Education: Former student ASWARA institution. Native : Malacca. Born: November 15, 1986

Amar Asyraf as Zain Hakimi lead character in the drama as the Setia Hujung Nyawa. Amar Asraf, 26 years coupled with the lead character Senrose Nelydia as Ersalina. Zain Hakimi and Ersalina is a husband and wife in the drama Setia Hujung Nyawa of Fatin Nabila adaptation of the novel of 28 episodes. Amar Ashraf is an actor who currently plays the rise with strong and able to amaze the audience. Previous acting (drama and teledrama):Kasih Najihah, Nilapura, Psikik at TV 1, Penunggu Istana, Kitab Cinta, Qada dan Getaran,Dia Bukan Mariam, Dalam Hati Ada Taman, Setia Hujung Nyawa TV 3 dan sebagainya.