
genus tumbuhan

Pothos ialah genus tumbuhan berbunga dalam keluarga Araceae (suku Potheae). Ia tempatan dari China, benua kecil India, Australia, New Guinea, Asia Tenggara dan bermacam-macam pulau di Lautan Teduh dan Hindi.[4][5][6]

Pothos repens
gambaran 1900[3]
Pengelasan saintifik s
Domain: Eukaryota
Alam: Plantae
Klad: Trakeofit
Klad: Monokot
Order: Alismatales
Keluarga: Araceae
Subkeluarga: Pothoideae
Genus: Pothos
  • Tapanava Adans.
  • Batis Blanco 1837, illegitimate homonym, not P.Browne 1756
  • Goniurus C.Presl

Tanaman rumah biasa Epipremnum aureum yang turut disebut "pothos" pernah dikelaskan dalam genus ini. Pothos curtisii (sin. P. latifolius) pula dipanggil lidah badak.


  1. Pothos armatus C.E.C.Fisch. – Kerala
  2. Pothos atropurpurascens M.Hotta – Borneo
  3. Pothos barberianus Schott – Borneo, Malaysia, Sumatera
  4. Pothos beccarianus Engl. – Borneo
  5. Pothos brassii B.L.Burtt – Queensland
  6. Pothos brevistylus Engl. – Borneo
  7. Pothos brevivaginatus Alderw. – Sumatera
  8. Pothos chinensis (Raf.) Merr. – China, Tibet, Taiwan, Jepun, Kepulauan Ryukyu, Indochina, Himalaya, India, Nepal, Bhutan
  9. Pothos clavatus Engl. – New Guinea
  10. Pothos crassipedunculatus Sivad. & N.Mohanan – selatan India
  11. Pothos curtisii Hook.f. – lidah badak – Thailand, Malaysia, Sumatera
  12. Pothos cuspidatus Alderw. – barat New Guinea
  13. Pothos cylindricus C.Presl – Sabah, Sulawesi, Filipina
  14. Pothos dolichophyllus Merr. – Filipina
  15. Pothos dzui P.C.Boyce – Vietnam
  16. Pothos englerianus (Engl.) Alderw. – Sumatera
  17. Pothos falcifolius Engl. & K.Krause – Maluku, New Guinea
  18. Pothos gigantipes Buchet ex P.C.Boyce – Vietnam, Kemboja
  19. Pothos gracillimus Engl. & K.Krause – Papua New Guinea
  20. Pothos grandis Buchet ex P.C.Boyce & V.D.Nguyen – Vietnam
  21. Pothos hellwigii Engl. – New Guinea, Kepulauan Solomon, Kepulauan Bismarck
  22. Pothos hookeri Schott – Sri Lanka
  23. Pothos inaequilaterus (C.Presl) Engl. – Filipina
  24. Pothos insignis Engl. – Borneo, Palawan
  25. Pothos junghuhnii de Vriese – Borneo, Jawa, Sumatera
  26. Pothos keralensis A.G. Pandurangan & V.J. Nair – Kerala
  27. Pothos kerrii Buchet ex P.C.Boyce – Guangxi, Laos, Vietnam
  28. Pothos kingii Hook.f. – Thailand, Semenanjung Malaysia
  29. Pothos lancifolius Hook.f. – Vietnam, Semenanjung Malaysia
  30. Pothos laurifolius P.C.Boyce & A.Hay – Brunei
  31. Pothos leptostachyus Schott – Thailand, Semenanjung Malaysia, Borneo, Sumatera
  32. Pothos longipes Schott – Queensland, New South Wales
  33. Pothos longivaginatus Alderw. – Borneo
  34. Pothos luzonensis (C.Presl) Schott – Luzon, Samar
  35. Pothos macrocephalus Scort. ex Hook.f. – Kepulauan Nicobar, Thailand, Semenanjung Malaysia, Sumatera
  36. Pothos mirabilis Merr. – Sabah, Kalimantan Timur
  37. Pothos motleyanus Schott – Kalimantan
  38. Pothos oliganthus P.C.Boyce & A.Hay – Sarawak
  39. Pothos ovatifolius Engl. – Semenanjung Malaysia, Borneo, Sumatera, Filipina
  40. Pothos oxyphyllus Miq. – Borneo, Sumatera, Jawa
  41. Pothos papuanus Becc. ex Engl. – New Guinea, Kepuluan Solomon
  42. Pothos parvispadix Nicolson – Sri Lanka
  43. Pothos philippinensis Engl. – Filipina
  44. Pothos pilulifer Buchet ex P.C.Boyce – Yunnan, Guangxi, Vietnam
  45. Pothos polystachyus Engl. & K.Krause – Papua New Guinea
  46. Pothos remotiflorus Hook. – Sri Lanka
  47. Pothos repens (Lour.) Druce – Guangdong, Guangxi, Hainan, Yunnan, Laos, Vietnam
  48. Pothos salicifolius Ridl. ex Burkill & Holttum
  49. Pothos scandens L. – benua kecil India, Indochina, Malesia
  50. Pothos tener (Roxb.) Wall. – Maluku, Sulawesi, New Guinea, Kepulauan Solomon, Kepulauan Bismarck, Vanuatu
  51. Pothos thomsonianus Schott – selatan India
  52. Pothos touranensis Gagnep. – Vietnam
  53. Pothos versteegii Engl. – New Guinea
  54. Pothos volans P.C.Boyce & A.Hay – Brunei, Sarawak
  55. Pothos zippelii Schott – Maluku, New Guinea, Kepulauan Solomon, Kepulauan Bismarck

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  1. ^ "Pothos". International Plant Names Index (IPNI) (dalam bahasa Inggeris). Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew; Harvard University Herbaria & Libraries; Australian National Botanic Gardens.
  2. ^ Linnaeus, C. (1753) Species Plantarum 2:968.
  3. ^ Fitch (d. 1927) - Curtis's Botanical Magazine v.126 [ser.3:v.56] (1900)
  4. ^ a b "World Checklist of Selected Plant Families: Taman Botani Diraja, Kew".
  5. ^ Govaerts, R. & Frodin, D.G. (2002). World Checklist and Bibliography of Araceae (and Acoraceae): 1-560. The Board of Trustees of the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew.
  6. ^ Boyce, P.C. (2009). A review of Pothos L. (Araceae: Pothoideae: Pothoeae) for Thailand. Thai Forest Bulletin (Botany) 37: 15-26.