
Catatan: Selepas diterbitkan, anda mungkin perlu memintas cache pelayar web untuk melihat perubahan.

  • Firefox / Safari: Tahan Shift sambil klik Reload, atau tekan sama ada Ctrl-F5 atau Ctrl-R (⌘-R pada Mac)
  • Google Chrome: Tekan Ctrl-Shift-R (⌘-Shift-R pada Mac)
  • Edge: Tahan Ctrl sambil tekan Refresh, atau tekan Ctrl-F5.
/*jshint curly:false*/
/*global jQuery:false, mediaWiki:false, MwJSBot:false*/

( function( $, mw, undefined ) {
	'use strict';

	var modeNewFile;
	var i;
	var random = Math.round(Math.random() * 0x1000000000);
	var commonwWikiKey = "commonswiki" + random;
	var commonsWiki = {};
	var modules = [
		[ "ext.gadget.editDropdown", "ver1_svg", [], null, commonwWikiKey ],
		[ "ext.gadget.libAPI", "ver1_svg", [], null, commonwWikiKey ]

	function ucFirst( s ) {
		return s[ 0 ].toUpperCase() + s.slice( 1 );

	var _install = function() {

		var $reuploadLink = $( '#mw-imagepage-reupload-link' )
			.find( 'a' ),

		if ( $reuploadLink.length ) {
			$activationLinks = $( '<a>', {
					text: " (chunked upload)"
				} )
				.attr( {
					href: '#chunked upload'
				} )
				.insertAfter( $reuploadLink );

			$activationLinks = $activationLinks.add(
					'#chunked upload',
					"upload new version (chunked)",
					"Overwrite file with another one using chunked uploading" ) );
		} else if ( mw.config.get( 'wgCanonicalNamespace' ) === 'File' ) {
			var title, validTitle;
			try {
				title = mw.config.get( 'wgTitle' );
				validTitle = new mw.Title( title );

				validTitle = validTitle.getExtension().length && !/(?:\/|\#|\:)/.test( title );
			} catch ( ex ) {}
			if ( validTitle ) {
				$activationLinks = $( mw.libs.commons.ui.addEditLink(
					'#chunked upload',
					"upload (chunked)",
					"Create new file using chunked uploading" ) );
				modeNewFile = true;
		if ( $activationLinks ) $ window.bigChunkedUpload );
		if ( mw.util.getParamValue( 'chunkedupload' ) ) window.bigChunkedUpload();

	window.bigChunkedUpload = function( e ) {
		if ( e ) e.preventDefault();
		if ( null === mw.loader.getState( 'mediawiki.commons.MwJSBot' ) ) {
			mw.loader.implement( 'mediawiki.commons.MwJSBot', [
			], { /*no styles*/ }, { /*no messages*/ } );
		mw.loader.using( [
			'mediawiki.util' ], _bigChunkedUpload );

