Perbincangan pengguna:PeaceSeekers/Arkib2

Kenapa artikel tentang syahjacker dilock?


Saya meminta agar rencana halaman syahjacker di buka kembali.dan bole dikosong kan..jika ada info atau penulisan yang tidak memenuhi syarat.. Zyrexone (bincang) 15:08, 16 Januari 2022 (UTC)Balas

Block request


Hi. Please block them. Thank you. --Victor Trevor (bincang) 11:10, 17 April 2022 (UTC)Balas

@PeaceSearcher , @Polar dan @Tofeiku Tulung padam artikel dan Kerajaan Ambawang, kerana Artikel akan diperbaharui--Habar Tapin (bincang) 12:07, 6 Mei 2022 (UTC)Balas



@PeaceSearcher , @Polar dan @Tofeiku Tulung padam artikel dan Kerajaan Ambawang, kerana Artikel akan diperbaharui--Habar Tapin (bincang) 19:46, 6 Mei 2022 (UTC)Balas

Pasal rencana politik Malaysia


Hai, PeaceSeekers. Saya cadangkan kalau boleh cari langkah beri kebenaran pengguna betul je boleh edit rencana politik Malaysia, takut-takut nanti masih ada orang gila sama macam Muhammad Alif Adha Bin Samad boleh serang lagi lain kali. - Seorang hamba Allah

Mohon untuk perlindungan rencana


Bolehkah awak melindungi rencana Wan Sharmila selama tak terbatas kerana ia sering diganggu berulang kali oleh IP awanama. Terima kasih.– 08:41, 9 Mei 2022 (UTC)Balas

Alamat IP Muhammad Alif Adha Bin Samad


Hai sekali lagi. Alamat IP yang bermula dengan 203.116.120.xx tu semua dari Muhammad Alif Adha Bin Samad Bin Osman di Perak. Sekat je budak tak ada pelajaran ni. Kalau nak terpaksa kunci rencana politik pun kena jugak.

Tolonglah ajarkan orang otak mereng macam dia ni. - Seorang hamba Allah.

IP Tanpa Nama serang lagi


Bolehkah anda menyekat IP ini, sebab masalah dia buat vandalisme, Sebelum ini dia disekat oleh meta-wiki atas sebab yang sama.

sebab dia serang page berikut ialah: {{Siri asli Nickelodeon dan Nicktoons}} , {{Disney Channel original series}}, {{Former Disney Channel original series}} & lain-lain...

Tolong bantu secepat mungkin!

AF1011 (bincang) 13:57, 12 Mei 2022 (UTC)Balas

Bantuan penyelia menamatkan vandalisme


"Edit war" berlaku di artikel Nabi Muhammad SAW. Salah seorang pengguna kerap mengubah semua perubahan yang dilakukan untuk memastikan keberkecualian artikel tersebut. Harap kamu boleh tolong selesaikan. 3skandar (bincang) 11:30, 27 Mei 2022 (UTC)Balas

dia membuat perubahan radikal tanpa konsensus, saya memberitahunya berkali-kali untuk mendapatkan konsensus di halaman perbincangan tetapi dia tidak pernah melakukannya Djjeie82 (bincang) 14:03, 27 Mei 2022 (UTC)Balas

@3skandar @Djjeie82 Sebarang perubahan drastik di laman-laman hangat seperti laman ini mesti dibawa ke laman perbincangan untuk mengelakkan kejutan kepada para pembaca dan perujuk yang ramai. Saya akan lindungi sebentar laman itu untuk memberi ruang kepada perbincangan. Saya juga akan bawa rakan-rakan saya untuk turut berbincang tentang peneutralan rencana ini.
Sekiranya perang suntingan terus berlaku tanpa konsensus lanjutan, sekatan akan dilakukan terhadap yang ingkar. Terima kasih. PEACE SΞΞKΞRS [Bincang] 15:08, 27 Mei 2022 (UTC)Balas
Terima kasih atas tindakan saudara/saudari. 3skandar (bincang) 06:31, 28 Mei 2022 (UTC)Balas
anda menyunting semula tanpa konsensus. anda “vandalising” artikel itu Djjeie82 (bincang) 11:24, 28 Mei 2022 (UTC)Balas
Perang suntingan masih dilakukan oleh Djjeie82 di artikel Nabi Muhammad SAW. Harap tindakan tegas dapat diambil. 3skandar (bincang) 16:00, 2 Jun 2022 (UTC)Balas
ya. tindakan drastik mesti diambil terhadap anda. anda merosakkan artikel. berhenti melakukannya. anda tidak pergi ke halaman perbincangan untuk konsensus. berhenti merosakkan artikel Djjeie82 (bincang) 19:52, 2 Jun 2022 (UTC)Balas

@PeaceSeekers Bukankah anda memberitahu kami untuk tidak mengedit artikel tanpa konsensus? lelaki ini ”vandalising” artikel tanpa konsensus. Vandalising artikel Rasulullah SAW.

