based on PSR-0 convention in Ask, Diff and WikibaseQueryEngine
- Added new array comparison code and started work on merging diffs together in Diff
- Progress on the SQLStore
- Improved many unit tests by removing unneeded dependencies they had
- Bug fixing
- Made property parser function code more robust
- Worked on EntityPerPage rebuild script, to enable it to run for Wikidata to fill in missing entities in the wb_entity_per_page table
- Making the Settings system more robust, preparing split of client and repo settings
- Work on RDF mapping and serialization
- Work on content negotiation for Special:EntityData
- Open Tasks for You
- Help fix formatting and value issues for a property
- Determine statements to add to Wikidata based on Wikipedia categories
- Map a Wikipedia infobox to Wikidata properties (advanced sample)
- Select a rarely used property and add values to Wikidata: either manually, through "array properties", through a bot request, with Wikidata useful, or by operating your own bot
- Respond to a "Request for Comment"
- Hack on one of these
The Signpost: 20 May 2013
sunting- Foundation elections: Trustee candidates speak about Board structure, China, gender, global south, endowment
- News and notes: Spanish Wikipedia leaps past one million articles
- In the media: Qworty incident continues
- WikiProject report: Classical Greece and Rome
- Featured content: Up in the air
Wikidata weekly summary #59
sunting- Events/Press
- Linked Data in Business
- currently: Hackathon in Amsterdam
- Other Noteworthy Stuff
- It is now possible to access data from Wikidata on the Wikipedias by using the property's label.
- The time datatype can now be tested on the demosystem and should become available on Wikidata next week.
- Did you know?
- Newest properties: catalog code (P528), runway (P529), diplomatic relation (P530), diplomatic mission sent (P531), diplomatic mission sent (P531), port of registry (P532), target (P533), streak color (P534), Find a Grave (P535), ATP id (P536), twinning (P537), fracturing (P538), Museofile (P539)
- Newest task forces: Ship task force
- d:Template:Constraint:Item allows to check if items using a given property also have other properties. To find items to fix, it links to one of Magnus' tools and to a daily report. Sample: items with property mother should also have main type (GND) with value person.
- Development
- A lot of discussions and hacking at the MediaWiki hackathon on Amsterdam
- Worked on content negotiation for the RDF export
- Bugfixing for editing of time datatype
- Added validation in the api for claim guids. This also resolves bug 48473, an exception being thrown in production, whenever a bot or api user requested a claim with an invalid claim guid
- Improved error message popup bubbles to show HTML and parse the links correctly
- Fixed bug 48679, to hide the view source tab for item and property pages
- Testing on Diff extension and SQLstore
- Open Tasks for You
- Add statements to Wikidata: either manually, through "array properties", through a bot request, with Wikidata useful, or by operating your own bot
- Help fix formatting and value issues for a property
- Respond to a "Request for Comment"
- Hack on one of these
The Signpost: 27 May 2013
sunting- Foundation elections: Candidates talk about the Meta problem, the nation-based chapter model, world languages, and value for money
- News and notes: First-ever community election for FDC positions
- In the media: Pagans complain about Qworty's anti-Pagan editing
- Featured content: Life of 2π
- WikiProject report: WikiProject Geographical Coordinates
- Technology report: Amsterdam hackathon: continuity, change, and stroopwafels
- Recent research: Motivations on the Persian Wikipedia; is science eight times more popular on the Spanish Wikipedia than the English Wikipedia?
Wikidata weekly summary #60
sunting- Events/Press
- Deutschlandfunk interview about Wikipedia, Wikidata and more
- Hackathon in Amsterdam
- Linked Data in Business
- Upcoming: Arts, Humanities and Complex Networks
- Upcoming: SemTechBiz
- Other Noteworthy Stuff
- The time datatype is now available allowing you to enter dates in Wikidata (this also includes a short rundown of what the developers are going to work on next)
- 5 students are working on projects related to Wikidata as part of Google Summer of Code 2013
- prototype of a multilingual map using Wikidata
- Many Wikimedia wikis got a new account creation and login page - among them Wikidata
- Did you know?
