Plot Naruto I

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Plot Naruto adalah kisah dari siri Naruto sepanjang 238 bab pertama dalam edisi manga dan kesemua 220 episod dalam edisi anime. Di dalam manga, sebelum plot bertukar ke Plot II yang kemudiannya dikenali sebagai Naruto: Shippūden, satu kisah bertajuk "Kakashi Gaiden" telah dipaparkan kepada para pembaca.

Babak Pengenalan


Babak Pengenalan adalah sebahagian babak dalam Plot I siri Naruto. Ia merangkumi bab 1 hingga 8 dalam siri manga dan episod 1 hingga 5 dalam siri anime. Watak utama siri ini diperkenalkan ketika babak ini bermula.

Ringkasan babak


Di Akademi Ninja, reputasi Naruto sebagai kanak-kanak nakal dan penggemar ramen menjadi tumpuan para guru dan pelatih-pelatih di akademi Ninja. Hanya dua ninja sahaja iaitu Iruka dan Hokage Ketiga yang memberikan reaksi positif kepada Naruto. Naruto pernah gagal menamatkan latihan di akademi sebanyak dua kali kerana dia gagal melakukan Teknik Klon dengan sempurna.

Seorang lagi pengajar di akademi; Mizuki, telah memperdayakan Naruto untuk mencuri "Skrol Rahsia", suatu skrol tersimpan di bilik Hokage yang penuh dengan jutsu-jutsu larangan dengan menyatakan kepada Naruto bahawa dia mampu lulus di dalam ujian dengan mudah sekiranya mempelajari teknik yang terdapat di dalam skrol tersebut. Hokage Ketiga kemudiannya sedar akan kehilangan skrol tersebut dan telah mengarahkan ramai ninja-ninja Konoha untuk mencarinya. Ketika pasukan pencari berkejar mencari Naruto, Iruka turut keluar bersendirian dan merupakan orang pertama yang berjaya bertemu dengan Naruto.

Naruto telah berlatih di dalam hutan sepanjang masa skrol tersebut berada di tangannya. Tanpa mengetahui apa yang dilakukannya, dia mengulangi semula kata-kata yang disampaikan oleh Mizuki kepada Iruka. Iruka menyedari apa yang dimahukan oleh Mizuki setelah dia dengan tiba-tiba telah memunculkan dirinya dan menyerang mereka berdua. Mizuki kemudiannya cuba membunuh Naruto dengan menggunakan shuriken terbang besar namun telah ditahan oleh Iruka dengan tubuhnya sendiri, menyelamatkan nyawa Naruto. Mizuki kemudiannya cuba memujuk Naruto agar menyerahkan skrol tersebut kepadanya sedangkan Iruka melarangnya berbuat sedemikian. Perbalahan mereka membuatkan Mizuki memberitahu Naruto bahawa dia sebenarnya adalah bekas kepada Musang Syaitan Berekor Sembilan yang telah memusnahkan Konoha dan membunuh ibubapa Iruka pada dua belas tahun yang lalu.

Mengetahui kenyataan itu, Naruto melarikan diri bersama skrol tersebut dan meninggalkan Iruka bersama Mizuki bertarung sesama sendiri. Naruto kemudiannya mengintai mereka dari jarak jauh dan mendapati kebenaran sebenar yang dimahukan oleh Mizuki dan kepercayaan yang ditunjukkan oleh Iruka kepadanya. Sejurus sebelum Mizuki berjaya membunuh Iruka, Naruto memunculkan diri dan menyerang Mizuki menggunakan teknik yang baru dipelajarinya iaitu Teknik Klon Bayangan Berganda. Kagum dengan kebolehan Naruto mempelajari suatu teknik yang sukar dalam masa yang singkat, Iruka membenarkan Naruto menamatkan latihan di akademi dan menjadi ninja Genin; secara tidak langsung memenuhi "janji kosong" yang diberikan oleh Mizuki kepada Naruto.

Latihan Genin


Untuk mendapatkan pengesahan secara rasmi menjadi ninja berpangkat Genin, pelatih akademi dikehendaki menjalani ujian penilaian di medan pertarungan oleh ninja Jōnin berpangkat tinggi yang kemudiannya akan menjadi ketua pasukan sekiranya mereka lulus. Pelatih diagihkan ke sebuah kumpulan kecil terdiri daripada tiga ninja Genin dan seorang guru dari ninja Jōnin.

Pasukan dipilih berdasarkan keseimbangan di antara skil dan keupayaan. Sebagai contoh, Naruto Uzumaki yang merupakan pelatih paling teruk di akademi telah disatukan dengan Sakura Haruno dan Sasuke Uchiha di dalam Pasukan 7. Sasuke merupakan pelatih yang lulus dari akademi dengan status pelatih paling cemerlang secara keseluruhan manakala Sakura pula pelatih yang lulus dalam kuiz dan ujian bertulis dengan paling cemerlang. Pada mulanya, keserasian mereka adalah sangat teruk: Naruto sangat meminati Sakura dan membenci Sasuke; Sakura pula meminati Sasuke tetapi membenci Naruto; manakala Sasuke pula membenci mereka berdua. Akan tetapi, nasib mereka begitu malang kerana guru Jōnin mereka iaitu Hatake Kakashi merupakan seorang ninja yang mementing semangat berpasukan mengatasi segala-galanya.

