Wikipedia:WikiProjek COVID-19/Pasukan Petugas Pengiraan Kes

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Peta jumlah kes yang disahkan
Peta bagi kes per kapita yang disahkan
  1000+ kes per juta penduduk
  100-1000 kes per juta penduduk
  10–100 kes per juta penduduk
  1–10 kes per juta penduduk
  0.1-1 kes per juta penduduk
  > 0–0.1 kes per juta penduduk
  Tiada kes yang disahkan
Peta kematian per kapita
Peta bagi kematian per kapita
  100+ kematian setiap juta penduduk
  10–100 kematian setiap juta penduduk
  1–10 kematian setiap juta penduduk
  0.1-1 kematian setiap juta penduduk
  0.01–0.1 kematian setiap juta penduduk
  > 0–0.01 kematian per juta penduduk
  Tidak ada kematian atau tidak ada data
Garis masa kes per kapita
Peta garis masa kes yang disahkan per kapita (tidak berfungsi pada telefon bimbit)
(seret bulatan untuk menyesuaikan; Versi besar)

Selenggara kes, kematian dan pemulihan yang disahkan COVID-19:

  1. Dirujuk menggunakan sumber yang boleh dipercayai (WP:SBD).
  2. Kemaskini sebagaimana dinyatakan sumber rujukan sahih.
  3. Selaras antara templat dan halaman (cth: {{Data pandemik COVID-19}} dan 2019–20 coronavirus pandemic in mainland China.