	var _bigChunkedUpload = function() {
		var instanceId = 'i' + Math.round( Math.random() * 1073741824 ),
			makeWikiLink = function( t, text ) {
				return $( '<a>' )
					.attr( {
						href: mw.util.getUrl( t ),
						target: '_blank',
						title: t
					} )
					.text( text || t );
			$dlg = $( '<div>' ),
			w = Math.min( $( window )
				.width(), 1200 ),
			$logInRequired = $( '<div class="ui-state-highlight" style="display:none; cursor:pointer">' )
			.text( "To continue uploading, please log in and click here after you did so. Script will try to resume. Error reported by server is: " )
			.appendTo( $dlg ),
			$progDiv = $( '<div>' )
			.appendTo( $dlg ),
			$progBar = $( '<div>' )
			.css( {
				width: '98%',
				padding: '2px'
			} )
			.progressbar( {
				value: 0
			} )
			.appendTo( $dlg ),
			$progConsole = $( '<div>' )
			.css( {
				'background': 'black',
				'color': 'white',
				'font-family': '\'Lucida Console\',Console,monospace',
				'overflow': 'auto',
				'width': '98%',
				'height': '200px',
				'border': '1px solid grey',
				'padding': '2px',
				'white-space': 'pre-wrap',
				'resize': 'both'
			} )
			.text( 'Hi, ' + mw.config.get( 'wgUserName' ) + '! Thank you for testing version 0.0.1 of ' )
			.append( makeWikiLink( 'User:Rillke/bigChunkedUpload.js' ), '.' )
			.appendTo( $dlg ),
			pad = function( digit, number, input ) {
				input += '';
				return new Array( Math.max( number + 1 - input.length, 1 ) )
					.join( digit ) + input;
			log = function( what, time, color ) {
				var $logline = $( '<div>' )
					.text( pad( '0', 5, time ) + ': ' + what );
				if ( color ) $logline.css( 'color', color );
				$lastLogLineEndSpan = $( '<span>' )
					.appendTo( $logline );
				$progConsole.append( $logline );
					.animate( {
						scrollTop: $progConsole.scrollTop() + $logline.position()
					}, 800 );
			logInlineProgress = function( what ) {
				if ( $lastLogLineEndSpan ) $lastLogLineEndSpan.text( what );
			$progTextDiv = $( '<div>' )
			.text( "Ready. Selecting a file will immediately start the upload." )
			.appendTo( $progDiv ),
			$options = $( '<fieldset>' )
			.appendTo( $dlg ),
			$optionsL = $( '<legend>' )
			.text( "Upload options" )
			.appendTo( $options ),
			$czWrap = $( '<div>' )
			.appendTo( $options ),
			$czl = $( '<label for="chunksize' + instanceId + '" style="display:block">' )
			.text( "Chunk size: " )
			.appendTo( $czWrap ),
			$czlz = $( '<span>' )
			.appendTo( $czl ),
			$cz = $( '<div id="chunksize' + instanceId + '">' )
			.css( {
				width: '98%'
			} )
			.slider( {
				max: 20480,
				min: 100,
				change: function( e, ui ) {
					$czlz.text( ui.value + ' KiB' );
				slide: function( e, ui ) {
					$czlz.text( ui.value + ' KiB' );
			} )
			.slider( 'option', 'value', 4096 )
			.appendTo( $czWrap ),
			$useStashWrap = $( '<div>' )
			.appendTo( $options ),
			$useStash = $( '<input type="checkbox" checked="checked" id="usestash' + instanceId + '" />' )
			.appendTo( $useStashWrap ),
			$useStashL = $( '<label for="usestash' + instanceId + '">' )
			.text( " use stash and async (recommended for large videos and photos)" )
			.appendTo( $useStashWrap ),
			$fnWrap = $( '<div>' )
			.appendTo( $options ),
			$fnl = $( '<label for="filename' + instanceId + '" style="display:block">' )
			.text( "File name: " )
			.appendTo( $fnWrap ),
			$fn = $( '<input type="text" style="width:98%" placeholder="File:Filename.ext" title="file name goes here" id="filename' + instanceId + '">' )
			.val( mw.config.get( 'wgPageName' ) )
			.appendTo( $fnWrap ),
			$sumWrap = $( '<div>' )
			.appendTo( $options ),
			$suml = $( '<label for="summary' + instanceId + '" style="display:block">' )
			.text( modeNewFile ? "File description" : "Summary or Reason: " )
			.appendTo( $sumWrap ),
			$sum = ( modeNewFile ? $( '<textarea style="width:98%; height: 7em;" placeholder="File description" title="file description goes here" id="summary' + instanceId + '">' )
				.appendTo( $sumWrap ) : $( '<input type="text" style="width:98%" placeholder="Reason/Summary" title="reason/summary go here" id="summary' + instanceId + '">' )
				.appendTo( $sumWrap ) ),
			$fsel = $( '<input type="file" id="files" name="file" style="width:98%">' )
			.appendTo( $options )
			.change( function( e ) {
				start = new Date();

				var lastdate,
					oldOnBeforeUnload = window.onbeforeunload,
					oldDocTitle = document.title,
					filename = ucFirst( $fn.val()
						.replace( /File:/, '' )
						.replace( /_/g, ' ' ) ),
					_blink = function( $node ) {
						if ( lastblink ) clearTimeout( lastblink );
						$node.addClass( 'ui-state-error' );
						setTimeout( function() {
							$node.removeClass( 'ui-state-error' );
						}, 1000 );
					_onLogInRequired = function( err, callWhenDone ) {
						var _onNodeClick = function() {
							$logInRequired.unbind( 'click', _onNodeClick )
						$logInRequired.find( 'span' )
						$logInRequired.append( $( '<span>' )
								.text( err ) )
							.click( _onNodeClick );
					_onUploadProgress = function( progressCalculated, date ) {
						if ( !lastdate ) lastdate = start;
						if ( ( date - lastdate ) < 200 && progressCalculated !== 1 ) return;
						lastdate = date;
						progressCalculated = Math.round( progressCalculated, 1 );
						logInlineProgress( ' Upload: ' + progressCalculated + '%' );
					_updateProgressBar = function( progressCalculated, date ) {
						if ( !lastdate ) lastdate = start;
						if ( ( date - lastdate ) < 200 && progressCalculated !== 100 ) return;
						$progBar.progressbar( 'option', 'value', progressCalculated );
						document.title = Math.round( progressCalculated ) + "% of " + filename + " uploaded  - Chunked upload - Wikimedia Commons";

