Fail:Claude Monet - Springtime - Walters 3711.jpg

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Claude Monet: Springtime  wikidata:Q7581196 reasonator:Q7581196
Claude Monet (1840–1926)  wikidata:Q296 s:en:Author:Claude Monet q:en:Claude Monet
Claude Monet
Nama lain
Oscar-Claude Monet
Keterangan Perancis pelukis dan seniman grafik
Tarikh kelahiran/kematian 14 November 1840 Sunting ini di Wikidata 5 Disember 1926 Sunting ini di Wikidata
Tempat kelahiran/kematian Paris Sunting ini di Wikidata Giverny Sunting ini di Wikidata
Tempoh kerja Impresionisme
era QS:P2348,Q40415
Tempat kerja
Kawalan kewibawaan
creator QS:P170,Q296
 Sunting ini di Wikidata
image of artwork listed in title parameter on this page
Springtime Sunting ini di Wikidata
title QS:P1476,en:"Springtime Sunting ini di Wikidata"
label QS:Len,"Springtime Sunting ini di Wikidata"
label QS:Lro,"Primăvara (pictură de Monet)"
label QS:Lja,"春"
label QS:Lfr,"Printemps"
label QS:Lht,"prentan"
label QS:Let,"Kevad"
label QS:Lml,"സ്പ്രിങ്ടൈം"
label QS:Lhy,"Գարուն (նկար, Մոնե)"
label QS:Lfa,"موسم بهار"
label QS:Lru,"Весна (картина Моне)"
Object type lukisan Sunting ini di Wikidata
English: Monet moved to Argenteuil, a suburban town on the right bank of the Seine River northwest of Paris, in late December 1871. Many of the types of scenes that he and the other Impressionists favored could be found in this small town, conveniently connected by rail to nearby Paris. In this painting, Monet was less interested in capturing a likeness than in studying how unblended dabs of color could suggest the effect of brilliant sunlight filtered through leaves. During the early 1870s, Monet frequently depicted views of his backyard garden that included his wife, Camille, and their son, Jean. However, when exhibited at the Second Impressionist Exhibition in 1876, this painting was titled more generically, "Woman Reading."
Tarikh 1872 Sunting ini di Wikidata
Bahan antara oil on canvas Sunting ini di Wikidata
Matra tinggi: 50 cm; lebar: 65.5 cm
dimensions QS:P2048,50U174728
dimensions QS:P2049,65.5U174728
; Framed H with build-up: 29 9/16 x W: 35 5/8 x D: 5 1/8 in. (75.09 x 90.49 x 13.02 cm)
institution QS:P195,Q210081
Nombor induk
Place of creation Paris Sunting ini di Wikidata
Sejarah objek
  • [Problematic history prior to when Henry Walters acquired painting]
  • [either] Sale [by artist], Hôtel Drouot, Paris, February 4, 1873, no. 55 [as Jeune femme assise]
  • Paul Durand-Ruel [by purchase]
  • [or] Sale [by artist] November, 1872
  • Paul Durand-Ruel [by purchase, and resold before 1877, as La femme en rose]
  • Hoschedé, Paris
  • [either] Hoschedé Sale, Hôtel Drouot, Paris, June 5-6, 1878, no. 54 [as Jeune femme assise dans un parc]
  • Lussac (?)
  • [or] Hoschedé Sale, 1881-1888 [50 francs] [as Femme assise dans l'herbe]
  • Paul Durand-Ruel
  • Mary Cassatt, 1889
  • Henry Walters, Baltimore, May 7, 1903, by purchase [George A. Lucas as agent]
  • 1931: bequeathed to Walters Art Museum by Henry Walters
Exhibition history
  • Exposition de la Société générale des arts — Durant-Ruel et Cie, Galerie Durand-Ruel, April 1876
  • Monet: a Retrospective, Artizon Museum, 11 Februari 1994–7 April 1994, Nagoya City Art Museum, 16 April 1994–12 Jun 1994, Hiroshima Museum of Art, 18 Jun 1994–31 Julai 1994
