Kepengiranan Trinidad

Kepengiranan Trinidad ialah sebuah negeri yang tidak diiktiraf berhayat pendek yang diisytiharkan pada tahun 1893[1]apabila warga Amerika James Harden-Hickey menuntut Pulau Trindade yang tidak berpenghuni di Atlantik Selatan. Dia mengisytiharkan dirinya James I, Pengiran Trinidad,[2][3] dan berhasrat agar pulau itu menjadi pemerintahan kediktatoran tentera di bawah pimpinannya.[2] Britain dan Brazil kemudiannya berbalah mengenai wilayah itu, dan ia kini menjadi sebahagian daripada negeri Espírito Santo di tenggara Brazil.[4][5][6][7][8][9][10]

Kepengiranan Trinidad
Principauté de Trinidad (dalam bahasa Perancis)
Principado de Trinidad (dalam bahasa Portugis)
Bendera Trinidad
Bendera Jata
Map of Trinidad from the book, The Cruise of the Alerte
Map of Trinidad from the book, The Cruise of the Alerte
StatusNegeri tidak diiktiraf
Bahasa yang umum digunakanInggeris, Perancis, Portugis
KerajaanMonarki isytihar diri
• 1893–1895
James I
• Didirikan
• Dibubarkan
Didahului oleh
Diganti oleh
Republik Brazil Pertama
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland
Republik Brazil Pertama


  1. ^ "To Be Prince of Trinidad: He Is Baron Harden-Hickey," New York Tribune, Nov 5, 1893, p 1
  2. ^ a b Bryk, William, News & Columns Diarkibkan 2006-04-30 di Wayback Machine, New York Press, v 15 no 50 (Dec 10, 2002)
  3. ^ "Principality of Trinidad: John H. Flagler's Son-in-Law Is Its Sovereign, Self-Proclaimed as James I," New York Times, June 10, 1894, p 23
  4. ^ "Mr. Hickey's Trinidad Invaded: Great Britain's Warship Barracouta Takes Possession of the Land While the Prince Is in California," New York Times, Jun 18, 1895, p 3
  5. ^ "Trinidad's Prince Awake: An Appeal to Washington Against Brazil and Great Britain," New York Times, Aug 1, 1895, p 1
  6. ^ "Grand Chancellor of Trinidad: Significant Phases in the Ascent of Male Comte de la Boissiere to His Elevated Diplomatic Post," New York Times, Aug 2, 1895, p 9
  7. ^ "Trinidad's Case in Washington: Courteously, the Chancellor Would Permit Britain's Cable Station and Use It, but There Is Graver Trouble," New York Times, Aug 7, 1895, p 1
  8. ^ "Trinidad's Diplomat in Action: M. de la Boissiere Asks that His Sovereign's Land Be Recognized as a Neutral Principality," New York Times, Aug 9, 1895, p 5
  9. ^ "Trinidad's Prince at Work: Grand Chancellor de la Boissiere Tells How the War Between Great Britain and Brazil Will Be Averted," New York Times, Jan 24, 1896, p 9
  10. ^ Flags of the World - Trindade and Martins Vaz Islands (Brazil)