Types of polysomnography test


In order to take a sleep test from a person, usually the doctor has different opinions about how this test should be taken, according to the person's problem, one of the following ways may be considered:

Nocturnal sleep test (PSG)


In this type of sleep test, the overall quality of a person's sleep and some bodily functions such as breathing, blood oxygen level, heart rhythm and organ movement are shown.

Multiple daytime sleep latency diagnostic test (MSLT)


This test is performed after the nocturnal sleep test (PSG) and detects sleep attacks, the amount of sleepiness a person experiences during the day, the speed and number of times they enter the sleep phase.

PSG assessment and CPEP titration during two nights


On the first night when a person goes to the sleep clinic for a sleep test, he is controlled and checked by a special sleep device, and if the diagnosis of a sleep disorder specialist is sleep apnea. On the second night, the appropriate air pressure for CPEP treatment is calculated. In this treatment method, oxygen enters the person's respiratory tract through a mask specially designed for the nose.

PSG with C-Pep titration overnight


This test is performed when the medical team notices moderate or severe sleep apnea in the first half of the sleep test. On the same night, for the second half of the experiment, the test of the amount of CPEP required for the treatment of apnea is performed.

Complications of the sleep test


The sleep test is a risk-free and painless test. The only complication that has been observed in some people after this test is skin inflammation, which is due to the adhesives that are used to attach the sensors to the patient's skin.

Measures before the sleep test


Before performing the polysomnography test, the specialist doctor will advise you on how to take the medications. On the day of the test, you should not use any caffeine or alcohol, because it can directly affect the test result.

Do not take an afternoon nap the day before the sleep test. You should ask your doctor about bathing before the test, but you should not use perfumes, lotions, gels, or cosmetics, because they can interfere with the performance of the electrodes.
