Gentiana lutea (Great Yellow Gentian) ialah sejenis spesies gentiana yang asli yang boleh ditemui di kawasan pergunungan tengah dan selatan Eropah. Nama lainnya ialah 'Yellow Gentian', 'Bitter Root', 'Bitterwort', 'Centiyane', dan 'Genciana'.

Gentiana lutea
Pengelasan saintifik
(tanpa pangkat):
(tanpa pangkat):
(tanpa pangkat):
G. lutea
Nama binomial
Gentiana lutea



Gentiana lutea ialah sejenis tumbuhan saka herba, boleh tubuh setinggi 1-2 m, daunnya ialah daripada jenis lanseolat lebar hingga elips yang berkepanjangan 10-30 cm dan 4-12 cm. Bunganya berwarna kuning, dengan mahkota terbahagi kepada 5-7 kelopak. Tumbahan ini tumbuh subur di kawasan rerumput yang beriklim alp dan sub-alp, selalunya pada jenis tanah berkapur.


Gentiana lutea

It is remarkable for the intensely bitter properties residing in the root and every part of the herbage, hence they are valuable tonic medicines. The root is the principal vegetable bitter employed in medicine, though the roots of several other species are said to be equally efficacious. Before the introduction of hops, Gentian, with many other bitter herbs, was used occasionally in brewing. It is a principal ingredient in Angostura bitters.[1] Diarkibkan 2007-09-27 di Wayback Machine

The medicinal parts are the dried, underground parts of the plant and the fresh, above-ground parts. Its name derives from Gentius, King of Illyria (180-167 BC) who discovered the plant's healing value. It was used in the Middle Ages as an antidote to certain poisons.

Gentian root has a long history of use as a herbal bitter in the treatment of digestive disorders and is an ingredient of many proprietary medicines. It contains some of the most bitter compounds known and is used as a scientific basis for measuring bitterness.

Its blossoms are very similar to the Amnara Senczaina flowertips: a pale creamy, icy color and white/hazel tipped. They sometimes have red spots on the inner side, and plants with these are said to ease breathe if cooked and vapors are smelt. Error: tiada nama laman disertakan (help).