Ujian medan pertarungan oleh Kakashi merupakan yang paling tegas di antara ujian yang ada. Namun begitu, ujian tersebut sangatlah mudah namun sukar dilaksanakan; pada hakikatnya tidak ada kumpulan pun yang pernah lulus sejak dia menjadi Jōnin. Apa yang perlu dilakukan oleh ninja-ninja Genin tersebut adalah untuk merampas loceng kecil yang dipegang oleh Kakashi menggunakan apa cara sekali pun sebelum waktu tengahari. Selain daripada fakta tiga ninja Genin bertarung dengan ninja Jōnin (mudah bagi Jōnin menewaskan Genin), Kakashi hanya memiliki dua loceng sahaja di tangannya, ini bermakna seorang akan gagal dalam ujian tersebut. Selain itu, mereka juga telah terpedaya oleh nasihat Kakashi agar mereka dilarang mengambil sarapan pagi sebelum ujian bermula. Barang sesiapa yang dapat merampas loceng akan dibenarkan makan ketika rehat tengahari, manakala yang gagal akan dipaksa memerhatikan ninja yang berdua menikmati makanan. Tujuan utama ujian tersebut bukanlah untuk menguji kemampuan mereka, tetapi semata-mata mahu menguji kerjasama mereka.

Persembahan Pasukan 7 ketika ujian adalah sangat teruk. Naruto terpedaya oleh semua perangkap yang disediakan oleh Kakashi. Sakura pula tidak mahu menolong Naruto kerana dia lebih berminat untuk mengetahui keselamatan Sasuke sehinggakan dia diperdaya oleh Kakashi dengan teknik genjutsu Teknik Ilusi: Ilusi Neraka. Sasuke pula tidak berminat untuk membantu sama ada Naruto mahu pun Sasuke, malahan melakukan serangan secara bersendirian dan beranggapan bahawa mereka berdua hanya akan melambatkan tindakannya. Pada akhirnya, mereka bertiga gagal mendapatkan loceng tersebut.

Selepas kegagalan mereka, Kakashi telah mengkritik mereka bertiga kerana tidak mempunyai kerjasama. Kakashi turut menerangkan kepada mereka tujuan sebenar ujian tersebut dan membenarkan mereka makan sebelum memulakan ujian buat kali kedua. Naruto yang tertangkap ketika cuba mencuri makan makanan yang disediakan oleh Kakashi telah didenda dan diikat pada sebatang tiang kayu. Setelah pemergian Kakashi, Sasuke dan Sakura menyedari bahawa mereka memerlukan Naruto berada dalam keadaan terbaik untuk membolehkan mereka merampas loceng tersebut dan bercadang memberikan sedikit makanan mereka kepada Naruto tanpa pengetahuan Kakashi. Bagaimanapun, Kakashi kemudiannya memunculkan diri secara mengejut dan menonjolkan wajah yang bengis. Ketiga-tiga ninja Genin tersebut mengaku bahawa mereka merupakan satu kumpulan dan perlu bekerjasama. Mendengar apa yang dikatakan oleh mereka, perangai Kakashi pun mula berubah dan telah meluluskan mereka dalam ujian tersebut kerana mereka sudah memahami tujuan sebenar ujian tersebut dijalankan. Kakashi turut menyatakan mesej yang cuba disampaikan, bahawa: "Ninja mesti mematuhi peraturan dan janji mereka." Dia juga menambah dan menyatakan bahawa: "Di dalam dunia ninja, sesiapa yang tidak mematuhi peraturan dianggap sebagai orang yang tidak berguna, tetapi mereka meninggalkan rakan mereka adalah lebih teruk daripada orang yang tidak berguna."

Episod berkaitan

# Tajuk Episod Terbitan di Jepun


Enter: Naruto Uzumaki!

3 October 2002


My Name is Konohamaru!

10 October 2002


Sasuke and Sakura: Friends or Foes?

17 October 2002


Pass or Fail: Survival Test

24 October 2002


You Failed! Kakashi's Final Decision

31 October 2002

Babak Negara Ombak


Babak Negara Ombak, and spans from chapters 9 to 33 of the manga and episodes 6 to 19 of the Naruto anime. It is the first major arc of the series.

