(Dilencongkan daripada Ekumenisme)
Kesarwabangsaan atau ekumenisme (dari Bahasa Yunani Kuno: οἰκουμένη, oikoumene diterjemahkan kepada "semua bangsa"[1]) ialah gerakan Kristian yang mendokong perdamaian dan kesefahaman sesama banyak alirannya.[2][3][4]
sunting- ^ Matius 24:14 (Borneo, SABDA)
- ^ "What are Ecumenical Relations?". Ecumenical and Interreligious Affairs (dalam bahasa Inggeris). Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Chicago. Dicapai pada 24 September 2020.
Ecumenical relations, also known as ecumenism, are the effort to seek Christian unity by cultivating meaningful relationships and understanding by and between the many different Christian churches and Christian Communities.
- ^ Chitando, Ezra; Gunda, Masiiwa Ragies; Kügler, Joachim (30 October 2014). Multiplying in the Spirit: African Initiated Churches in Zimbabwe (dalam bahasa Inggeris). University of Bamberg Press. ISBN 978-3-86309-254-2.
Ecumenism "is a movement towards the recovery of the unity of all believers in Christ, transcending differences of creed, ritual and policy, as well as interdenominational cooperation" (Getui 1997:91).
- ^ Fitts, Leroy (1985). A History of Black Baptists (dalam bahasa Inggeris). Broadman Press. m/s. 314. ISBN 978-0-8054-6580-8.