				if ( !filename ) return _blink( $fn );

				var params = {
					maxChunkSize: $cz.slider( 'option', 'value' ) * 1024,
					retry: {
						serverError: 250
					title: $fn.val()
						.replace( /File:/, '' ),
					summary: '[[c:User:Rillke/bigChunkedUpload.js]]: ' + $sum.val(),
					useStash: $useStash.prop( 'checked' ),
					async: $useStash.prop( 'checked' ),
					passToAPI: {
						upload: {
							ignorewarnings: 1
						finish: {
							ignorewarnings: 1
					callbacks: {
						loginRequired: _onLogInRequired
				if ( modeNewFile ) {
					params.text = $sum.val();

				var $def = new MwJSBot()
					.chunkedUpload( params, this.files[ 0 ] )
					.progress( function( type, chunkinfo, txt ) {
						var cc = chunkinfo.currentchunk,
							idIsNumber = ( 'number' === typeof ),
							curIdPlus1 = idIsNumber ? ( + 1 ) :,
							curId = idIsNumber ? : 0,
							l = chunkinfo.length,
							progressCalculated = ( ( curId ) / l ) * 100 + ( cc.progress / l ),
							d = new Date(),
							ddiff = Math.round( ( d - start ) / 1000 ),
							prog = '',
							color = '';

						// second term respects progress of current chunk
						if ( idIsNumber ) _updateProgressBar( progressCalculated );

						// handle these often frequently occuring events differently
						if ( 'uploadstatus' === type ) {
							return _onUploadProgress( cc.progress, d );

						txt = txt || cc.progressText;
						prog += "Uploaded part " + curIdPlus1 + " of " + l + ";";
						prog += " Time elapsed: " + ddiff + "s ;";
						prog += " Status: " + txt;
						$progTextDiv.text( prog );
						switch ( type ) {
							case 'err':
							case 'stuck':
								color = '#E9D977';
						log( curIdPlus1 + '/' + l + '> ' + txt, ddiff, color );

					} )
					.done( function() {
						var txt = "DONE.",
							d = new Date(),
							ddiff = Math.round( ( d - start ) / 1000 );

						$progDiv.text( txt );
						log( txt, ddiff, '#77E9C7' );
						window.onbeforeunload = oldOnBeforeUnload;
						window.location.href = "/wiki/File:" + encodeURIComponent( $fn.val()
							.replace( /^File:/i, "" ) );
					} )
					.fail( function( txt ) {
						txt = "FAILED: " + txt;

						var d = new Date(),
							ddiff = Math.round( ( d - start ) / 1000 );

						$progDiv.text( txt );
						log( txt, ddiff, '#E977C7' );
						window.onbeforeunload = oldOnBeforeUnload;
						document.title = "FAILED! File upload failed - Chunked upload - Wikimedia Commons";
						setTimeout( function() {
							document.title = oldDocTitle;
						}, 10000 );
					} );

				$fn.add( $sum )
					.add( $fsel )
					.add( $useStash )
					.attr( 'disabled', 'disabled' );
				$cz.slider( 'option', 'disabled', true );

				// Prevent leaving the page accidentally
				window.onbeforeunload = function() {
					return "Upload seems to be still in progress. Do you really wish to quit?";
			} );

		$dlg.dialog( {
			'title': "Overwrite existing files using Chunked Upload protocol",
			//'height': $(window).height(),
			'width': w
		} );

		// Set focus to summary-field

	// Register globally
	if ( $.inArray( mw.config.get( 'wgDBname' ), [ 'commonswiki', 'commonsarchivewiki' ] ) < 0 ) {
		// mw.loader.addSource has a check for source key uniqueness
		// that if it fails, throws an error.
		// Since I am offering many scripts, I would like to be able to register
		// a source from multiple code positions. However the loader has no
		// accessors to its internally maintained list of sources. Therefore
		// ensure with high probabiltiy that every source key added is unique.
		commonsWiki[commonwWikiKey] = "//";
		mw.loader.addSource( commonsWiki );

		// Register Commons RL modules
		for (i = 0; i < modules.length; i++) {
			if (mw.loader.getState( modules[i][0] ) === null) {

	mw.loader.using( [ 'ext.gadget.editDropdown', 'mediawiki.util', 'mediawiki.Title' ], _install );

}( jQuery, mediaWiki ) );