Ringkasan babak


While Genin are normally assigned D-Rank missions, Naruto insisted on doing something more exciting. The Third Hokage agreed to send them on a C-Rank mission to escort Tazuna, a master bridge-builder. During their mission, the team was attacked by two enemy Chūnin, something that did not usually happen on C-Rank missions, and Naruto froze in fear. Sasuke, however, dealt with the attackers quite efficiently, and rubbed it in Naruto's face afterwards by calling him a "scaredy-cat". After the attack, Naruto bled out the poison he received by stabbing his wound with a kunai. Afterwards, he swore upon his pain that he would never freeze up and leave his friends to fend for themselves again. Kakashi then told Naruto that, despite it being a very honorable action, if he lost any more blood then he would die. Naruto started to panic, but Kakashi told Naruto to let him take a look at it. Kakashi was about to treat the wound when he saw that it was already healing. Kakashi then theorized that this could be a power given to Naruto by the Nine-Tailed Fox. Tazuna then explained the real mission: the Land of Waves had been taken over by a shipping magnate called "Gatō", and the only way to revitalize the economy was by building a bridge to the mainland that could bypass Gatō's shipping monopoly. However, Gatō did not want that to happen, and used shinobi gangs to get what he wanted. Also, Tazuna did not have enough money to pay Konoha for a mission that would usually be A-Rank or S-Rank. Team 7 decided to support and protect the bridge-building efforts that had been thwarted thus far. Next, the team was challenged by Zabuza Momochi, who was one of the Seven Swordsman of the Mist from Kirigakure. Soon after the battle began, Kakashi was trapped in Zabuza's Water Prison Technique, and was therefore unable to continue fighting. Left to fend for himself, Naruto attempted to run away, but felt the pain in his left hand and remembered his earlier vow. In another defining point in Naruto and Team 7's development, Naruto conceived a plan with Sasuke to release Kakashi, with little apparent communication between the two, and executed it perfectly. Kakashi, free again, demonstrated the abilities of the Sharingan, defeating Zabuza with both physical and psychological attacks. Although Zabuza should have been killed by Kakashi, he was saved by Haku, who was so skilled with needles that he made it seem as though Zabuza had died, and posed as an assassin sent to kill Zabuza. Once they had reached the Land of Waves, Team 7 underwent chakra training. This became another point of rivalry between Naruto and Sasuke, as they constantly challenged themselves to try to outdo the other, but instead ended up helping and motivating each other to succeed. Meanwhile, in Tazuna's house, Tazuna explained about his grandson, Inari. Inari's father had died before he knew him, but he had met a travelling fisherman named Kaiza who had become a father figure for him. Kaiza taught Inari what it was like to become a man, trying to protect someone who was precious to him. Kaiza showed this to Inari when he tried to save the country from becoming flooded. When Gatō came in to take over the country, he had killed Kaiza, the country's hero, to break the spirit of the country. Ever since then, Inari had become a sad and angry boy, who had little optimism. He even derided Naruto for winning against Gatō's men, until he learned that Naruto had had to put up with the same sort of tragic past, but had finally learned how to deal with it. Eventually, Zabuza and Haku returned to make a do or die battle on the unfinished bridge, with some idea of how they should handle the Konoha ninjas. Back at Tazuna's house, Inari and his mother, Tsunami, were attacked by Gatō's men. That was when Inari followed the lesson Kaiza had taught him to protect his precious people. With the help of Naruto, Inari defeated Gatō's men. Back at the bridge, Haku revealed his Demonic Ice Mirrors jutsu, and completely overpowered Sasuke. Naruto joined the fight and, through his own ignorance and impulsiveness, got himself trapped in Haku's jutsu, and was immediately placed at Haku's mercy. During the course of the fight, Sasuke awakened his Sharingan, and saved Naruto by sacrificing himself. Naruto asked him why he had done it, to Sasuke simply replied, “How should I know? My body just moved by itself.”. But it was rather clear that he was ready to give his life up in order to save Naruto. Sasuke then appeared to die, with three needles in his neck. Meanwhile, Zabuza was focused on finding a way to kill Kakashi, despite his Sharingan. Naruto's "hidden power" was revealed after he believed Haku had killed Sasuke. Naruto lost control, and was consumed by the demon fox's chakra. Its power was so immense that the chakra was visible. All of Naruto's wounds healed near-instantaneously, and Naruto's appearance changed; his eyes became red and slitted like a fox, his "whiskers" deepened, his fingernails grew long like claws and his canine teeth became sharper. He completely overwhelmed his enemy with his new-found power and speed. With the demon fox power that Naruto used, he proved to be too powerful for Haku. Seeing that he was unable to help Zabuza, Haku asked Naruto to kill him. Naruto protested and initially refused, but then decided to honor his request. However, Haku then noticed that Zabuza was in danger from Kakashi, so he stopped Naruto's attack and ran away to save Zabuza. Zabuza was being dominated by Kakashi, who used a Summoning Technique to immobilize him using his tracking dogs. As Kakashi was about to stab Zabuza with his Lightning Blade, Haku realized that Zabuza was in mortal danger, and ran to save Zabuza by standing between Kakashi and him. Thus Kakashi stabbed Haku, Kakashi's hand completely impaling through Haku's heart. Everyone realized that Haku was dead. At first, Zabuza had no change in emotion, and praised Haku as a good tool. As the battle drew to an end, however, Gatō arrived with his gang of hired thugs. He told Zabuza that he had never intended to pay him, even if Zabuza had finished the mission. Gatō then kicked Haku's dead body. This infuriated Naruto as he wept for Haku's death, and told Zabuza that Haku had really cared about him, and that he would die for him (which he had done). Moved by Naruto’s words, Zabuza confessed that he had cared deeply about Haku, and he began to cry. With this realization, Zabuza asked Naruto if he could borrow one of his kunai. Naruto tossed one to him, and, with the memories of Haku fresh in his mind, Zabuza grabbed the kunai in his mouth (his arms broken by Kakashi’s dogs) and rushed to kill Gatō. Gatō ran behind his miniature army, but Zabuza rushed past all of them, killing many on the way, and eventually reached Gatō. The Demon of the Hidden Mist then decapitated him. Zabuza then stood still and was stabbed in the back by the remaining henchmen. After a brief moment, Sasuke woke up from the temporary-death state Haku had put him in. The shinobi gangs were then chased away by Naruto and Kakashi producing many shadow clones, and with the help of the villagers led by Inari, finally standing up for themselves. Zabuza's last request to Kakashi was to be laid next to Haku. After Naruto witnessed what had happened to Haku and Zabuza, he decided to become a ninja through his own way, and to defy the belief that ninja are merely tools of their villages. After the team departed, Tazuna decided to name the newly completed bridge the "Great Naruto Bridge".