Mohon sekatan akaun spam


Salam, mohon sekatkan akaun CyberTrooopers yang menyamar sebagai CyberTroopers dan kerap melakukan spam seperti Marsuki SeO. Terima kasih.

Ultron90 (bincang) 18:10, 31 Mei 2022 (UTC)Balas

Mohon maaf kebetulan nama kami sama, tidak bermaksud menyamar, demi Allah...
jika halaman pengguna saya sama saya akan perbaiki, Insya Allah saya akan berkontribusi dengan baik CyberTrooopers (bincang) 18:13, 31 Mei 2022 (UTC)Balas
Hello @PeaceSeekers! Please react to this spam issue. LTA even try to put semi-protected template on this page [1] Renvoy (bincang) 20:59, 31 Mei 2022 (UTC)Balas
@PeaceSeekers Terima kasih atas penyekatan tuan. Juga terjumpa satu lagi akaun, Zahiirulnukman yang menyamar sebagai Zahirulnukman. Harap dapat disekat juga supaya tiada laku musnah dilakukan. Ultron90 (bincang) 05:17, 1 Jun 2022 (UTC)Balas
Sudah disekat. PEACE SΞΞKΞRS [Bincang] 05:26, 1 Jun 2022 (UTC)Balas
Terima kasih! Nampaknya akaun/IP spam baharu muncul semula iaitu:
Masing-masing mengendalikan laman spam Marsuki SeO dan Marsuki SEo. Harap dapat disekat/dipadam supaya tidak boleh dicipta semula. Sekian Ultron90 (bincang) 08:48, 1 Jun 2022 (UTC)Balas
Maaf, ada tambahan akaun spam untuk disekat iaitu @Arrafahani yang telah mencipta laman spam Marsuki seO. Sekian Ultron90 (bincang) 10:29, 1 Jun 2022 (UTC)Balas
Salam. Jika tak keberatan, saya jumpa lagi akaun spam yang menyamar iaitu @PiecemeaIcranky (huruf L ialah huruf i) yang menyamar sbg Piecemealcranky. Boleh semak kandungan lamannya yang mempunyai rujukan ingin menyunting laman spam "Marsuki SEO" dan juga sejarah akaunnya yang masih baru dicipta. Suntingan: Terjumpa clone saudara juga, ini dia Pengguna:PeaceSeeekers. Terima kasih Ultron90 (bincang) 01:20, 4 Jun 2022 (UTC)Balas

Sedap mulut anda tuduh saya. Saya tidak ada masa nak spam atau buat artikel palsu dan lagi satu saya tidak pernah mengendalikan artikel yang bernama marsuki Nazran225 (bincang) 10:11, 3 Jun 2022 (UTC)Balas

Salam sejahtera. Maaf, mungkin saudara salah baca. Akaun yang saya laporkan itu bukan saudara punya. Akaun itu dieja Nazrran225 (ada dua R). Baru-baru ini banyak akaun baharu yang menyamar jadi pengguna lama untuk membuat spam atau laku musnah. Ultron90 (bincang) 10:19, 3 Jun 2022 (UTC)Balas

Terima kasih atas perkongsian ini. Kekeliruan ini berlaku gara-gara artikel yang baharu sahaja saya cipta berdasarkan Wikipedia English dihapus secara tiba-tiba dan ianya dikatakan spam padalah artikel itu sendiri sudah wujud di Wikipedia lain Nazran225 (bincang) 10:34, 3 Jun 2022 (UTC)Balas

Mohon untuk perlindungan rencana


Helo saudara Seekers, bolehkah saudara melindungi rencana "Dolla Make You Wanna" selama tak terbatas kerana ia telah berulang kali divandal oleh IP awanama. IP 151.188.xx.xx bukan IP Malaysia, ia IP dari United Kingdom. Tolong ambil tindakan sebelum keadaan menjadi parah.– 03:33, 3 Jun 2022 (UTC)Balas

Rencana sudah dilindungi. PEACE SΞΞKΞRS [Bincang] 10:55, 4 Jun 2022 (UTC)Balas

Tolong buang Pertempuran HYLT


Hello, Peace ialah artikel yang dicipta oleh spammer silang. Setiap kali seseorang cuba menandai artikel untuk pemadaman pantas Pertempuran HYLT, orang lain mengalih keluarnya. Sila padamkannya, terima kasih. Izzet sabrie (bincang) 04:35, 4 Jun 2022 (UTC)Balas

Sudah dipadam PEACE SΞΞKΞRS [Bincang] 10:21, 4 Jun 2022 (UTC)Balas

Tolong sekat dua IP 2401:3C00:18D:1D04:34DE:5A71:C514:E5DC dan 2401:3C00:18F:E4B0:34DE:5A71:C514:E5DC