  • Ini adalah panduan untuk sumber yang boleh dipercayai untuk data terkini mengenai kes, kematian dan pemulihan COVID-19 yang disahkan setiap wilayah.
    • Tambahkan catatan ke entri wilayah jika parameter data COVID-19 epidemiologi lain tersedia (seperti jumlah ujian makmal harian).
  • Sekiranya anda ingin mengemas kini jumlah wilayah sekurang-kurangnya sekali sehari, sila tambahkan nama pengguna anda ke lajur pengguna.
  • Sekiranya anda mencari negara untuk dijadikan negara angkat, anda mungkin ingin mencari negara yang bahasa anda dituturkan dan/atau mempunyai bahasa zon waktu yang serupa dengan anda.
  • Lihat #Sumber alternatif untuk negara lain.
Lokasi Sumber Pengangkat
Afghanistan The Government maintains an official tracker at Data on testing is also published.
Albania The Government maintains an official tracker at News reports in English may be found in the Tirana Times (example). Reports in Albanian may be found in (example) and other Albanian media outlets.
Algeria The Government updates an official ArcGIS dashboard. Sometimes, usually prior to updates, the website redirects to a sign-in page and is not usable. El Bilad publishes unofficial updates via Facebook.
Andorra Andorra has an official tracker but it does not report deaths or recoveries. Updates in Catalan language may be found in media outlets like Diari d'Andorra (example) or El Periòdic.
Angola Here updates on the number of cases by the government of Angola are published daily.
Armenia NCDC publishes daily updates in Armenian at 7:00 UTC.
Argentina Argentina's Ministry of Health publishes two daily reports: one with the numbers of recoveries in the morning, and a nightly one with the number of new cases and deaths. Also its site provides extra epidemiological information (all in Spanish).
Australia Australia's Department of Health publishes a daily report of confirmed cases and deaths. Further updates may be found in media outlets like (example).
Austria The Government of Austria publishes a daily report for confirmed cases and deaths. Their interactive dashboard may have more up-to-date data.
Azerbaijan The Government publishes an online report in Azerbaijani at It includes confirmed cases (Virusa yoluxan), deaths (Ölüm halı) and recoveries (Sağalan).
Bahrain MOH publishes updates at midnight (local time) daily.
Bangladesh The Institute of Epidemiology, Disease Control and Research (IEDCR) of Bangladesh has a page dedicated for the number of cases, recoveries and deaths with daily updates at There is also an official portal of the government in Bengali at
Belarus Daily updates are published by Testing data is also included.
Belgium The Government of Belgium publishes daily updates at in English, Dutch, French and German. The Dutch version and French version are updated faster. Latest data may also be found at media outlets like La Libre Belgique (example).
Belize The Ministry of Health publishes official updates at (example).
Benin National statistics are updated on weekdays at
Bhutan Daily updates via facebook are published by the Ministry of Health
Bolivia Bolivia has an online tracker at with confirmed cases (Casos confirmados), deaths (Decesos) and recoveries (Casos recuperados). The site also provides daily announcements.
Bosnia dan Herzegovina MCP publishes official updates for the entire country. publishes unofficial updates for the entire country. Updates for just the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina are published here. Updates for just Republika Srpska are published here.
Botswana Official updates are published here.
Brazil The Ministry of Health publishes reports at (example). More up-to-date data may be found in media outlets like (example).
Bulgaria The Ministry of Health publishes a daily report of confirmed cases, deaths and recoveries in Bulgarian.
Burkina Faso Service d'information du Gouvernement publishes daily reports about COVID-19 in French. publishes the same reports about COVID-19 (example).
Kemboja Reports are published by CDCMOH. CDCMOH also has a live tracker.
Kanada CTV News maintains a detailed report including confirmed cases (presumptive cases must be subtracted), deaths and recoveries. The Government of Canada publishes a daily report, but it will be usually outdated.
China The National Health Commission publishes a daily report at Use the URL of specific reports (e.g. 截至3月21日24时新型冠状病毒肺炎疫情最新情况. New reports can be found from the homepage and always have a similar Chinese title, changing the day number. The report contains confirmed cases, deaths and recoveries. It also reports data about Hong Kong, Macau and Taiwan separately.
Chile The Ministry of Health publishes the official daily report. Region wise count can be found in the same website. It will get updated at around 11:00 AM Local time. The government also publishes an official website.
Colombia There are multiple official websites in Colombia. The Instituto Nacional de Salud publishes this daily report. MinSalud publishes this official website.
Cuba There is a frequently updated tracker at including confirmed cases (Casos confirmados por laboratorio) and deaths (Muertes asociadas a la enfermedad). When outdated, reports may be found in Cuban media outlets like Cubadebate (example).
Czechia Official statistics can be found at the Czech Ministry of Health, updated twice daily at 9.00 and 18.00 local time (including tests and recoveries).
Denmark The Government of Denmark publishes a daily report of confirmed cases (Smittede personer) and deaths (Dødsfald). These are reported separately for Denmark, Greenland and the Faroe Islands.
Ecuador The Government maintains an online tracker at with confirmed cases (Casos Confirmados), deaths (Personas fallecidas) and recoveries (Personas recuperadas).
Eritrea News from contains statistics on COVID-19 in Eritrea.
Estonia An online tracker is regularly updated by the country's Health Board at with confirmed cases, in treatment, deaths, recoveries and tests.
Kepulauan Faroe Faroe Islands figures can no longer be found in the Danish daily report. They are now found at
Fiji Fiji's Ministry of Health updates on cases, deaths and recoveries. Other reports may be found at the Fijian Broadcasting Corporation (example).
Perancis France publishes an official daily report with a stable URL covering confirmed cases and deaths. Recoveries can be found in the press (e.g. 1587 sont sorties guéries de l'hôpital [1]). Official data from France (with map and history of day-to-day data).
Gabon There is an official tracker from the government. It shows confirmed cases (CAS CONFIRMÉS), recoveries (CAS RÉTABLIS) and deaths (TOTAL DÉCÉDÉS).
Georgia The main official website is, but more detailed statistics including testing are published by NCDC.
Jerman Various German newspapers maintain unofficial interactive trackers. The most reliable so far seem to be Tagesspiegel for cases and deaths and Zeit Online for recoveries. Berliner Morgenpost data has more reliability issues. The official data is released by the Robert Koch Institute on a daily basis, every morning.
Yunani Government of Greece: [2]
Greenland Greenland publishes a daily report. Greenland figures can also be found in the Danish daily report.
Guatemala The Ministry of Health maintains an online tracker.
Guernsey The States of Guernsey publishes the latest information and testing results on their official website at Recoveries as well as confirmed, negative and pending result figures are given. Live updates for the Channel Islands (for Jersey and Guernsey) are also reported by ITV News.
Guyana MOPH publishes updates daily via Facebook
Hungary Official statistics at Hungarian Ministry of Health, updated at least daily.
Iceland Official statistics at Government of Iceland or, in Icelandic, here, updated daily at 11:00 UTC.