  • Claude Monet 1840-1926, Institut Seni Chicago, 22 Julai 1995–26 November 1995
  • Before Monet: Landscape Painting in France and Impressionist Masters: Highlights from The Walters Collection, The Walters Art Gallery, 1998
  • Monet: Late Paintings of Giverny from the Musee Marmottan. San Diego Museum Of Art, San Diego; Portland Art Museum, Portland; The Walters Art Gallery, Baltimore. 1998-1999.
  • Faces of Impressionism: Portraits from American Collections. Baltimore Museum of Art, Baltimore; The Museum of Fine Arts, Houston, Houston; The Cleveland Museum of Art, Cleveland. 1999-2000.
  • Monet-Rodin. Galerie Georges Petit, Paris. 1889.
  • Contrasts in Impressionism. Baltimore Museum of Art, Baltimore. 1942.
  • Themes and Variations in Painting and Sculpture. Baltimore Museum of Art, Baltimore. 1948.
  • Monet and the Beginnings of Impressionism. The Currier Gallery of Art, Manchester, Manchester. 1949.
  • Paintings by the Impressionists and Post Impressionists. Virginia Museum of Fine Arts, Richmond. 1950
  • From Ingres to Gauguin: French Nineteenth Century Paintings Owned in Maryland. Baltimore Museum of Art, Baltimore. 1951.
  • Inaugural Exhibition at the Fort Worth Art Center. Fort Worth Art Center, Fort Worth. 1954.
  • The Turn of the Century: Exhibition of Masterpieces, 1880-1920. Denver Art Museum, Denver. 1956.
  • Claude Monet. City Art Museum of Saint Louis, St. Louis; Minneapolis Institute of Arts, Minneapolis. 1957.
  • The Image Lost and Found. Metropolitan Boston Arts Center, Boston. 1960.
  • A Baltimorean in Paris: George A. Lucas, 1860-1909, The Walters Art Gallery, 1978
  • Hommage à Claude Monet (1840-1926). Galeries nationales du Grand Palais, Paris. 1980. Claude Monet - Auguste Rodin: Centenaire de l'Exposition de 1889. Musee Auguste Rodin, Paris. 1989-1990.
  • A Magnificent Age: Masterpieces from the Walters Art Museum, Walters Art Museum, 16 Jun 2002–25 Mei 2003, The Nelson-Atkins Museum of Art, 28 Jun 2003–2 September 2003, Mint Museum of Art
  • In Monet's Light: Theodore Robinson at Giverny. Baltimore Museum of Art, Baltimore; Phoenix Art Museum, Phoenix; Wadsworth Atheneum Museum of Art, Hartford. 2004-2005.
  • Claude Monet (1840-1926): A Tribute to Daniel Wildenstein and Katia Granoff. Wildenstein & Company, New York. 2007. 19th Century Masterpieces from the Walters Art Museum. Santa Barbara Museum of Art, Santa Barbara; Jack S. Blanton Museum of Art, Austin. 2010-2011.
Perakuan Acquired by Henry Walters, 1903
  • Tandatangan recto :
    Claude Monet Sunting ini di Wikidata
Sumber Walters Art Museum: Home page  Info about artwork
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  • 2011-08-22 00:19 Ksk2875 1799×1376× (3697615 bytes) {{Information |Description = Springtime |Source = |Date = 1872 |Author = Claude Monet |Permission = Work is more than 70 years old |other_versions = }}


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21:36, 21 Mac 2012Gambar kenit bagi versi pada 21:36, 21 Mac 20121,799 × 1,376 (3.53 MB)File Upload Bot (Kaldari)== {{int:filedesc}} == {{Walters Art Museum artwork |artist = {{Creator:Claude Monet}} |title = ''Springtime'' |description = {{en|Monet moved to Argenteuil, a suburban town on the right bank of the Seine River northwest of Pa...

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