Hi Peace Tolong sekat dua IP 2401:3C00:18D:1D04:34DE:5A71:C514:E5DC dan 2401:3C00:18F:E4B0:34DE:5A71:C514:E5DC akibat suntingan merosakkan dalam TV AlHijrah, Pada Zaman Dahulu dan Namanzee Harris apa yang terjadi letak TV AlHijraz. Terima kasih. Izzet sabrie (bincang) 14:17, 8 Jun 2022 (UTC)Balas

Saya cuba lindungi laman-laman itu buat sementara. Kalau mereka buat vandalisme di laman-laman lain, mereka akan diberi amaran dan tindakan lanjut. Terima kasih. PEACE SΞΞKΞRS [Bincang] 15:07, 8 Jun 2022 (UTC)Balas



Hi, kenapa delete laman tentang Shah Zanuriman tu? Tomok123 (bincang) 03:09, 9 Jun 2022 (UTC)Balas



Selamat malam! Mahu bertanya apakah nama @harian Resmi (b | s) ini nama yang boleh digunakan sebagai nama untuk log masuk/log in atau apakah nama ini dilarang dipakai untuk log masuk? عزمي١٩٩۵ 15:40, 12 Jun 2022 (UTC)Balas

Setakat sekarang, dia tak disekat pun. Patutnya boleh saja log masuk. PEACE SΞΞKΞRS [Bincang] 23:11, 12 Jun 2022 (UTC)Balas

H2P Studio Records


Assalamualaikum dan Salam Sejahtera, di harap artikel mengenai H2P Studio Records yang sudah berada diwikipedia lebih dari 10 Tahun dikembalikan semula. Keterangan ini boleh merosakkan artikel yang telah lama disahkan. Dato Hussin 02:10, 14 Jun 2022 (UTC)



Hi PeaceSeekers, sorry for writing in English. Could you block Khas:Sumbangan/ for link spamming? Thanks and best regards -- Johannnes89 (bincang) 07:33, 14 Jun 2022 (UTC)Balas

Khas:Sumbangan/2A03:EF42:7:D99:C5EF:2174:A69B:EB0D and Khas:Sumbangan/Refailmaus as well. -- Johannnes89 (bincang) 07:35, 14 Jun 2022 (UTC)Balas
Given that only one article is affected (MasterCard), I'll just protect the article temporarily for now. Further action will be done if the vandalism continues. Thanks! PEACE SΞΞKΞRS [Bincang] 09:42, 14 Jun 2022 (UTC)Balas

Permintaan sekatan


Mohon sekat pengguna ini kerana akaun ini cuma digunakan untuk promosi saja عزمي١٩٩۵ 09:55, 17 Jun 2022 (UTC)Balas

Pengguna yang punya hubungan


Mohon pantau juga @pengguna ini kerana halamannya disunting dalam kapasiti bita yg besar oleh @pengguna di atas
09:59, 17 Jun 2022 (UTC)

Sudah disekat kedua-duanya. PEACE SΞΞKΞRS [Bincang] 12:21, 17 Jun 2022 (UTC)Balas

Perlindungan rencana


Mohon bantuan saudara untuk melindungi rencana Jaafar Onn kerana ia telah berulang kali menerima vandalisme. Terima kasih. Anne4321 (bincang) 13:55, 23 Jun 2022 (UTC)Balas

Sudah dilindungi. Terima kasih PEACE SΞΞKΞRS [Bincang] 15:31, 23 Jun 2022 (UTC)Balas



Thanks for your reaction on the spam. I recommend to block IP-ranges that involve this spam and protect page from creation. Thanks. Renvoy (bincang) 08:26, 25 Jun 2022 (UTC)Balas

Block request


Hello, can you please take a look at what's going on at Special:PageHistory/Mat Kilau and block Dannydumb and Morbiosa? They appear to be vandalism-only accounts. Thanks. Fehufanga (bincang) 10:33, 28 Jun 2022 (UTC)Balas

My buddy, SNN95 had blocked them, and Mat Kilau's page are temporarily protected. Thanks! PEACE SΞΞKΞRS [Bincang] 12:08, 28 Jun 2022 (UTC)Balas



Hi! :) Can you please block MeruemXIllegal and Yuiyuk? Thanks! --Mtarch11 (bincang) 08:00, 4 Julai 2022 (UTC)Balas

I have blocked the accounts for now. PEACE SΞΞKΞRS [Bincang] 08:04, 4 Julai 2022 (UTC)Balas

Mohon perlindungan untuk rencana Yazmin Aziz


Bolehkah awak melindungi rencana Yazmin Aziz selama tidak terbatas daripada vandalisme berulang. 2001:E68:5425:70F0:85F0:8F7A:FFF0:24C0 06:57, 9 Julai 2022 (UTC)Balas

Sudah dilindung. PEACE SΞΞKΞRS [Bincang] 07:29, 9 Julai 2022 (UTC)Balas

Bolehkah Awak melindungi Alda Daulay


Bolehkah awak melindungi laman Alda Daulay 13:44, 18 Julai 2022 (UTC)Balas

Perihal rencana filem Mat Kilau


Assalamualaikum, PeaceSeekers.