Episod berkaitan

# Tajuk Episod Terbitan di Jepun


A Dangerous Mission! Journey to the Land of Waves!

17 November 2002


The Assassin of the Mist!

14 November 2002


The Oath of Pain

21 November 2002


Kakashi: Sharingan Warrior!

28 November 2002


The Forest of Chakra

5 December 2002


The Land Where a Hero Once Lived

12 December 2002


Battle on the Bridge! Zabuza Returns!

19 December 2002


Haku's Secret Jutsu: Crystal Ice Mirrors

26 December 2002


The Number One Hyperactive, Knucklehead Ninja Joins the Fight!

9 January 2003


Zero Visibility: The Sharingan Shatters

16 January 2003


The Broken Seal

23 January 2003


White Past: Hidden Ambition

30 January 2003


The Weapons Known as Shinobi

6 February 2003


The Demon in the Snow

13 February 2003

Babak Peperiksaan Chūnin


The Chūnin Exams arc is from Part I of the series, and spans from chapters 34 to 114 of the manga and episodes 20 to 67 of the Naruto anime. It introduces many of the secondary characters of the series, as well as the first major villain, Orochimaru.

Ringkasan babak


Team 7 returned to Konoha to continue with their lives as regular Genin. One day, whilst playing with Konohamaru, Udon, and Moegi, Naruto met two of the three Genin from Sunagakure, the Hidden Village in the Sand - Gaara, Kankurō, and Temari - and learned that they were in Konoha to participate in the Chūnin Selection Exams. Meanwhile, Kakashi, Asuma and Kurenai all volunteered their teams for the exam as well. Naruto was thrilled at the possibility of becoming a Chūnin.

Fasa pertama


The first part of the exam is written, but it is not a test of knowledge as much as a test of information-gathering and willpower. The first nine questions were supposed to be obtained by cheating, where the Genin must use any techniques to find out the correct answer without being caught. Naruto, who did not realize this, went into a traumatic state in which he felt that he would cause his entire team to be eliminated, as he did not know the answer to any of the questions. Sasuke realized that he, too, did not know the answers, but immediately activated his Sharingan to copy someone else's answers. Sakura, as a testament to her incredible intellect, answered all of the questions quickly (a feat which the examiner later said could not be accomplished at Genin level). The last question was a do or die question: don't answer and your entire team failed the Chūnin Exams, answer and get it wrong and you would stay a Genin forever. Naruto showed that he was not a quitter when he burst out that he didn't care if he stayed a Genin forever, he would still become Hokage. The Genin who stayed behind all passed the first part of the Chūnin Exams (including Naruto, who didn't answer a single question on the exam).