- Newest properties: venue (P540), office contested (P541), officially opened by (P542), oath made by (P543), torch lit by (P545), docking port (P546), commemorates (P547), version type (P548), MGP ID (P549), chivalric order (P550), residence (P551), handedness (P552), social media account on (P553), social media address (P554), doubles record (P555), crystal system (P556), DiseasesDB (P557), unit symbol (P558), terminus (P559), direction (P560), NATO reporting name (P561), central bank/issuer (P562), ICD-O (P563), singles record (P564), crystal habit (P565)
- Newest task forces: Tennis task force, Taxonomy task force, Iranian Persian task force, Medicine task force
- Development
- Made good progress on moving the sitelinks on Wikidata too when a page on Wikipedia is moved (bugzilla:36729 - currently the bug with most votes)
- Fixed some bugs in the time value user interface
- Worked on coordinate value support
- Worked together with Wikimedia Foundation ops staff on Apache configuration changes to enable “pretty urls” for item pages. (e.g. goes to in the future)
- Added MediaWiki setting wgLogAutopatrol to allow wikis the option to disable logging of autopatrol actions
- Improved EntityPerPage rebuild script, which is needed to fix the situation where some Wikipedia articles can't access data from Wikidata (bugzilla:48506)
- Fixed bug in SetQualifiers API module; Moved both SetQualifiers and RemoveQualifiers out of experimental mode
- Open Tasks for You
- Help fix formatting and value issues for a property
- Respond to a "Request for Comment"
- Hack on one of these
The Signpost: 05 June 2013
sunting- From the editor: Signpost developments
- News and notes: "Cease and desist", World Trade Organization says to Wikivoyage; Could WikiLang be the next WMF project?
- In the media: China blocks Wikipedia
- Discussion report: Return of the Discussion report
- Featured content: A week of portraits
- WikiProject report: Operation Normandy
- Technology report: Developers accused of making Toolserver fight 'pointless'
Wikidata weekly summary #61
sunting- Discussions
- Please use the next week to review the discussions about sourcing of statements (d:Wikidata:Requests for comment/References and sources and Discussion on the Project Chat)
- Events/Press
- Arts, Humanities and Complex Networks
- SemTechBiz
- WMF metrics and activities meeting
- "Exakter und aktueller" Bessere Daten für Wikipedia durch Wikidata
- Other Noteworthy Stuff
- Large donation by Yandex for further development of Wikidata (press coverage here and here among others)
- en:Template:Infobox road and simple:Template:Infobox road now have the ability to use Wikidata for the map field
- Denny writes about Wikidata and the truth
- Average edits per page has passed 4
- Did you know?
- Newest properties: basionym (P566), hangingwall (P567), footwall (P568), date of birth (P569), date of death (P570), foundation/creation date (P571), date of scientific description (P574), discovery date (P575), date of dissolution (P576), date of publication (P577), Sandbox-TimeValue (P578), IMA status (P579), start date (P580), end date (P582), as of (P585), IPNI author ID (P586), MMSI (P587), coolant (P588), point group (P589), GNIS (P590), EC Number (P591), ChEMBL (P592), Homologene ID (P593), Ensembl ID (P594), IUPHAR ID (P595), in the direction of (P596), WTA ID (P597), commands (P598), ITF ID (P599), Wine AppDB-ID (P600), MedlinePlus ID (P604), NUTS (P605), first flight (P606)
- Newest task forces: Catalunya task force
- Development
- Worked on globe coordinate editing
- Reviewed and merged code for SetSiteLink special page
- EditEntity API refactoring (Info: EditEntity API’s EXCLUDE parameter will be dropped - see here)
- First steps towards being able to add sitelinks for the first sister-project (WikiVoyage)
- Improved the Travis CI continuous integration setup
- Made the DataValue component installable via Composer
- Open Tasks for You
- Help fix formatting and value issues for a property
- Respond to a "Request for Comment"
- Hack on one of these
Hi Algazel
suntingWelcome back. Arctic Kangaroo (✉ • ✎) 11:09, 12 Jun 2013 (UTC)
suntingHi Algazel, why do some admins here don't warn vandals and just block them directly? Also, some vandals also have not gotten their final warning and they are already blocked. Any explanation? Arctic Kangaroo (✉ • ✎) 12:49, 12 Jun 2013 (UTC)
- You gave me quite a scare with this when I refreshed RC. I saw your edit summary and until I saw the message on my talk page, I thought you blocked me. Arctic Kangaroo (✉ • ✎) 13:09, 12 Jun 2013 (UTC)
The Signpost: 12 June 2013
sunting- Op-ed: The tragedy of Wikipedia's commons
- News and notes: How Wikimedia affiliates are spending $8.4 million; PRISM scandal
- Traffic report: Who holds the throne?