Saya telah mengemaskini sebahagian besar maklumat untuk rencana filem Mat Kilau: Kebangkitan Pahlawan (termasuk menambah bahagian kontroversi dan kebarangkalian kesinambungannya). Ada lagi yang perlu ditambah termasuk reaksi oleh waris Mat Kilau, mungkin awak boleh muatkan bahagian ketepatan sejarah jika boleh. Terima kasih. Fandi89 (bincang) 13:05, 20 Julai 2022 (UTC)Balas

Sama-sama! Apa pun, saya berpelan untuk besarkan tulisan pasal plot Mat Kilau. Saya tengok apa yang boleh ditambah nanti. Terima kasih. PEACE SΞΞKΞRS [Bincang] 13:31, 20 Julai 2022 (UTC)Balas

The Original Barnstar for LOL (album Basshunter)

  The Original Barnstar
The Original Barnstar persented to PeaceSeekers in recognition of the LOL (album Basshunter) article

20 Julai 2022

Eurohunter (bincang) 18:49, 20 Julai 2022 (UTC)Balas

Unused files


Hi! Perhaps you can check some files from Special:UnusedFiles now and then and delete them if they have been replaced or add them to the article again if they were removed by vandalism? Most of the files are non-free or have bad source/author. --MGA73 (bincang) 18:27, 21 Julai 2022 (UTC)Balas

I'll check it when I have time. Thanks! PEACE SΞΞKΞRS [Bincang] 03:22, 22 Julai 2022 (UTC)Balas
Awesome. Thank you. --MGA73 (bincang) 17:24, 23 Julai 2022 (UTC)Balas

Thank you for deleting files. I'm trying to empty Kategori:Files without a license. Only a few left. I think most can be deleted :-) --MGA73 (bincang) 17:48, 28 Oktober 2022 (UTC)Balas

I cleaned up the category ... I also cleaned up the files in this one. PEACE SΞΞKΞRS [Bincang] 23:54, 28 Oktober 2022 (UTC)Balas
Great!!! I think Kategori:Files without a license can be deleted now. Perhaps you can also fix files in Kategori:Semua fail Wikipedia dengan nama yang sama di Wikimedia Commons and Kategori:Semua fail Wikipedia dengan nama berbeza di Wikimedia Commons when you have some time. --MGA73 (bincang) 11:20, 29 Oktober 2022 (UTC)Balas
I have cleaned the files ... anyway, is it better if we just keep the "Files without a license" category for maintenance purposes? At least we can translate it into Malay, right? PEACE SΞΞKΞRS [Bincang] 15:12, 29 Oktober 2022 (UTC)Balas
Thanks a lot. And sorry it took me so long to reply. I think that all files on mswiki have a license now and since there are no new uploads then I do not think we would need it. But feel free to translate any English categories to Malay. I think it would be great if categories are in Malay so everyone can understand them easily.
Perhaps you could check out the files in Kategori:Calon untuk penghapusan segera? I'm trying to clean up Khas:Imej_tak_digunakan. --MGA73 (bincang) 13:19, 2 Mac 2023 (UTC)Balas
I'll look on this. For now, I have deleted all files in the former category (Calon penghapusan segera). Keep 'em coming. PEACE SΞΞKΞRS [Bincang] 14:21, 2 Mac 2023 (UTC)Balas
Thank you! Pengguna:CyberTroopers have also deleted a lot of files :-) It looks like almost all files in Khas:Imej_tak_digunakan are non-free so I do not think we can move them to Commons. So guess its either use in article or delete. --MGA73 (bincang) 09:08, 4 Mac 2023 (UTC)Balas



Hello! Can you take a look into the FlagIOC template and see if you can do something regarding the historical flags and the years for them. In your language the year always stand after the tournament. I see it is listed wrong for the Asian Games, Southeast Asian Games, African Games, European Games etc. And also can you do something regarding the Infobox Country Olympics template and make it an infobox template with parameters and fields. It must be in your language and not badly translated. You can go into it deeply and check what is wrong with it. Yours sincerely, Sondre 15:07, 9 Ogos 2022 (UTC)Balas



Hello! Can you do something regarding the years in the FlagIOC2team template so they are listed in the correct order. In your language the year stands after the competitions and not in front of it as on English pages. See what you can do about that mistake. Yours sincerely, Sondre 15:17, 9 Ogos 2022 (UTC)Balas