Fasa kedua


The second part of the exam is a survival exam in the The 44th Battle Training Zone, aka "The Forest of Death". During this part, Naruto found himself in a desperate situation against Orochimaru, an S-Class missing-nin from Konoha so powerful that the Third Hokage later mentioned that there was nobody in Konoha that could fight him equally. It turned out that Orochimaru used to be one of the Third Hokage's pupils, also known as the Sannin. Naruto and Sasuke's reactions to the situation were a complete reversal of what had happened in the Wave Country mission – Sasuke was frozen with fear while Naruto fought on fearlessly, at one point stopping Orochimaru's huge summoned snake in its tracks on his own (with the help of some demon fox chakra), and muttering to Sasuke, in a moment of glorious retribution that marked another milestone in their rivalry, "You're not hurt, are you ... scaredy-cat?" Naruto eventually snapped Sasuke out of his panic. However, Orochimaru used the Five Elements Seal on Naruto, disrupting the flow of the demon fox's chakra, as well as Naruto's own. However, Orochimaru was too much for Sasuke as well. In the end, Orochimaru put a Cursed Seal of Heaven onto Sasuke's neck, saying that Sasuke would eventually come to him for the power he needed to kill his brother, Itachi Uchiha. Orochimaru then left, sending his three Genin, Team Dosu from Otogakure, to go after Sasuke. While both Naruto and Sasuke were unconscious from the fight against Orochimaru, Sakura had to take care of them. It was there that Sakura's personality reached a turning point. As Kin Tsuchi of Team Dosu trapped her by roughly holding her by her hair, Sakura realized how pathetic her behavior was, always criticizing others, when she was the one who hadn't improved at all. She reflected on herself, thinking how she was always telling Naruto that she was better than him, when he had been the one who was consistently improving, and telling Sasuke she loved him when she couldn't even muster up enough strength to protect him as a teammate, before she symbolically freed herself by cutting off her long hair with a kunai, which she had initially kept long because Sasuke supposedly liked girls with long hair. She also had to fight against the Sound Genin, and resolved to no longer be dependent on her teammates. The three Sound Genin were pushed back, with the aid of Team 10 and Rock Lee, whose efforts seemed to be worthless before Neji Hyūga and Tenten showed up. Dosu Kinuta, the leader of Team Dosu, mentioned that Neji could "see through them", but before Neji could attack, an awakened Sasuke intervened. The Cursed Seal Sasuke now had started to take effect, as, in a state of insanity and murderous intent, Sasuke defeated Zaku Abumi of Team Dosu, going as far as to dislocate his shoulders for no other reason than to cause him pain. Before he could do any more damage to anyone else, however, Sakura hugged Sasuke, crying and begging him to stop, allowing Sasuke to regain control of the Seal. Dosu left with his teammates, wondering why Orochimaru had sent him to kill Sasuke if he knew Sasuke had the Cursed Seal. Team 7 still managed to make it past the second stage by defeating Oboro and his team with a little help from Kabuto, a fellow ninja from Konoha.

