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12 Februari 2025

  • 01:2801:28, 12 Februari 2025 beza sjrh −102 Melayu Proto الله سبحانه وتعال Islam Is The Truth MasyaAllah* SubhanAllah* Alhamdulilah* Allahuakbar* Astagfirullah* The correct one spelling and this is a statement not a question.Alhamdulilah I bear a witness that there is no god except Allah and I bear a witness that prophet Muhammad is the messenger of Allah .All other religion is wrong ,Only Islam is the truth.Only Islam religion book like Quran ,Zabur ,Taurat and Injil is true words of god and prophet Muhammad hadith and sunnah is the truth . terkini Teg-teg: Suntingan visual Suntingan mudah alih Suntingan web mudah alih