I'd tried to do this on the last few days, but I can't see where I can change that in the modules used. So yeah, thanks for the heads up. PEACE SΞΞKΞRS [Bincang] 15:19, 9 Ogos 2022 (UTC)Balas
To be more precise. I think that they used some old country flag IOC alias templates and as such which are not in use on the English pages or so. And also country IOC alias or something. They use old templates which are not in use on the English page anymore. Can you check the English template and see what is in there.
Yours sincerely, Sondre 19:47, 9 Ogos 2022 (UTC)Balas

Sandbox for the Country alias and country alias/data modules


Hello! Can you add a sandbox for the Country alias and country alias/data modules. Then it would be much easier when the module contains. Yours sincerely, Sondre 21:24, 9 Ogos 2022 (UTC)Balas

I've done this: Modul:Country alias/kotak pasir and Modul:Country alias/data/kotak pasir. Thanks! PEACE SΞΞKΞRS [Bincang] 02:42, 10 Ogos 2022 (UTC)Balas

Templat:Infobox Country Olympics


Hello! Can you take a look into the Infobox Country Olympics template?. Can you make it in to an infobox with parameters and fields. This template was created many years ago. In 2008 or something in that matter. I think it would be better to have the template in your language if it can been translated locally. Yours sincerely, Sondre 12:48, 10 Ogos 2022 (UTC)Balas

Templat:Infobox Olympic Games


Hello! Can you translate the fields in the Infobox Olympic Games template to your language and also have a documentation template about how to use the template in a proper way. Yours sincerely, Sondre 12:51, 10 Ogos 2022 (UTC)Balas

Categories for World Cup and European Championship squads


Hello! Can you add categories for World Cup and European Championship squads that would have been great. Yours sincerely, Sondre 12:59, 10 Ogos 2022 (UTC)Balas

Categories for World Cup and European Championship squad navigational boxes


Hello! Can you add categories for squad navigational boxes for European Championship and FIFA World Cup squads that would have been great. Yours sincerely, Sondre 13:02, 10 Ogos 2022 (UTC)Balas

Documentation template for Infobox Country at games


Hello! Can you add a documentation page for the Infobox Country at games template so people know how to use it in a proper way. Yours sincerely, Sondre 13:03, 10 Ogos 2022 (UTC)Balas



Hello! Can you create a Lua module for FlagIOC which shows which flags were used at which Olympic Games and also add a sandbox template for it and a documentation too. Yours sincerely, Sondre 13:16, 10 Ogos 2022 (UTC)Balas

Participating NOCs at the Olympic Games


Hello! Can you add sections for Participating NOCs at the Olympics from 1920 until now and also full information regarding the competition in that period. Yours sincerely, Sondre 13:26, 10 Ogos 2022 (UTC)Balas



Hello! Can you take a look into the FlagIOC/FlagIOC2 templates and see if you fix the error regarding historical flags. Regarding flags for Olympic Games, Asian Games and so on and also the years so the year stands after the competition instead of in front of it. Yours sincerely, Sondre 14:48, 10 Ogos 2022 (UTC)Balas

Templat:Infobox Country Olympics


Hello! Can you change the Infobox Country Olympics to a infobox template with parameters and fields in your language?. This template was created in 2008 by Didie try to talk with him about this before you can go in to it more deeper. It is much easier to use an infobox template. See what you can do about that. Yours sincerely, Sondre 19:51, 10 Ogos 2022 (UTC)Balas

Sandboxes for the modules Infobox image, team appearances list and infobox


Hello! Can you add sandboxes for the modules Infobox Image, infobox and team appearances list. Yours sincerely, Sondre 15:14, 11 Ogos 2022 (UTC)Balas

Flag of IOC country codes


Hello! Is it possible for you to create with different flags for different IOC country codes like what they have on Spanish Wikipedia or something in that region. In there it should be different flags for different competitions. Such as Olympic Games, Asian Games, Southeast Asian Games, Pan American Games and so on. Also see on the Czech Wikipedia for the same template. And you can also have different Olympics in that template too both Summer and Winter Games. Yours sincerely, Sondre 12:42, 15 Ogos 2022 (UTC)Balas



meminta anda dan admin lain untuk sorokkan/sembunyikan log pemadaman ini dan log yang berkaitan dengan id:user:hysocc ataupun S*pt* *ndr***n* kerana doxxing seperti ini masih dapat terlihat oleh pengguna biasa seperti saya ini
ustad abu gosok (bincang) 01:53, 30 Ogos 2022 (UTC)Balas

Change a block


Sorry for writing in English but can you disable user talk page editing for a user you blocked? Tropicalkitty (bincang) 17:11, 31 Ogos 2022 (UTC)Balas

Templat:Infobox Country Olympics


Hello! Can you do something regarding the Infobox Country Olympics template?. It is much to have it as an infobox with parameters and fields. It was created many years ago by another user. The parameters should be in your language if it can be translated locally. Yours sincerely, Sondre 12:50, 1 September 2022 (UTC)Balas

Akaun ini patut disekat atau tidak?