Pusingan kelayakan


Seven teams managed to pass, which was twice as many as had been expected. To cut down the prevailing Genin from the second exam, a preliminary round was staged before the third and final stage of the Chūnin Exam. The twenty-one people (twenty after Kabuto quit) were to be matched up with each other, in a fight that lasted until somebody gave in or was unable to continue fighting. The proctor of the third exam, Hayate Gekkō, did reserve the right to step in and stop the fight when he felt that there was a clear winner. Sakura at first attempted to tell the examiners that the Cursed Seal that Orochimaru had placed on Sasuke was seriously debilitating him, but Sasuke stopped her, and told her to mind her own business. At that point, Naruto stepped in to stand up for Sakura, but was swiftly silenced by Sasuke, who acknowledged Naruto by declaring that he was one of the people he wanted to fight. Later on, Naruto would return the sentiment. The first match up was Sasuke Uchiha against a member of Kabuto's team, Yoroi Akadō. Before the fight started, Kakashi warned Sasuke that, if his Curse Mark got out of control, he would have to intervene and stop the match to control the Mark, which barred Sasuke from using any jutsu at all just so he could fight. The match started with Yoroi stealing Sasuke's chakra through his hands. The match seemed hopeless for Sasuke, until he heard Naruto's taunts. Next to him was Rock Lee, which gave Sasuke an idea. He used Lion's Barrage, a copy of Rock Lee's Primary Lotus move, which had been captured by Sasuke's Sharingan. Yoroi was knocked unconscious, and Sasuke advanced to the next round. After the fight, Kakashi took him away to seal the Cursed Seal. Up next were Zaku Abumi and Shino Aburame. Zaku only had one arm he was able to move, but he bet that he could win. Down below, the Curse Mark was sealed by Kakashi, but then Orochimaru showed up for Sasuke. He said that all the Genin he currently had at his command were all disposable. As Kakashi readied his Chidori, Shino commanded a multitude of bugs to attack, leaving Zaku with a choice: to go for him or the bugs. Zaku then revealed he could use both arms, but it was too late. The bugs had blocked Zaku's chakra and had built it up in his arms, making them explode and thus ending the fight. Orochimaru left, saying that Sasuke would be his someday. The match with Misumi Tsurugi against Kankurō began. It seemed like Misumi would win, until it was revealed that the Kankurō Misumi was fighting was just a puppet. The real Kankurō was disguised, controlling the puppet with his chakra. He used the puppet to defeat Misumi. The fourth match, Sakura versus Ino, was particularly meaningful, as the two were rivals. The match dragged on for almost an hour before they hit each other at the exact same time, thus rendering each other unconscious. Hayate declared that neither of them would move on to the next round. The fifth match was Tenten against Temari. The match was over quickly, and Temari won easily. Rock Lee jumped down to avenge Temari's treatment of Tenten, but Might Guy stopped what would have turned into a fight. The sixth match of Shikamaru Nara against Kin Tsuchi of Team Dosu was next, with Shikamaru aware that he was at a disadvantage, since Kin had seen him use his jutsu in the Forest of Death without showing her own fighting style. Kin started by dodging the Shadow Possession Technique and firing needles with and without bells. She managed to divert his attention by ringing the bells with strings to mock him, then she struck him with silent needles. Shikamaru managed to get his shadow across to her using the strings to perform the jutsu. They both drew out shuriken and flung them at each other. When it came time for them to duck, Shikamaru ducked successfully, but Kin knocked her head against the wall and knocked herself out, which turned out to be the true nature of Shikamaru's battle strategy. Shikamaru emerged as the winner. Naruto was matched up with Kiba in the seventh match. The fight went poorly for Naruto at first, especially after Kiba's dog, Akamaru, joined the fight and transformed into Kiba for the Beast Human Clone jutsu. Naruto made a comeback by transforming into Kiba and tricked him by transforming into Akamaru before his transformation reversed, leading to Kiba attacking the other "Kiba", thinking that he was Naruto, which resulted in him knocking out Akamaru by mistake. Kiba then focused on attacking intensively to keep Naruto from counterattacking, until Naruto accidentally blew off, which stunned Kiba, whose sense of smell was magnified a thousand times at the time. Naruto then beat Kiba by using shadow clones to perform a new technique, Uzumaki Naruto Combo. The eighth match brought a family rivalry to the forefront, as Hinata and Neji battled. Kiba, being escorted away on a stretcher, urged Hinata to forfeit. Hinata, however, after being inspired by Naruto's courage, still wanted to fight to prove that she could be brave. They both fought in the Hyūga Gentle Fist style, enabling them to cut off each other's chakra flow. They both also had the Byakugan eyes; a trait which Kakashi said surpasses the Sharingan eye. With the Byakugan, Neji exploited Hinata's fears with the intention of killing her, and it was only by the exam proctor’s intervention that stopped him from doing that. Hinata's bravery still managed to inspire Naruto, as he vowed to battle and win against Neji in the third exam. The ninth match had Rock Lee against Gaara. Rock Lee used his remarkable taijutsu abilities, but barely managed to scratch Gaara. He then opened five of the inner chakra gates, the result being that Lee's strength was multiplied immensely for a short time, but also severely injured him. Gaara was beaten badly. Rock Lee used his Reverse Lotus technique to attempt to break through Gaara's sand armor, at the expense of great pain and injury to himself. When Gaara was falling, however, he dispersed his gourd into sand as a cushion to break his fall. Gaara used Sand Binding Coffin to crush Rock Lee's left arm and leg. Might Guy jumped down to defend Lee, regretting having taught Lee how to open the inner gates, after learning from the medical ninja that Lee could no longer be a ninja due to his intense injuries. Gaara won the match. The last match was Choji Akimichi versus Dosu Kinuta. Chōji was reluctant to battle, instead wanting to forfeit, but tried after being promised food by Asuma if he won. Chōji entered the battle with prior knowledge of Dosu's abilities, and quickly used Human Bullet Tank to hide his ears from the Sound ninja's attacks. Dosu managed to overcome this by transmitting his Vibrating Sound Drill through Chōji's flesh, quickly defeating him.