India Ministry of Health and Family Welfare daily updates on its website. Updates generally cover confirmed cases, deaths and recoveries.
Iran The Islamic Republic News Agency publishes daily updates on its website and on its Twitter (@IrnaEnglish. Updates generally cover confirmed cases, deaths and recoveries.
Iraq The Ministry of Health publishes updates on their facebook page.
Israel The government has a dashboard
Jepun The Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare publishes a daily report at (example).
Jersey The Government of Jersey publishes the latest information and testing results on their official website at Confirmed, negative and pending result figures are given together with the number of deaths abd recoveries. Live updates for the Channel Islands (for Jersey and Guernsey) are also reported by ITV News.
Jordan The Ministry of Health, publishes daily in Arabic at .
Kazakhstan publishes reliable updates on the situation daily.
Kuwait The government has a dashboard updated daily.
Kyrgyzstan AKIpress publishes the data daily. Also, there is an English version of the site, here, that publishes news reports. (example). There is also a government website.
Laos Daily updates are published here.
Latvia There is an official website that publishes updates daily.
Lebanon There are statistics from the Ministry of Information as well as a dashboard maintained by the Ministry of Public Health.
Libya NCDC has a dashboard with data partially in English. It is updated daily and includes testing data.
Lithuania There is an official website that publishes updates daily.
Malaysia The Ministry of Health of Malaysia maintains an online report of confirmed cases, deaths and recoveries. Look for the infography with English subtitles.
Malawi Official tracker
Malta Reports may be found in media outlets like Malta Today (example).
Mexico The government updates two dashboards: One at and the other at
Mongolia MOHS publishes updates daily here.
Maghribi The Government maintains an up-to-date online tracker at It includes confirmed cases (Cas confirmés), deaths (Décès) and recoveries (Guéris).
Myanmar The Ministry of Health and Sports operates a dashboard via ArcGIS.
Nepal The official website is here. Reports may be found at The Himalayan Times (example).
Belanda The Government of the Netherlands publishes a daily report of confirmed cases (positief geteste) and deaths (overleden). As of yet, the government does not count recovered cases so there is no reliable source for it.
New Zealand The Ministry of Health of New Zealand publishes daily media releases of cases (usually confirmed and sometimes suspected cases included too). Total recoveries are sometimes mentioned.
Makedonia Utara The Macedonian Ministry of Health publishes a daily report of confirmed (дијагностицирани), death (смртни), active (активни), new (нови) and serious/critical (сериозни/критични) cases. There is also a reliable interactive dashboard that may display more up-to-date data. This reference aris in Macedonian language.
Norway The online newspaper Verdens Gang maintains an interactive dashboard for confirmed cases (Registrert smittet) and deaths (Døde). There is no reliable source for recoveries.
Oman The Ministry of Health maintains an official tracker of confirmed cases, deaths and recoveries in English.
Pakistan The Government of Pakistan maintains an up-to-date report of confirmed cases, deaths and recoveries at
Negara Palestin The unofficial publishes updates.
Panama The Ministry of Health maintains an interactive dashboard with confirmed cases (Casos confirmados), deaths (Fallecidos) and recoveries (Recuperados).
Paraguay MSPBS publishes daily updates here.
Peru The Ministry of Health reports new cases daily at
Filipina The Government maintains an up-to-date interactive dashboard at It includes, confirmed cases, deaths, recoveries and other metrics.
Poland The Polish Ministry of Health (MOH) publishes several updates per day on a Twitter account in California (@MZ_GOV_PL, example). Other daily parameters from the same source: suspected/hospitalised; quarantined; monitored; lab tests done.
Portugal The Portuguese Ministry of Health maintains an interactive dashboard with confirmed cases (Casos Confirmados), deaths (Óbitos) and recoveries (Recuperados).
Qatar This Ministry of Public Health has a dedicated page to keep track of the new cases, deaths and recoveries in English.
Rusia Data is published by the government here and by the Ministry of Health here
Saint Lucia The Ministry of Health and Wellness maintains an online tracker of confirmed cases, recoveries and deaths.
Arab Saudi There is an official tracker by the Ministry of Health - here.
Singapura The Singapore's Ministry of Health provides daily updates on the figures of active cases, recovered and deaths. [3]
Slovakia Official statistics at Slovak Ministry of Health, updated daily.
Korea Selatan The Korea Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (KCDC) publishes a daily report at See the report list.
Sepanyol The Ministry of Health and ISCIII publish daily reports with consolidated counts of confirmed cases, deaths and recoveries. These figures are updated daily by RTVE and El País, which are the most up-to-date sources (except for a small time lapse when ISCIII publishes a daily update).
Sri Lanka The Ministry of Health maintains an online report and daily reports in PDF. Both in English. The former is more up-to-date.
Suriname The National Emergency Center maintains a site with confirmed cases (Positief), deaths (Overleden) and recoveries (Genezen) at
Sweden Government reports update numbers every day at 11:30, reporting them to the public at 14:00 through a specialized platform. The Swedish Intensive care registry (SIR) provides up-to-date report about severe cases. Older sources no longer maintain accurate statistics, such as the public broadcaster Sveriges Television (SVT) report of confirmed cases and deaths. Unofficial dashboards, such as,, etc. should not be used, as they have reported inaccurate recovery data.
Switzerland Switzerland publishes a daily report of confirmed cases and deaths with a stable URL.
Syria Official Updates on Facebook
Tajikistan publishes updates daily.
Thailand COVID-19 information from the Department of Disease Control (DDC) is published here. Information is also available on this website.
Tunisia An official website is updated daily. Sometimes the dashboard will say "No data." When this happens, refer to the graph showing the spread over time.
Turki The official website publishes updates daily.
Ukraine Ukraine's Ministry of Healthcare updates data on
Emiriah Arab Bersatu A dashboard is maintained by the National Emergency Crisis and Disasters Management Authority. The Ministry of Health and Prevention also publishes a daily update. The Federal Competitiveness and Statistics Authority also manages a dashboard in Arabic.
United Kingdom The data is now published at
Amerika Syarikat There are two main reliable sources for the United States; Johns Hopkins CSSE for rolling updates, and CDC, which is updated on week days. Also, most state governments publish their own statistics.
Uruguay The Government publishes daily communiques at and an updated tracker by Department
Uzbekistan The Government maintains an up-to-date tracker at It includes confirmed cases, deaths and recoveries.
Venezuela The Ministry of Health maintains an up-to-date tracker at It includes confirmed cases, deaths and recoveries.
Vietnam The Ministry of Health maintains an up-to-date tracker at It includes confirmed cases, deaths and recoveries.
Yaman The Yemen Supreme National Emergency Committee for COVID-19 publishes updates on Twitter daily.