Akaun Idkwhattosay2006 telah membuat beberapa suntingan tentang Orang Asli dan bahasa-bahasanya dengan menukar dan menjejaskan fakta. Saya telah membalikkan beberapa suntingannya tapi risau akan berterusan. Mohon tindakan saudara jika perlu. Terima kasih Ultron90 (bincang) 04:18, 7 September 2022 (UTC)Balas

Deletion requests


Hi, it seems there are a number of deletion requests: [2] Could you please take a look? Rschen7754 00:45, 3 Oktober 2022 (UTC)Balas

Permintaan sekatan


Bolehkah saudara menyekat IP 2001:E68:5409 kerana IP ini ialah pengguna boneka Anumengelamun. Dah kena sekat di, nampaknya dia aktif secara berawanama. 13:09, 19 Oktober 2022 (UTC)Balas



Hello! Can you block Special:Contribs/2402:1980:3A5:9009:0:0:0:1, please? Thanks, --Mtarch11 (bincang) 02:41, 20 Oktober 2022 (UTC)Balas

Thanks for your block. But it started again with Special:Contribs/2402:1980:2BD:B60D:0:0:0:1 You could maybe block Special:Contribs/2402:1980:2BD:B60D:0:0:0:1/39? Thanks in advance, --Mtarch11 (bincang) 04:19, 21 Oktober 2022 (UTC)Balas
I'd blocked the IP address for a while. Thanks for the intel. PEACE SΞΞKΞRS [Bincang] 06:48, 21 Oktober 2022 (UTC)Balas

You are invited to join/orginize Wikipedia Asain Month 2022 !

Wikipedia Asian Month 2022

Hi WAM organizers and participants!

Hope you are all doing well! Now is the time to sign up for Wikipedia Asian Month 2022, which will take place in this November.

For organizers:

Here are the basic guidance and regulations for organizers. Please remember to:

  1. use Wikipedia Asian Month 2022 Programs & Events Dashboard. , or else you and your participants’ will not be able to receive the prize from WAM team.
  2. Add your language projects and organizer list to the meta page 1 week before your campaign start date.
  3. Inform your community members WAM 2022 is coming!!!
  4. If you want WAM team to share your event information on Facebook / twitter, or you want to share your WAM experience/ achievements on our blog, feel free to send an email to

If you want to hold a thematic event that is related to WAM, a.k.a. WAM sub-contest. The process is the same as the language one.

For participants:

Here are the event regulations and Q&A information. Just join us! Let’s edit articles and win the prizes!

Here are some updates from WAM team:

  1. Based on the COVID-19 pandemic situation in different region, this year we still suggest all the Edit-a-thons are online, but you are more then welcome to organize local offline events.
  2. The international postal systems are not stable, WAM team have decided to send all the qualified participants/ organizers a digital Barnstars.

If you have any suggestions or thoughts, feel free to reach out the WAM team via emailing or discuss on the meta talk page. If it’s urgent, please contact the leader directly (

Hope you all have fun in Wikipedia Asian Month 2022

Sincerely yours,

Wikipedia Asian Month International Team 2022.10



Assalamualaikum , saya ingin membuat artikel mengenai seorang calon untuk pilihan raya umum 15, tetapi sudah banyak kali di hapuskan, saya ingin bertanya apakah maksud 'rencana tentang seorang yang benar yang tidak menunjukkan kepentingan subjeknya'. minta pencerahan. Apakah cara yang betul untuk menulis artikel mengenai seseorang Akifsulaiman94 (bincang) 05:45, 10 November 2022 (UTC)Balas

Kamu boleh lihat di sini untuk mengetahui cara untuk menulis rencana-rencana biografi. Secara ringkasnya, rencana kamu perlulah:
  • bersifat neutral, yakni tidak dilihat seolah-olah mempromosikan calon dan sebagainya;
  • perlu disertakan rujukan bagi (seelok-eloknya) semua data yang diperoleh;
  • ditulis dengan gaya yang betul.
Kewibawaan/Kepentingan subjek (yakni calon yang kamu tulis) adalah berdasarkan rujukan yang kamu beri; rujukan yang kamu beri perlulah menyeluruh dan berwibawa (yakni dari laman/tulisan yang dipercayai: portal berita, laman rasmi, buku dsb) agar dapat dikira layak. Kamu boleh lihat rencana ahli-ahli politik terkemuka sebagai rujukan cara untuk menulis rencana sebegini.
Apa pun, saya mohon maaf kalau saya bertindak agak tegas terhadap kamu; kami para penyelia telah tingkatkan pemantauan Wikipedia sepanjang musim PRU ini agar tidak disalahgunakan. Kalau ada apa-apa lagi soalan tentang penulisan rencana biografi, kamu boleh bertanya soalan kepada saya atau rakan saya, @Zahirulnukman, dia handal dalam hal-hal ini. Terima kasih, dan moga-moga ini dapat membantu. PEACE SΞΞKΞRS [Bincang] 09:58, 10 November 2022 (UTC)Balas