Pusingan akhir


After the preliminary match-ups, there was a one-month period in which the remaining Genin could prepare themselves. Various dignitaries were also invited to watch the main matches. During this month, Naruto met Jiraiya, another Sannin, for the first time. Jiraiya agreed to be his sensei, and was the one who taught him most of the advanced techniques he learned during that time. Under Jiraiya, Naruto improved his chakra control by practicing walking on water, learned how to call upon the demon fox's energy at will after Jiraiya used a counter seal to cancel Orochimaru's sealing technique, and how to use a summoning technique to call the giant toad, Gamabunta, to his aid, but was exhausted after completing his training, and Gamabunta carried him to the hospital. Also, during the month of training, Dosu who was trying to sneak up on, and kill Gaara was ripped to shreds by him. Hayate Gekkō (the third exam proctor) was murdered by Baki, the Jōnin of Gaara's squad, Team Baki, after he overheard Baki talking with Kabuto about their plans to invade Konoha. Gaara also attempted to assassinate Rock Lee in the hospital on the day before the finals, but was stopped by Naruto and Shikamaru. Gaara revealed his past, which led to Naruto realizing that they had similar histories of prejudice, before Guy stepped in and forced Gaara to leave. Naruto's fight with Neji a month later in the first match of the finals was a very dramatic one. During the fight, Neji lectured Naruto much as he had done with Hinata during the preliminaries, telling Naruto that dropouts remain dropouts and that this cannot change. Naruto eventually won the battle through a combination of the demon fox's power sealed within him and sheer belief in victory. In the process, he changed Neji's outlook on life, and inspired him to create his own fate, thus forming another important bond. Naruto was able to make Neji understand that destiny can be changed, and they became good friends from that point on. The second match, which featured Sasuke versus Gaara, was moved to be the last, as Sasuke hadn't shown up yet. Normally he would have been disqualified on the spot, but his match had been highly anticipated – in fact, some of the crowd commented they had mostly come just to see him fight, forcing the Third Hokage to give into the Kazekage's request to postpone the match. The third match, which featured Shino versus Kankurō, was given to Shino on default, since Kankurō forfeited to "keep his techniques a secret" before the invasion plan was launched. The fourth match was Temari versus Shikamaru. Both Temari and Shikamaru were excellent strategists, but Shikamaru was better. Although it appeared throughout the match that Shikamaru was using pointless attacks, he was actually five steps ahead, and managed to skillfully manipulate Temari into a position where he could attack from behind, using the tunnel which Naruto had dug during his match with Neji to stealthily extend his Shadow Imitation Technique. This took control over Temari's body, and forced her to imitate every one of Shikamaru's movements. Although Shikamaru could have won, he quit instead, saying that he was too low on chakra. His real reason for quitting, however, seems to be because he is incredibly lazy and saw no point in winning, which would only lead to having to fight in further matches. He also didn't want to hurt a girl. Gaara versus Sasuke came around again. This was the battle that the crowd had been looking forward to. Sasuke arrived late, but the waiting time was extended again because of the importance of the match. Sasuke demonstrated that his speed had vastly increased, to the point where the sand guarding Gaara could not keep up. Sasuke also demonstrated the Chidori, a technique he had learned from Kakashi, which also happened to be Kakashi's only original jutsu, to injure Gaara. Before the match could finish, however, a smoke bomb was set off in the Hokage's box. Kabuto, who was actually working for Orochimaru, used a Genjutsu to put almost everybody in the crowd to sleep, and the Invasion of Konoha commenced.

Episod berkaitan

# Tajuk Episod Terbitan di Jepun


A New Chapter Begins: The Chūnin Exam!

20 February 2003


Identify Yourself: Powerful New Rivals

27 February 2003


Chūnin Challenge: Rock Lee vs. Sasuke!

6 March 2003


Genin Takedown! All Nine Rookies Face Off!

13 March 2003


The Tenth Question: All or Nothing!

27 March 2003


Special Report: Live from the Forest of Death!

2 April 2003


The Chūnin Exam Stage 2: The Forest of Death

2 April 2003


Eat or be Eaten: Panic in the Forest

9 April 2003


Naruto's Counterattack: Never Give In!

16 April 2003


The Sharingan Revived: Dragon-Flame Jutsu!

23 April 2003


Bushy Brow's Pledge: Undying Love and Protection!

30 April 2003


Sakura Blossoms!

7 May 2003


Battle Formation: Ino-Shika-Cho!

14 May 2003


Akamaru Trembles: Gaara's Cruel Strength!

21 May 2003


The Scroll's Secret: No Peeking Allowed

28 May 2003


Clone vs. Clone: Mine are Better Than Yours!

4 June 2003


Surviving the Cut: The Rookie Nine Together Again!

11 June 2003


Narrowing the Field: Sudden Death Elimination!

18 June 2003


Bushy Brow's Jealousy - Barrage of Lions Unleashed!

2 July 2003


Kakashi and Orochimaru: Face-to-Face!

9 July 2003


Kunoichi Rumble: The Rivals Get Serious!

16 July 2003


The Ultimate Battle: Cha!

23 July 2003


Killer Kunoichi and a Shaky Shikamaru

30 July 2003


Akamaru Unleashed! Who's Top Dog Now?

6 August 2003


Surprise Attack! Naruto's Secret Weapon!

13 August 2003


Byakugan Battle: Hinata Grows Bold!

20 August 2003


A Failure Stands Tall!

27 August 2003


Gaara vs. Rock Lee: The Power of Youth Explodes!

3 September 2003


Lee's Hidden Strength: Forbidden Secret Jutsu!

10 September 2003


The Fifth Gate: A Splendid Ninja is Born

17 September 2003


A Shadow in Darkness: Danger Approaches Sasuke

24 September 2003


Ebisu Returns: Naruto's Toughest Training Yet!

1 October 2003


Long Time No See: Jiraiya Returns!

8 October 200


The Summoning Jutsu: Wisdom of the Toad Sage!

15 October 2003


A Feeling of Yearning, a Flower Full of Hope

22 October 2003


Live or Die: Risk it All to Win it All!