- In the media: VisualEditor will "change world history"
- Discussion report: VisualEditor, elections, bots, and more
- Featured content: Mixing Bowl Interchange
- Arbitration report: Two cases suspended; proposed decision posted in Argentine History
- WikiProject report: Processing WikiProject Computing
suntingHello sir. I would like to aks if it was possebole to get rollback? - My Twinkle dont work all th time, and I think you guys will be seeing more to me ;) --Simeondahl (bincang) 10:58, 14 Jun 2013 (UTC)
suntingMesej diletak 12:58, 14 Jun 2013 (UTC). Anda boleh membuang notis ini pada bila-bila masa dengan membuang templat {{Talkback}}.
Wikidata weekly summary #62
sunting- Noteworthy Stuff
- Geocoordinates can now be entered in Wikidata and language links can now be edited without JavaScript
- The folks at OCLC did a great intro video to Wikidata and VIAF/authority files
- And here's some interesting analysis on the most unique Wikipedias according to Wikidata
- Magnus updated his tool to add missing properties to an item
- Did you know?
- Newest properties: battle/war (P607), exhibition history (P608), terminus location (P609), exhibition history (P608), terminus location (P609), highest point (P610), religious order (P611), mother house (P612), OS grid reference (P613), CHRC (P616), yard number (P617), source of energy (P618), spacecraft launch date (P619), spacecraft landing date (P620), spacecraft decay date (P621), spacecraft docking/undocking dates (P622), crew photo (P623), guidance system (P624), coordinate location (P625), Sandbox-GeoCoordinateValue (P626), IUCN-ID (P627)
- If you're interested in a specific topic then the task forces are a good place to find like-minded people. Can't find one for your interest? Start one!
- Development
- More progress on supporting links to sisterprojects
- Fixing issues with geocoordinate datatype that popped up after deployment
- Selenium tests for time and geocoordinate interface
- EditEntity Refactoring (added parameter “new”)
- Open Tasks for You
- Help fix formatting and value issues for a property
- Respond to a "Request for Comment"
- Hack on one of these
The Signpost: 19 June 2013
sunting- Op-ed: Two responses to the 'Tragedy of Wikipedia's Commons'
- News and notes: Swedish Wikipedia's millionth article leads to protests; WMF elections—where are all the voters?
- In the media: South African learners want Wikipedia
- Traffic report: Most popular Wikipedia articles of the last week
- Discussion report: Citations, non-free content, and a MediaWiki meeting
- Featured content: Cheaper by the dozen
- WikiProject report: The Volunteer State: WikiProject Tennessee
- Arbitration report: The Farmbrough amendment request—automation and arbitration enforcement
- Technology report: VisualEditor set for early July rollout
Nama Presiden
suntingSebenarnya saya sedang cuba memasukkan variable dalam jadual supaya tidak perlu mengemas kini semua rencana apabila berlaku perubahan Presiden. Yosri (bincang) 01:09, 21 Jun 2013 (UTC)
- Lihat Indonesia. Yosri (bincang) 01:56, 21 Jun 2013 (UTC)
- Arrrrrrrrrgggggggg. :) OK. Tak ada penyelesaian lebih mudah ke. Kalau tidak saya tidak boleh salin template ini pada bandar/desa lain jika tidak boleh pakai variable. Siku keluang itu digunakan dalam jadual di Indonesia, sebab itu saya salin. Yosri (bincang) 02:15, 21 Jun 2013 (UTC)
- Heeee... Saya guna "Infobox settlement" bagi semua penempatan sebab malas hendak buat yang berbeza-beza bagi setiap negara, seperti yang dibuat oleh sesetengah Wiki. "autolink nama ketua" tu tak banyak advantage untuk tahun ini, tetapi tunggu empat atau lima tahun lagi, apabila Indonesia tukar presiden dan ada 74K rencana desa di Indonesia yang anda perlu tukar nama pemimpinnya satu-demi-satu-demi-satu-demi-satu X 74K. :) Yosri (bincang) 03:16, 21 Jun 2013 (UTC)
- Arrrrrrrrrgggggggg. :) OK. Tak ada penyelesaian lebih mudah ke. Kalau tidak saya tidak boleh salin template ini pada bandar/desa lain jika tidak boleh pakai variable. Siku keluang itu digunakan dalam jadual di Indonesia, sebab itu saya salin. Yosri (bincang) 02:15, 21 Jun 2013 (UTC)
Wikidata weekly summary #63
sunting- Discussions
- Final vote on the "Guidelines for sourcing statements" till June 24.