Nak tanya Surat Layang (bincang) 11:33, 19 November 2022 (UTC)Balas

Helo ... tak perlu minta bertanya; terus tanyakan soalan saja. Ada yang kamu ingin minta tolong? PEACE SΞΞKΞRS [Bincang] 11:47, 19 November 2022 (UTC)Balas

Untuk acara Bulan Asia 2022 tu,.. di manakah saya boleh hantar rencana saya... sebab pautan HANTAR RENCANA yang disediakan dalam laman Wikipedia tu adalah daripada tahun yang sebelum-sebelumnya (2019 gitu). Surat Layang (bincang) 14:27, 19 November 2022 (UTC)Balas

Hantar di sini ... nampaknya saya lupa nak kemaskini butang itu; minta maaf ya ... apapun, terima kasih! PEACE SΞΞKΞRS [Bincang] 14:37, 19 November 2022 (UTC)Balas

Tumpang tanya sekali lagi, ini kali pertama saya sertai acara ni.

Dalam laman pautan yang tuan/puan berikan tu, di mana pula saya perlu hantar/muat naik rencana khusus untuk acara ni? Surat Layang (bincang) 15:04, 19 November 2022 (UTC)Balas

Cuba awak cari butang/pautan Assign. PEACE SΞΞKΞRS [Bincang] 15:09, 19 November 2022 (UTC)Balas

Ok dah dapat, terima kasih. Surat Layang (bincang) 15:22, 19 November 2022 (UTC)Balas

Sama-sama :] PEACE SΞΞKΞRS [Bincang] 15:25, 19 November 2022 (UTC)Balas

permintaan padam


mohon maaf saya kirim anda pesan kerana, setelah saya lihat di khas:perubahan terkini, rupanya anda sedang berada dalam talian.

lewat pesan ini, saya minta padam laman demak bagi mempersiapkan pindahan demak, Indonesia kerana penamaan tajuk tersebut tidak pas dengan penamaan wiki: tanpa negara
الأستاذ أبو غاصاك (بينچڠ)
09:27, 27 November 2022 (UTC)

Sudah dipadam :] PEACE SΞΞKΞRS [Bincang] 09:39, 27 November 2022 (UTC)Balas

oh ya mohon padamkan juga laman Batu Pahat kerana saya mahu persiapkan pindah laman batu Pahat (bandar)
الأستاذ أبو غاصاك (بينچڠ)
10:14, 27 November 2022 (UTC)

Sudah dipadam juga PEACE SΞΞKΞRS [Bincang] 12:15, 27 November 2022 (UTC)Balas



Vandal Needs some intervention @CyberTroopers: Billinghurst (bincang) 10:08, 28 November 2022 (UTC)Balas

Category for FIFA World Cup squads


Hello! Can you add a category for squad navigational boxes at the FIFA World Cup?. And can you also squad navigational boxes for the 2022 FIFA World Cup. Yours sincerely, Sondre 15:53, 2 Disember 2022 (UTC)Balas

Information about the Olympics


Hello! Can you add further information about the Olympic Games from 1896 and since. Both medal tables, sports, competing NOCs, venues, bidding process and torch relays. It requires time and resources to do it and it must be prioritized. I will give you the time that you need to it and I won't rush you. SndrAndrss (bincang) 13:03, 11 Disember 2022 (UTC)Balas

Blocking request


Eight months later, hello! I hope you are fine and everything is OK for you. Can you block them? Thank you so much.

I wish you the best for the next year. Cheers! --Victor Trevor (bincang) 10:39, 14 Disember 2022 (UTC)Balas



Hi! On Pengguna:MGA73/Status I have a list of number of files in total and in some categories. But the number does not match and it has been bugging me for a long time. Today I think I found out what the problem could perhaps be. So if you could delete the files/file pages in Kategori:Laman tak diindekskan and Kategori:Semua fail Wikipedia dengan nama yang sama di Wikimedia Commons then it should hopefully match.