29 October 2003


He Flies! He Jumps! He Lurks! Chief Toad Appears!

5 November 2003


Hospital Besieged: The Evil Hand Revealed!

12 November 2003


The Final Rounds: Rush to the Battle Arena!

19 November 2003


Byakugan vs. Shadow Clone Jutsu!

26 November 2003


Ultimate Defense: Zero Blind Spot!

3 December 2003


A Failure's True Power

10 December 2003


Hit it or Quit it: The Final Rounds Get Complicated!

17 December 2003


Zero Motivation: The Guy with Cloud Envy!

24 December 2003


Dancing Leaf, Squirming Sand

31 December 2003


Bushy Brow's Jutsu: Sasuke Style!

14 January 2004


Late for the Show, but Ready to Go! The Ultimate Secret Technique is Born!

14 January 2005

Error: tiada nama laman disertakan (help).

Babak anime sahaja


In the anime, a number of additional episodes are added to the story to allow the manga a chance to get ahead. Some take place after the Search for Tsunade arc, but most occur after the Sasuke Retrieval arc.

In total, these additional episodes last for almost two years. All feature Naruto Uzumaki assisting members of the Konoha 11 with a mission. The "arcs" that last two or more episodes are listed below:

  • Episodes 102—-106: Naruto and Team 7 go to the Land of Tea to help Idate Morino win a race.
  • Episodes 136-—141: Naruto, Sakura, and Jiraiya, while investigating Orochimaru's whereabouts, encounters the Fūma clan.
  • Episodes 142—-147: Naruto helps Iruka catch the escaped convict, Mizuki.
  • Episodes 148—-151: Naruto and Team 8 look for the Bikochu Beetle in the hopes that it will lead them to Sasuke Uchiha.
  • Episodes 152—-157: Naruto and Team Guy deal with Raiga Kurosuki and his Kurosuki family.
  • Episodes 159—-160: Naruto, Kiba, and Hinata help Sazanami clear his name.
  • Episodes 162—-167: Naruto, Neji, and Tenten go to the Land of Birds to deal with a mysterious ghost.
  • Episodes 169—-173: Anko Mitarashi takes Naruto, Ino, and Shino to the Land of the Sea to find information on Orochimaru.
  • Episodes 175—-176: Naruto is again paired up with Kiba and Hinata in order to improve their teamwork.
  • Episodes 178—-183: Naruto and Team Guy go to Hoshigakure to help the villagers preserve their way of life.
  • Episodes 187—-191: Naruto, Hinata, and Chōji go to the Land of Vegetables to protect some peddlers from the Criminal Brothers.
  • Episodes 195—-196: Guy is forced to deal with Yagura's apparent attempts at revenge.
  • Episodes 197—-201: The Konoha 11 stop Gennō from destroying Konoha.
  • Episodes 203—-207: Kurenai temporarily leaves Team 8 to take care of some old business with Yakumo Kurama.
  • Episodes 209—-212: Naruto, Lee, and Sakura help transfer a member of the Shinobazu to prison.
  • Episodes 213—-215: Naruto helps Menma regain his memory.
  • Episodes 216—-220: The Konoha 11 go to Sunagakure to help rescue Matsuri from the Four Celestial Symbols Men.


Watak Babak Lokasi Terbunuh Pembunuh Punca Kematian


Land of Waves arc

Great Naruto Bridge

Kakashi Hatake

Lightning Blade


Land of Waves arc

Great Naruto Bridge

Zabuza Momochi


Zabuza Momochi

Land of Waves arc

Great Naruto Bridge

Gatō's Henchmen



Chūnin Exam arc





Chūnin Exam arc

44th Battle Training Zone


Sand Binding Coffin


Chūnin Exam arc

44th Battle Training Zone


Sand Binding Coffin


Chūnin Exam arc

44th Battle Training Zone


Sand Binding Coffin

Hayate Gekkō

Chūnin Exam arc



Blade of Wind

Dosu Kinuta

Chūnin Exam arc

Chūnin Exam Stadium


Sand Arm

Fourth Kazekage

Invasion of Konoha arc



Kusanagi Sword: Long Sword of the Heavens

Zaku Abumi

Invasion of Konoha arc



Summoning: Impure World Resurrection

Kin Tsuchi

Invasion of Konoha arc



Summoning: Impure World Resurrection

Hiruzen Sarutobi

Invasion of Konoha arc

Chūnin Exam Stadium


Dead Demon Consuming Seal


Sasuke Retrieval arc

Land of Fire

Chōji Akimichi

Butterfly Bullet Bombing


Sasuke Retrieval arc

Land of Fire

Neji Hyūga

Gentle Fist

Sakon and Ukon

Sasuke Retrieval arc

Land of Fire


Black Secret Technique Machine One Shot


Sasuke Retrieval arc

Land of Fire


Summoning: Quick Beheading Dance


Sasuke Retrieval arc

Land of Fire


Unknown Illness

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