Falsafah benua ialah istilah yang digunakan untuk menggambarkan beberapa ahli falsafah dan tradisi falsafah yang tidak berada di bawah payung falsafah analitik. Walau bagaimanapun, tiada konsensus akademik mengenai definisi falsafah benua. Sebelum abad kedua puluh, istilah "benua" digunakan secara meluas untuk merujuk kepada falsafah dari benua Eropah.[1][2] Penggunaan istilah yang berbeza berasal dari kalangan ahli falsafah berbahasa Inggeris pada separuh kedua abad ke-20, yang menggunakannya untuk merujuk kepada pelbagai pemikir dan tradisi di luar gerakan analitik.[3] Falsafah kontinental merangkumi idealisme Jerman, fenomenologi, eksistensialisme (dan pendahulunya, seperti pemikiran Kierkegaard dan Nietzsche), hermeneutik, strukturalisme, pascastrukturalisme, dekonstruksi, feminisme Perancis, teori psikoanalisis, dan juga teori kritikal Mazhab Frankfurt. sebagai cabang pandangan Freudian, Hegelian dan Marxis Barat.[4]


  1. ^ Leiter 2007: "As a first approximation, we might say that philosophy in Continental Europe in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries is best understood as a connected weave of traditions, some of which overlap, but no one of which dominates all the others."
  2. ^ Critchley, Simon (1998), "Introduction: what is continental philosophy?", dalam Critchley, Simon; Schroder, William (penyunting), A Companion to Continental Philosophy, Blackwell Companions to Philosophy, Malden, MA: Blackwell Publishing Ltd, m/s. 4.
  3. ^ Critchley 2001: "As such, Continental philosophy is an invention, or, more accurately, a projection of the Anglo-American academy onto a Continental Europe.."
  4. ^ The above list includes only those movements common to both lists compiled by Critchley 2001 and Glendinning 2006


  • Babich, Babette (2003). "On the Analytic-Continental Divide in Philosophy: Nietzsche's Lying Truth, Heidegger's Speaking Language, and Philosophy." In: C. G. Prado, ed., A House Divided: Comparing Analytic and Continental Philosophy. Amherst, NY: Prometheus/Humanity Books. m/s. 63–103.
  • Critchley, Simon (2001). Continental Philosophy: A Very Short Introduction. Oxford; New York: Oxford University Press. ISBN 978-0-19-285359-2.
  • Cutrofello, Andrew (2005). Continental Philosophy: A Contemporary Introduction. Routledge Contemporary Introductions to Philosophy. New York; Abingdon: Routledge Taylor & Francis Group.
  • Glendinning, Simon (2006). The idea of continental philosophy: a philosophical chronicle. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press Ltd.
  • Leiter, Brian; Rosen, Michael, penyunting (2007). The Oxford Handbook of Continental Philosophy. Oxford; New York: Oxford University Press.
  • Schrift, Alan D. (2010). The History of Continental Philosophy. Chicago; Illinois: University of Chicago Press Press.
  • Solomon, Robert C. (1988). Continental philosophy since 1750: the rise and fall of the self. Oxford; New York: Oxford University Press.
  • Kenny, Anthony (2007). A New History of Western Philosophy, Volume IV: Philosophy in the Modern World. New York: Oxford University Press.