Fail:Goedendag on chest of Kortrijk.jpg

Goedendag_on_chest_of_Kortrijk.jpg (800 × 275 piksel, saiz fail: 86 KB, jenis MIME: image/jpeg)

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Kist van Oxford

English: Goedendag on chest of Kortrijk – Flemish soldiers at the Battle of Courtrai (also known as the "Battle of the Golden Spurs"). Troops in the center of the column have the goedendag or plançon, a heavy club with an armour-piercing spike at the top. Pikemen are on either end, the pikeman to the left holding off a charging French knight with his long geldon spear. The more celebrated plançon-wielders are the great majority in this image, but in actual formations the pikemen armed with the geldon would have predominated.
Sumber [1]
Pengarang Unknown sculptor, Chest of Courtrai
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24 Mei 2007

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Tarikh/WaktuGambar kenitUkuranPenggunaKomen
semasa14:39, 8 September 2006Gambar kenit bagi versi pada 14:39, 8 September 2006800 × 275 (86 KB)Larry DunnFlemish soldiers at the Battle of the Golden Spurs, troops in the center of the column having the godendag, a heavy club with an armour piercing spike at the top.

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