- Work started on a policy regarding information about living people
- Feedback needed on a proposal by the development team for how to support Wiktionary
- RfC about sockpuppetry guidelines
- RfC about personal names
- Events/Press
- Did you know?
- Newest properties: E number (P628), edition of (P629), Paris city digital code (P630), structural engineer (P631), cultural properties of Belarus reference number (P632), Répertoire du patrimoine culturel du Québec identifier (P633), captain (P634), ISTAT ID (P635), route of administration (P636), Protein ID (P637), PDB ID (P638), RNA ID (P639), Léonore ID (P640), sport (P641), of (P642), Genloc Chr (P643), Genloc Start (P644), Genloc End (P645), Freebase identifier (P646), drafted by (P647), Open Library identifier (P648), NRHP (P649), RKDartists (P650), BPN (P651), UNII (P652), PubMed Health (P653), direction relative to location (P654)
- Development
- Worked on site-link group editing to make it possible to link to sisterprojects
- Further work on input validation
- Further work on handling invalid data gracefully
- Use Serializers for generating API results
- Finished selenium tests for TimeUI and CoordinateUI
- Changed globe coordinate value input to use backend coordinate parser
- Fixed issues with data type definitions not being available in the frontend
- Wrote a little hack so that on statements with a long list of values you will always be able to see the name of the property of the current section you are in (since the label moves when scrolling the page)
- Open Tasks for You
- Help fix formatting and value issues for a property
- Respond to a "Request for Comment"
- Hack on one of these
The Signpost: 26 June 2013
sunting- News and notes: Election results released
- In the media: Daily Dot on Commons and porn; Jimmy Wales accused of breaking Wikipedia rules in hunt for Snowden
- Traffic report: Most-viewed articles of the week
- Discussion report: Privacy policy, X!'s edit counter, old rangeblocks, and the Article Incubator
- WikiProject report: WikiProject Fashion
- Featured content: Wikipedia in black + Adam Cuerden
- Arbitration report: Argentine History closed; two cases remain suspended
- Recent research: Controversial Wikipedia topics
Wikidata weekly summary #64
sunting- Discussions
- Other Noteworthy Stuff
- d:User:Byrial is creating database reports that are useful to find issues in the current data
- Denny created a map of all geocoordinates currently in Wikidata (normal and huge version - updated daily)
- Did you know?
- Newest properties: RTECS number (P657), RefSeq (P656), translator (P655)
- Development
- The Wikidata bug report with the most votes was closed (bugzilla:36729 - updating the link on Wikidata automatically when a page on Wikipedia is moved)
- Wikipedia pages will soon have a link named "Data item" in the toolbox section of the sidebar that links to the Wikidata item that is connected to the page (bugzilla:49105 - You can already see it on the main page of for example.)
- Calendar names displayed for time values can now be translated (bugzilla:49080)
- Added serializers for the Ask query language
- Buuuugfixes and testing
- Refactoring
- Worked on better handling of bad values (= values that don't fit the datatype they should have)
- Open Tasks for You
- Update, expand and translate one of the help pages to make it easier for newcomers
- Help fix formatting and value issues for a property
- Hack on one of these