Fail asli (Fail SVG, ukuran dasar 500 × 500 piksel, saiz fail: 4 KB)

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Italiano: Il simbolo delle sostanze inquinanti per l'ambiente, secondo la direttiva 67/548/EWG dell' European Chemicals Bureau (Ufficio Europeo Sostanze Chimiche).
Deutsch: Das Gefahrensymbol für umweltgefährdende Substanzen nach der Richtlinie 67/548/EWG vom European Chemicals Bureau (Chemikalienfachstelle der EU).
Latviešu: Bīstamības videi simbols ķīmiskajām vielām saskaņā ar Eiropas Padomes direktīvu 67/548/EEK (kopš 2009. g. 20. janvāra tā aizstāta ar Regulu Nr. 1272/2008).
Русский: Символ опасности химического вещества для окружающей среды согласно директиве Совета Европы 67/548/EWG (с 20 января 2009 г. замещена Регулой № 1272/2008).
Français : Symbole des polluants de l'environnement, conformément à la directive 67/548/CEE du «Bureau européen des substances chimiques (European Chemicals Agency).
English: Symbol of pollutants to the environment, according to the directive 67/548/EWG of 'European Chemicals Bureau (European Chemicals Agency).
Tarikh 11 August 2006 Older version: From clipart Gallery on, April 29, 2006 See ECB hazard symbols for all symbols.
Sumber Converted from EPS file at
Pengarang See historic
SVG genesis
The SVG code is valid.
This vector image was created with Inkscape.


Fail ini tidak layak berhak cipta dan ia berada dalam domain awam, kerana ia sepenuhnya terdiri daripada maklumat yang merupakan harta bersama dan tidak mengandungi pengarang asal.

Derivative works of this file:  ECB Hazard Symbol N.svg


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Symbol of pollutants to the environment, according to the directive 67/548/EWG of the European Chemicals Bureau (European Chemicals Agency).

Items portrayed in this file


media type Inggeris


Sejarah fail

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Tarikh/WaktuGambar kenitUkuranPenggunaKomen
semasa15:40, 22 Februari 2008Gambar kenit bagi versi pada 15:40, 22 Februari 2008500 × 500 (4 KB)Matthias M.valid SVG
21:25, 17 Februari 2008Gambar kenit bagi versi pada 21:25, 17 Februari 2008500 × 500 (5 KB)Matthias M.some path errors corrected using Inkscape
21:43, 20 Disember 2006Gambar kenit bagi versi pada 21:43, 20 Disember 2006500 × 500 (4 KB)Phrood~commonswikibigger
22:34, 10 Ogos 2006Gambar kenit bagi versi pada 22:34, 10 Ogos 2006106 × 106 (4 KB)Phrood~commonswikiBetter image, converted from EPS file at {{PD-ineligible}}
13:51, 25 Mei 2006Gambar kenit bagi versi pada 13:51, 25 Mei 2006600 × 600 (5 KB)MarianSiglerremoved the margin
17:59, 4 Mei 2006Gambar kenit bagi versi pada 17:59, 4 Mei 2006750 × 750 (5 KB)Parafish eye fixed
22:11, 29 April 2006Gambar kenit bagi versi pada 22:11, 29 April 2006750 × 750 (6 KB)MarianSigler* '''Description:''' The hazard symbol for nature polluting substances according to directive 67/548/EWG by the European Chemicals Bureau. * '''Source:''' Clipart Gallery on [],

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