Kesalahan biasa


Sumber agregat seperti Worldometer,Johns Hopkins University atau 1point3acres menawarkan kemas kini tepat pada masanya berdasarkan sumber lain. Namun, ada beberapa kesalahan umum dalam sumber-sumber ini yang harus dipertimbangkan:

Pengiraan dua kali wilayah


JHU CSSE mengira kes di Perancis Seberang Laut dua kali ganda. Mereka menambahkannya ke jumlah Perancis, tetapi mereka sudah termasuk dalam angka rasmi untuk Perancis. Lihat perbincangan: 1, 2.

Pengiraan kes dua kali


JHU CSSE dan Worldometer selalunya menambah kes di rumah jagaan kepada jumlah kes di Perancis. Namun, jumlah rasmi untuk Perancis sudah merangkumi kes-kes ini. Ini mengakibatkan lebih daripada 30,000 kes dikira dua kali. Lihat perbincangan: 1, 2. Lihat pengakuan oleh JHU. Pada pertengahan April, masalah ini telah diperbaiki di JHU CSSE dan Worldometer.

Kes yang disyaki


Sumber agregat boleh merangkumi kes anggapan atau disyaki dalam jumlah keseluruhan kes yang disahkan. Worldometer dan JHU CSSE secara konsisten melakukan ini untuk negara-negara seperti Perancis, Kanada atau New Zealand. Perhatikan bahawa kemasukan kes JHU CSSE bukan kesilapan, kerana sesuai dengan definisi mereka sendiri untuk "Kes" dan dokumentasinya.

Metrik yang salah untuk pemulihan


1point3acres mungkin merangkumi metrik yang salah dalam pemulihan. Sebagai contoh, untuk Kepulauan Mariana Utara, mereka memasukkan semua orang yang dibebaskan dari kuarantin sebagai pemulihan (kini diperbaiki). Walau bagaimanapun, kebanyakan orang yang dikuarantin tidak disahkan kes pada awalnya. Lihat perbincangan: 1.

Sumber alternatif


Beberapa negara mempunyai pelaporan dalam talian setiap hari (atau bahkan setiap jam) oleh agensi-agensi negeri (mis. Perancis), agensi berita yang dikendalikan oleh negara (mis. Iran) atau media bebas yang terkenal. Sumber ini lebih disarankan dan kami mengesannya di bahagian #Lokasi. Walau bagaimanapun, apabila ini tidak tersedia atau terlalu susul (lag), kita perlu mencari sumber lain. Berikut adalah beberapa petua untuk mencarinya:

  • Worldometer sering menyebut sumber mereka di bahagian Kemas kini Terkini. Anda mungkin menemui sumber yang boleh dipercayai di sana.
  • John Hopkins University juga merupakan sumber yang terkenal dengan kemas kini yang kerap untuk negara dan wilayah di seluruh dunia. Terdapat juga 2019-nCoV repositori data di GitHub.
  • Reutersmempunyai reputasi tinggi sebagai sumber yang boleh dipercayai dan sering menerbitkan laporan mengenai kes COVID-19 baru. Anda boleh menggunakan mesin carian untuk mencari laporan Reuters yang dicari covid-19 (Google) dan menukar penapisan ke 24 jam terakhir.
  • Xinhua News Agency menerbitkan laporan mengenai COVID-19 baru di banyak negara yang biasanya tidak dilaporkan. Laporan ini boleh didapati di atau Perhatikan bahawa tarikh laporan mungkin sebelumnya dari tarikh yang ditunjukkan dalam garisan tarikh (dateline). Apabila ini berlaku, tarikh sebenarnya dapat dijumpai di perenggan pertama teks.

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