Fail:Finnish air force roundel 1934-1945 border.svg

Fail asli (Fail SVG, ukuran dasar 601 × 601 piksel, saiz fail: 667 bytes)

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Keterangan Aircraft insignia of Finnish Air Force from the 20 of March 1934. According to the colour table in the book "Sotamaalaus, Suomen ilmavoimien historia 23" by Kalevi Keskinen and Kari Stenman (ISBN 951-98751-6-6), the right colour for the blue swastika is Federal Standard 595 FS15123. The colour of the swastika was defined by a order IV BA 2 issued by the FAF 20/03/1934. Order defined also the proportions of the insignia.
Sumber Suomen ilmailun pysyväismääräykset (SIA) (Finnish aviation rtanding rules) Order IV BA 2 "Sotilaslentokoneiden kansallisuusmerkki ja sen paikat lentokoneessa" (Military aircraft nationality mark and the place of the plane) from the 20 of March 1934.
Finnish VL Humu, Gloster Gamecock
Pengarang Hierakares, SVG-Version by Stanisław Skowron. Corrected by Kwasura. Thanks to Msaynevirta for providing this information.
(Penggunaan semula fail ini)
Public domain
This file is in the public domain in Finland because it is a part of a decision or a statement issued by a public authority or other public body in Finland and is not an independent work. Section 9 of the Finnish Copyright Act specifies that no copyright exists in such material. (Link to the Act)

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Public domain Saya selaku pemegang hak cipta karya ini melepaskan karya ini ke dalam domain awam di seluruh dunia.
Di sesetengah negara, undang-undangnya mungkin tidak mengizinkan; jika begitu:
Saya memberi sesiapa sahaja hak untuk menggunakan karya ini untuk apa jua tujuan, tanpa sebarang syarat, melainkan undang-undang menetapkan syarat-syarat sedemikian.
Non Nazi swastikas Legal disclaimer
This image of a swastika resembles the swastika that was used by the National Socialist (NSDAP/Nazi) government of Germany or an organization closely associated to it, or another party which has been banned by the Federal Constitutional Court of Germany.

The use of insignia similar to organizations that have been banned in Germany may also be illegal in Austria, Brazil, the Czech Republic, France, Hungary, Israel, Poland, Russia, Ukraine and other countries, depending on context. In Germany, the applicable law is paragraph 86a of the criminal code (StGB), in Poland – Art. 256 of the criminal code (Dz.U. 1997 nr 88 poz. 553). This ban, however, does not apply to swastikas that are of a religious nature, including ones used by Buddhism, Hinduism and Jainism.

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reproduction inaccurate. only accurate to standards of historic research beyond reason. meaning it overfits to satisfy the need for visually recognizable to the eyes of the non-militarily trained historian

Items portrayed in this file


20 Mac 1934

media type Inggeris


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Tarikh/WaktuGambar kenitUkuranPenggunaKomen
semasa18:07, 22 Disember 2020Gambar kenit bagi versi pada 18:07, 22 Disember 2020601 × 601 (667 bytes)FDRMRZUSASimplified structure. Added margin (0.5 pixels) around image. Optimized svg code with code cleanup and reduction. No other changes.
14:45, 13 Julai 2019Gambar kenit bagi versi pada 14:45, 13 Julai 2019600 × 600 (3 KB)FDRMRZUSAHigher svg resolution from same file (latest version). No other changes.
10:20, 3 November 2015Gambar kenit bagi versi pada 10:20, 3 November 2015360 × 360 (2 KB)Kwasuracorrect colour and proportions
11:33, 5 Disember 2011Gambar kenit bagi versi pada 11:33, 5 Disember 20112,134 × 2,134 (297 bytes)Sarangabsolutely identical image as 2011-02-25, just disgarbaged
19:03, 25 Februari 2011Gambar kenit bagi versi pada 19:03, 25 Februari 20112,134 × 2,134 (3 KB)Fry1989Reverted to version as of 22:10, 24 February 2011
11:46, 25 Februari 2011Gambar kenit bagi versi pada 11:46, 25 Februari 2011610 × 610 (1 KB)WPK~commonswikiPlease, look at
22:10, 24 Februari 2011Gambar kenit bagi versi pada 22:10, 24 Februari 20112,134 × 2,134 (3 KB)Fry1989Black border stands. The border is not part of the roundel, so should be a different colour from blue.
21:19, 24 Februari 2011Gambar kenit bagi versi pada 21:19, 24 Februari 2011610 × 610 (1 KB)WPK~commonswikiReverted to version as of 18:44, 24 February 2011
20:35, 24 Februari 2011Gambar kenit bagi versi pada 20:35, 24 Februari 20112,134 × 2,134 (3 KB)Fry1989fix
18:44, 24 Februari 2011Gambar kenit bagi versi pada 18:44, 24 Februari 2011610 × 610 (1 KB)WPK~commonswiki*
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