@MGA73: I've deleted the files in both categories, perhaps you can check now if your issues has been solved. PEACE SΞΞKΞRS [Bincang] 00:56, 18 Disember 2022 (UTC)Balas
Great! Problem is solved. Thanks a lot! There are now 978 free files and 18,566 non-free files and it gives a total of 19,544 files. The number of files should be 19,532 so there are 12 too many. That is because of Kategori:Files with a mix of free and non-free templates. Someone should check those files and delete them or fix the problem ;-) --MGA73 (bincang) 17:28, 18 Disember 2022 (UTC)Balas

Messages to Wikipedian Asian Month 2022 Organizers


Hello all Wikipedia Asian Month campaign organizors,

The last WAM campaign has ended yesterday. Thank you all so much for organizing and participating this year's Wikipedia Asian Month Campaign. Give yourself and all editors a big applaud!

While editors can take a break, the jury's work is just about to begin. Some WAM ended earlier, and has already finished the audit and review of all contributions. Just a reminder, this year, the rules has changed to whoever edit more than 3000 bytes with relaible sources can grant a barnstar (it doesn's has to be a newly created page). So make sure you include those editors, no matter with tool you are using for edit tracking.

We suggest January 20th to be the deadline for all campaign to finalize their list, and report the username of "Ambassador" (who has the most edit at your campaign) and a list of all eligible editors at the WAM 2022 Ambassadors page, List of eligible editors(page link) column.

Thank you! And wish you all a happy new year.

WAM International Team 2022

Block this user


Hi, im Fazily. Can you block this user user? because this user content removal at article. Thank you FazilyFN (bincang) 09:02, 21 Disember 2022 (UTC)Balas

Please block Special:Contribs/Salsaballz: Vandalism. Also please protect: Mat Kilau: Kebangkitan Pahlawan Tryvix1509 (bincang) 07:27, 25 Disember 2022 (UTC)Balas
Please re-protect Mat Kilau and block: Special:Contribs/Lavisher: Vandalism + Long-term abuse. Thanks! – Tryvix1509 (bincang) 11:29, 6 Januari 2023 (UTC)Balas
I've protected the article indefinitely. PEACE SΞΞKΞRS [Bincang] 14:41, 6 Januari 2023 (UTC)Balas
Again, but with Mat Kilau: Kebangkitan Pahlawan. Please block Special:Contribs/Akauntance. Tryvix1509 (bincang) 13:04, 8 Januari 2023 (UTC)Balas
Already protected. Notify me of any further complications, immediately if possible. Thanks! PEACE SΞΞKΞRS [Bincang] 08:32, 9 Januari 2023 (UTC)Balas

Invitation to organize Feminism and Folklore 2023

Please help translate to your language

Dear PeaceSeekers/Arkib2,

Christmas Greetings and a Happy New Year 2023,

You are humbly invited to organize the Feminism and Folklore 2023 writing competition from February 1, 2023, to March 31, 2023. This year, Feminism and Folklore will focus on feminism, women's issues, and gender-focused topics for the project, with a Wiki Loves Folklore gender gap focus and a folk culture theme on Wikipedia.

You can help Wikipedia's coverage of folklore from your area by writing or improving articles about things like folk festivals, folk dances, folk music, women and queer folklore figures, folk game athletes, women in mythology, women warriors in folklore, witches and witch hunting, fairy tales, and more. Users can help create new articles, expand or translate from a list of suggested articles.

Organisers are requested to work on the following action items to sign up their communities for the project:

  1. Create a page for the contest on the local wiki.
  2. Set up a fountain tool or dashboard.
  3. Create the local list and mention the timeline and local and international prizes.
  4. Request local admins for site notice.
  5. Link the local page and the fountain/dashboard link on the meta project page.

This year we would be supporting the community's financial aid for Internet and childcare support. This would be provided for the local team including their jury and coordinator team. This support is opt-in and non mandatory. Kindly fill in this Google form and mark a mail to with the subject line starting as [Stipend] Name or Username/Language. The last date to sign up for internet and childcare aid from our team is 20th of January 2023, We encourage the language coordinators to sign up their community on this link by the 25th of January 2023.

Learn more about the contest and prizes on our project page. Feel free to contact us on our meta talk page or by email us if you need any assistance.

We look forward to your immense coordination.

Thank you and Best wishes,

Feminism and Folklore 2023 International Team

Stay connected     

--MediaWiki message delivery (bincang) 10:11, 24 Disember 2022 (UTC)Balas

Sekat IP ini


Bolehkah saudara Peace sekat selama tak terbatas kerana melakukan kerosakan jangka panjang (LTA). Terima kasih. 2001:E68:5425:467A:919D:CA4D:7C79:D9ED 03:41, 27 Disember 2022 (UTC)Balas

Mohon perlindungan untuk Nad Zainal


Bolehkah saudara Peace melindungi rencana Nad Zainal selama tidak terbatas untuk mengelakkan vandalisme berterusan oleh IP awanama. Terima kasih. 2001:E68:5425:467A:919D:CA4D:7C79:D9ED 04:56, 27 Disember 2022 (UTC)Balas

Kembali ke laman pengguna "PeaceSeekers/Arkib2".